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So let's assume something like $25k for first job. That would be $200k now after the 8x. Poverty line in SF right now is $82k, so depending on where you live, $200k isn't that much.

That means you weren't keeping up in the first place. 25k was not what one would consider a livable salary for SF in 2014

Absolutely insane to insinuate $200k isn't that much money.

Especially in places like Washington state, where the latest stats tell us you need an income of $150K to even consider buying a home (averaged across the state).

If you can't make it on $200K you have fundamental money management issues.

$200k in some cities is a lot of money

$200k in some cities is not a lot of money

$200k in some cities with 2 kids is really not a lot of money

$200k is not equal to $200k

“make it” is a loaded term. You’re unlikely to achieve a very strong retirement on that income in a lot of US states.

It depends on what you want out of retirement. If you are making 200k in a high cost of area, your home will be worth several million.

That's where the retirement money went. If you expect to be able to die without tapping the retirement account, you will have a problem. You need a reverse mortgage or to sell out and go back to renting.

You’re assuming you even could buy a home at $200k/yr. You can’t in several places - usually places where those $200k incomes are achievable.

I think that is over-stated. Much of it depends on the home people want, how long they will save, and commute distance acceptable. At 200k, it isnt that people can't buy a house, it is that they dont like what they can afford.

You cant afford a downtown penthouse/mansion on SF & NY with 200k, but you can absolutely buy a home in both locations.

Find me a decent home that you can actually buy in SF proper with $200k/yr.

That's about $28k in federal taxes.

I think a bit more — did you forget Medicare and Social Security too?

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