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I’m not sure I find this document to be a good example of careful and effective communication. Quite a few of those bullet points seem repetitive, and it feels more like someone flushed out their thoughts somewhat randomly, rather than trying to bring them into a clear and concise structure. I would personally prefer the main take-aways to be condensed into fewer points, each with some additional text for context and nuance. For a guide, I think I’d find that easier to grasp and memoize.

Repetition can have a place in reinforcing a message. It's one message for everyone, not a message per person.

It all boils down to “we don’t like talking” and im sure it’s a great place to work for some folks, but to me it sounds exhausting.

Agreed, it's even more irritating that the very first bullet point is grammatically wrong as well, further highlighting how poorly this whole "guide" has been communicated itself:

> You can not not communicate.

It's "cannot not".

You are wrong of course.

“Both cannot and can not are perfectly fine, but cannot is far more common” [1]

[1] https://www.merriam-webster.com/grammar/cannot-vs-can-not-is...

I’ll stand corrected. I’m not a native English speaker and when I saw “can not” it immediately reminded me of my school teacher in Europe who was very particular about these things and teaching us as wrong. Even as I typed my response now my iPhone tries to autocorrect it to cannot, so I genuinely thought it was wrong. TIL I guess.

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