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> Sariel’s critics, the report said, believe Unit 8200’s prioritisation of “addictive and exciting” technology over more old-fashioned intelligence methods had led to the disaster.

Do they also use Kubernetes and the latest frontend frameworks?

Deep in the bowels of Mt. Sinai, a clandestine IDF bunker guards a terrible secret: a giant useEffect() loop that controls all the murderbots, individually, by their hardcoded names. They didn't have the budget to research memoization yet, so it runs a bit slow, but it was fine on powerful enough hardware.

The ballistics were all calculated in WebGL, leading to a global GPU shortage the last few years. And sometimes they'd get the viewport size wrong, which is why there was collateral damage :(

Having learned their lesson, Israel's next AI project will stick with the tried and true and be written entirely in CSS instead.

Kubernetes is old and crusty technology at this point. It would be more like firing the senior developers to hire junior ones with a ChatGPT subscription and expecting big improvements in development speed.

Nope, they moved to serverless. They compromise random computers in basements and send small functions to process in a distributed manner. Since the data is so small, it's not possible to construct what they are doing.

SETI@HOME in Soviet Russia fashion. You process their data, even without knowing it.

The only thing you can do is to format your system to get rid of the backdoor (hopefully).

I didn’t know reformatting disabled intelME!

I hoped the person used a firewall and/or removed ME forcefully for the second round.

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