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I've also had several discussions in real life where people have told me that bidets are "gay", most recently by both my realtor and then my home inspector. The topic was prompted because the house I bought had a plug installed right next to each toilet in the house for bidet attachments.

Thanks, although (I didn't read every single comment but did read a lot of them) those just seem to be about people complaining about other people thinking they are gay, not somebody actually trying to defend that position. There is that one female who OPs a post about it, but I didn't see any actual argument from her other than "water in your ass is gay" but somehow not when it's in the shower? Anyway, you have convinced me that it is "a thing" but I'd (seriously) really love to understand why.

I hate making conclusions like this, but in this case it might just be this simple, that it is just a shallow emotional response to something unfamiliar that makes no logical/rational sense but is accepted by people who operate on emotion and don't make much use of the powerful Prefrontal Cortext that nature has gifted them, and happen to be from a cultural background that has weird superstitions about assholes :-)

Still though, if anybody knows anybody who feels this way who could explain it, I'd really love to hear a steelman defense.

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