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The US has a sadistic obsession with making bathrooms as punitive as possible.

Go around all 50 states. The worst retail bathrooms to the most wealthy corporate offices in the newest construction.

Every where you look:

1. Bathroom stalls with 3" gaps in the hinges so everyone can watch you pee and poop and wipe yourself.

2. If you're a man, consider yourself lucky to have a waist high divider between urinals.

You want a fancy gun that shoots water into your ass? Not going to fly here.

Imagining bidets in some of the public toilets I've seen over the years...

yeah no

ive seen gas station bathrooms where i really wanted to wash my feet after "2 steps in, 2 steps out, go pee on a tree".

On the other hand, they keep talking up "fecal transplants" as a health panacea; public bidets would probably achieves that. Get the "public health" people on it, there's probably grant money to be had, at least.

also, one ply toilet paper.


sandpaper feels better than that crap. low-grit, though.

how that can be considered toilet paper beats me.

it's especially punishing for women since they absolutely need the toilet paper to clean up.

Also, i don't understand men who cannot aim into a toilet bowl.

#1 infuriates me on a regular basis. Yet another data point on why I would rather WFH - I like my privacy when I am on the john.

I do not care at all if someone wants to use the bathroom for sex or drugs or whatever other pearl-clutching deviation is supposed to be deterred by the bathroom gaps,

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