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Bidet seats do not need a hot water line, but they do need a GFCI protected electrical outlet within 3' or so.

They have self contained water heaters, seat heaters, drying air heaters, and ozone based deodorizers. They pre-mist the bowl sides when your first sit down to help keep the bowl clean. It's a pretty magnificent device. It's 25% of the way through the 21'st century, and I may not have a flying car just yet, but at least I have a robot to care for my tushy.

Prior to installing bidet seats throughout the house, we had handheld bidets that were attached to the cold water line. It's really never immanentized a "religious experience" so far as I have noted, and while the heated one is certainly more pleasant, a cold water bidet seems to function pretty well for hundreds of millions of people around the world.

The cheap ($50 or so IIRC) bidet I have gets cold water from the toilet and hot water from the sink. No power hook-up. Has none of that other fancy stuff you mentioned.

Not exactly sure what you mean by "bidet seat" vs "handheld bidet" based on context, but mine goes under a regular seat (seat isn't replaced) with controls jutting out the side. I have also used what I'd call a handheld bidet during an extended water outage. It was a squeezy rubbery thing from Amazon, a bit like a cycling water bottle, and I'd fill it up with water from a jug or sink depending on where I was (was not "attached to the cold water line"), then it squirts out water from an angled plastic tip. I found I had to be a lot more efficient with that to get the job done on one fill, but it was certainly better than nothing.

Thinking on it more, maybe your handheld was like a pressure washer, totally separate from the toilet, and what I had in mind would be called "portable".

Have you met Americans? We are addicted to comfort. You will certainly get cleaner using a bidet but a jet a cold water spraying your rear end seems like it would be quite uncomfortable. Caveat, like most Americans I have not tried it.

It's really not that uncomfortable at all. Buy one on Amazon and try it, they're 20 bucks and take 5 minutes to install with no tools. That's less than one package of Costco toilet paper these days.

So far as I know, I've been an American for the ~50 decades I've been on this planet, and I'd say ~85% of the people I interact with on a day to day basis were born in America. I've observed that it is a common American trait to form strongly held views about things where one has no experience, and to defend those views fiercely. The Dude said it best.


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