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There's a reason this topic gets flagged off the front page relentlessly, and it has something to do with the fact that even a comment that begins with the sentiment "I largely agree with you" elicits a full-page response complete with citations to "isitgenocide.com" and the Wikipedia page for the Nakba. This isn't curious conversation; it isn't even conversation. Be introspective for a second: do you feel like you're trying to have a conversation with me?

> Be introspective for a second

Some see things like this [0] and chalk it off as cost of war or whatever, and are not outraged or worse justify it, but they can't demand the same of others.

> This isn't curious conversation; it isn't even conversation

Agree. Due to the conflict's very public nature, the narratives have deep-seated irreconcilable differences mixed with a good dose of racism/supremacism/moralism, while the moderate voices are the most feeble, because they're also outnumbered [1].

[0] https://twitter.com/ytirawi/status/1766912143444656544

[1] https://twitter.com/AdlerJoelle/status/1766974185094492610

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