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I still visit the site a lot for the Flexbox guide. Hey, it's sad that it went down but if I were Chris, I would have sold it too probably. That's the way it is in the economy of the internets: maintaining a community resource that is above and beyond typical SEO junk is hard work and DEFINITELY does not pay what it should, considering it's real value to the community. (It probably would if large tech companies did not exist.)

Especially considering it's entirely possible if not probable that the fruits of that hard work will then be stolen by some SEO junk peddler and passed as their own. And yes, you can do things about that, but it's a lot of unpaid work, if you need a lawyer it's expensive unpaid work, and etc. etc. etc.

I would've absolutely sold it too and tbh, people giving Chris shit about it would have too, even if they won't admit it.

I also use the site for the flexbox guide.

I think I might have to just paraphrase the parts I keep referencing on my own site and use that as reference instead, just in case.

Thankfully you can save it as an infographic: https://css-tricks.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/css-flexbo...

I still visit the site when a Google search sends me there, but otherwise I just read Chris' blog, since his posts were the only reason I ever went to css-tricks on a whim anyway.

> (It probably would if large tech companies did not exist.)

By what mechanism?

Simply put, large tech companies have the scale to make their own operation too efficient, and much more efficient than everyone else. If that efficiency did not exist, smaller organizations would be more valuable to consumers and smaller folk could grab a larger section of the pie.

I do too but it's outdated. As a trivial example there's `place-content` which is not mentioned (it's in the comments). So, it's not the "Complete Guide to Flexbox" (I've learned the hard way not to name things so pretentiously)

Lots of stuff on the site is out of date. Some is just flat out wrong with comment closed. Maybe that stuff will get fixed if it's taken up again but many of these issues existed before it was sold.

Another regular flexbox guide user checking in

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