Our official code is hosted by American Legal Publishing [1], but it's so bad that I decided to download a copy and try hosting my own.
After I was elected to our village council I started to notice the similarities between legal code and computer code – large amounts of plain text, formatting, and change management.
I ended up using Markdown with some special CSS styling, and the site is generated by Jekyll and hosted on GitHub Pages. BBEdit and regex was a huge help to whip it into shape.
You are welcome to use anything I've done [2]. I would love to see more people doing the same.
Our official code is hosted by American Legal Publishing [1], but it's so bad that I decided to download a copy and try hosting my own.
After I was elected to our village council I started to notice the similarities between legal code and computer code – large amounts of plain text, formatting, and change management.
I ended up using Markdown with some special CSS styling, and the site is generated by Jekyll and hosted on GitHub Pages. BBEdit and regex was a huge help to whip it into shape.
You are welcome to use anything I've done [2]. I would love to see more people doing the same.
[1] https://codelibrary.amlegal.com/codes/chagrinfalls/latest/ov...
[2] https://github.com/briandrum/codes.forchagrin.com