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FBI disrupts Chinese botnet by wiping malware from infected routers (justice.gov)
8 points by doakes 4 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

Like the ye olden days where one hacker breaks in to an already compromised system, patches the hole they used, kicks out any other 'unwanted' tenants, and installs their own personal backdoor so they get the resources and don't need to share.

Hopefully the government didn't do the latter steps.

We had white hat hackers patching as a public service before anti-hacking laws got so draconian. Had a Solaris 2.5 box patched by a do-gooder who didn't check his work because he also filled /tmp and his script failed to clean up after itself. It was a good reason to get a clue and switch to bsd.

Outstanding work. I wish they'd list affected models but they did name and shame Cisco.

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