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Burning seems silly when you could sequester the carbon by just sticking it in a landfill...

Thats worse. Lets say you have a tonne of plastic.

Option 1, burn it:

Plastic burned release energy roughly equivalent to fossil fuels. Therefore, burning it displaces an equal amount of fossil fuels.

Option 2: landfill it

You still fossil energy so you produce it, but producing it is very energy intensive.

Also you now have a landfill filled with a molecular sponge absorbing toxins, breaking up into microscopic pieces and releasing the toxins elsewhere.

> Dominic Hogg from Eunomia told BBC News: "When coal is phased out for generating electricity, incineration of unrecycled waste will be the most CO2-intensive form of generation.

> The environment minister Therese Coffey told the Commons: "In environmental terms, it is generally better to bury plastic than to burn it."


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