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There's a very safe way to recycle plastic. It's also the only way to effectively and universally recycle plastic.

Burn it for energy in place of another fossil fuel.

Burning seems silly when you could sequester the carbon by just sticking it in a landfill...

Thats worse. Lets say you have a tonne of plastic.

Option 1, burn it:

Plastic burned release energy roughly equivalent to fossil fuels. Therefore, burning it displaces an equal amount of fossil fuels.

Option 2: landfill it

You still fossil energy so you produce it, but producing it is very energy intensive.

Also you now have a landfill filled with a molecular sponge absorbing toxins, breaking up into microscopic pieces and releasing the toxins elsewhere.

> Dominic Hogg from Eunomia told BBC News: "When coal is phased out for generating electricity, incineration of unrecycled waste will be the most CO2-intensive form of generation.

> The environment minister Therese Coffey told the Commons: "In environmental terms, it is generally better to bury plastic than to burn it."


Or just bury it in a landfill.

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