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Why is everyone pretending like prompts don't have schemas? (autoblocks.ai)
11 points by nicolewhite 4 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 4 comments

Hey all, I'm Nicole. I've been working on the prompt management platform at Autoblocks and I'm looking forward to getting your thoughts on our approach.

We basically think that prompt management boils down to a schema management problem. How do you enable UI-based prompt development for non-technical team members while not sacrificing on developer experience? How do you allow updates from a UI while guaranteeing the changes won't break your currently-running application?

Our solution was heavily influenced by these excellent tools we already use in day to day development:

* Dopt's versioning flows: https://docs.dopt.com/platform/versioning-flows/

* PlanetScale's safe migrations: https://planetscale.com/docs/concepts/safe-migrations

* Prisma's autogenerated, type-safe ORM: https://www.prisma.io/docs/orm/prisma-client/setup-and-confi...

Thanks in advance for any feedback!

Cultural factors. When you try to get a group of stakeholders to develop a schema you find many people feel the same way about visiting the ontologist that they do to the orthodontist.

It takes a huge amount of patience to spend 1 1/2 hours working out the ontology of an application with a customer and then get called back right away because the customer felt uncomfortable because the rigorous and correct model you just made doesn't fit their intuition about the situation.

Really interesting! As someone non-technical working on an LLM based consumer app, getting this right has occupied a lot of our time!

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