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the original idea behind it was to not enrage china, as they wanted them to cooperate on fighting it and share info on the covid.

All partial-evidences and clues point to lab leak, including post covid coincidences that look like cover-up attempts.

But no definitive proof exists and china will never admit it. so whats the point?

No, no, no - if they could have pinned it fully on China, it would have been 24x7 on the news.

But the big problem was that funding for the Wuhan Institute of Virology came from the good old U.S. - from Dr Fauci-sponsored EcoHealth alliance. NIH awarded EcoHealth Alliance - who were contracted with the Wuhan Institute of Virology - three grants between 2014-2020 to especially study bat coronaviruses.

So, the original idea was to fully cover up the US sponsorship and there was a LOT of hush up and be silent around the matter. The U.S. does not want to be held responsible after all.


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