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Remember when telling people that covid escaped from a laboratory was considered Extremely Dangerous to Our Democracy and should be censored? And then youtube deleted every single video that posted that theory. I remember.

Maybe they deleted every single video you saw that posted that theory, but they didn't delete every single one I saw. Probably because the videos I saw actually included evidence and did not also in the same video offer bogus medical advice.

True. The problem with many people these days is that they think they are so smart and others so dumb that they take it upon themselves to be the saviors of the world by only giving the dumb unwashed masses the types of "truths" they are able to absorb.

All these people seeking to censor fall into this category.

I never saw the upside of so haphazardly pushing the lab-escape narrative. Even if it's true, this approach basically ensures we're not going to get the evidence, and simultaneously exposes the US, Asian Americans, and YouTube to risk and liability.

Can someone explain the upside to me?

I didn't know it was taken off YouTube.

And a personal level, I never said the lab leak theory was impossible. I simply figured it was a racist dog whistle because Fox News was the one parroting it. Furthermore, focusing on the "suspicious origin" of the "wuhan flu" while broadly ignoring public health advice diminished the credibility of those talking about it.

the original idea behind it was to not enrage china, as they wanted them to cooperate on fighting it and share info on the covid.

All partial-evidences and clues point to lab leak, including post covid coincidences that look like cover-up attempts.

But no definitive proof exists and china will never admit it. so whats the point?

No, no, no - if they could have pinned it fully on China, it would have been 24x7 on the news.

But the big problem was that funding for the Wuhan Institute of Virology came from the good old U.S. - from Dr Fauci-sponsored EcoHealth alliance. NIH awarded EcoHealth Alliance - who were contracted with the Wuhan Institute of Virology - three grants between 2014-2020 to especially study bat coronaviruses.

So, the original idea was to fully cover up the US sponsorship and there was a LOT of hush up and be silent around the matter. The U.S. does not want to be held responsible after all.


That never happened. Telling people covid escaped from a lab was never a threat to democracy, it was just considered to be baseless speculation. It was also frequently paired with accusation that it was deliberately released or engineered. As of today, we still have no proof it was a lab leak.

We won’t forget despite them wishing we would. Fact is the scientific community lost a lot of trust in the last few years they had worked hard to earn.

Yeah that’s my biggest issue here. Whatever FAANG wants to decide is the “truth du jour” is set as an unassailable position. To even discuss (and I’m sure there’s both reasonable and unreasonable views here) in a manner that violates the Sacred Truth (du jour) is labeled as dangerous.

It’s so wild to me that we’re here as a society.

"The only thing necessary for evil to triumph in the world is that good men do nothing"

Remember when that guy crashed his car, but was saved because he didn't buckle up, being tossed from the fiery wreck? I remember.

Don't wear your seat belts kids. /s

The lack of understanding and nuance in approaching topics like this is orders of magnitude more harmful than the mistakes that were made.

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