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Is the vote button an agree button? (tildes.net)
3 points by PaulHoule 4 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments

I can only speak of how I use the upvote here on HN, but when I upvote something, It's not usually to express that I agree with the comment I'm upvoting. What I'm actually saying is "I think this comment is worth reading" -- it may make an interesting point, explain something in a clear way, etc., any of which can be true even if I disagree with an assertion the commenter is making.

If I feel the need to express agreement (or disagreement), I am much more likely to do that through my own comment in reply.

From TFA:

"So, lately, I've been trying to explicitly vote up comments which have replies, especially ones which have several replies, but aren't voted as highly as their children or peers."

I think it's proper to upvote the parent comment if you upvote a child comment. After all, you wanted the child comment to be better seen.

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