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Exactly. It’s 100% up to the customer to pay the employee, **not** the employee’s employer.

Why don’t people understand that?

Because this is unique to America and (mostly) restaurant service?

And because it’s ridiculous. I want to eat, not figure out how much to pay your employees. Part of a business’ job is to abstract the business-y stuff away from me so I can just enjoy a meal.

Otherwise, if it’s a hassle, I’ll just cook more at home. I can cook just as well, I eat out for the experience and to not deal with hassles.


you pay the employer, the employer pays the employee, so if you don’t tip the employee but you do pay the employer, who are you hurting more?

In the short term, the employee. In the long term, as people leave due to lack of tip pay, service degrades and customers stop showing up due to the degrading service, the employer. Tipping as a requirement needs to go. Pay them a minimum wage because it shouldn’t be the customers problem. If a business owner cannot do that, the business should not exist.

so hurting the employee is just, as it hurts the employer eventually?

almost sounds like people are forced to go to these places.

I never said it’s just. Don’t put words into other peoples mouths if you intend to argue in good faith. If you want systemic change, then that is what I believe has to happen. Please provide a better idea

exactly what was already said, systemic change. don’t go where you don’t support, rather than half-ass it.

hopefully you can understand how, based upon having already explained that, it would be possible to make an assumption in good faith. since you didn’t seem to notice the first time, it would appear to be a passive rejection.

shall we continue? assuming you also wanted to discuss in good faith. who wanted to argue?

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