An amusing corollary: Let's be arrogant enough to assume that we are a central part of the simulation. Then everything beyond our solar system and the nearest stats is unreachable. No need for a full simulation - just provide some believable pics. Didn't get the pics quite right? Oops -> dark matter.
> I have predicted the exact range of expected frequencies of the resulting photons based on information physics. The experiment is highly achievable with our existing tools, and we have launched a crowdfunding site) to achieve it.
In the question prompt, the title have already assumed the premise that we are in a computer program. Therefore, it is impossible to prove oneself not being in a computer program under this premise. This is a logical paradox rather than a philosophical or technical issue.
I have postulated that information is in fact a fifth form of matter in the universe. I’ve even calculated the expected information content per elementary particle. These studies led to the publication, in 2022, of an experimental protocol to test these predictions. The experiment involves erasing the information contained inside elementary particles by letting them and their antiparticles (all particles have “anti” versions of themselves which are identical but have opposite charge) annihilate in a flash of energy – emitting “photons”, or light particles.
I have predicted the exact range of expected frequencies of the resulting photons based on information physics. The experiment is highly achievable with our existing tools, and we have launched a crowdfunding site) to achieve it.
Seems legit. But what do I know, I'm just an NPC. Welcome to my shop, Traveler. Care to buy a healing potion?