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freedude 6 months ago | hide | past | favorite

We should probably remember that he's the pandemic's wrongest man and take what he writes here with a grain of salt.


It’s the kind of “fake news” whose identifying characteristic is not that it is true or false or indeterminant but instead the emotional impact it has. This kind of “news” starts with a desired emotional effect and not with an event.

Bullshit site. Bullshit info.

"What accounted for this miraculous end to the plague of all plagues?

Not vaccines.

They were given in early 2021, a year before the tide rolled out, and even their backers concede they don’t work well against Omicron.

No, what happened was Omicron itself. It swept through the United States in the winter of 2022, the vaccinated and unvaccinated alike. Its mortality rates were overall much lower than the earlier variants - probably in the range of 0.05-0.1% - though its transmissibility meant that the winter of 2022 still saw a lot of deaths (particularly in older people, no matter that they were jabbed).

Ever since, various not-very-lethal Omicron strains have bounced around a population that has real (aka natural) immunity"


The numbers don't lie. Take a look at them for yourself. The chart on page 23 is what Insurance companies will base their policy rates on in the future. https://www.soa.org/49b504/globalassets/assets/files/resourc...

What I cannot get is that so many people can’t let go of the pandemic.

On the right there are a lot of people who want to have a revolution because mistakes were made. On the left there are people who have shaped their whol identity around having long covid or not getting covid.

My guess is 40 years from now you are still going to see people use the pandemic as an excuse for this or that. I hope I am wrong about that though. I was wrong about how long New York City was going to use Superstorm Sandy as an excuse for terrible cell phone coverage but with LTE coverage got better.

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