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[flagged] The growing list of companies pulling ads from X (msn.com)
36 points by MilnerRoute 6 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 8 comments

Honestly the most charitable interpretation for Musk here is that he didn’t even really read what he was responding to, and just interpreted it as a more vague commentary about liberals in general.

It’s…not a good look. The guy really needs to ease off the social media.


"Jews hate white people" is status quo?


He said it’s the absolute truth that “Jewish communities have been pushing the exact kind of dialectical hatred against whites that they claim to want people to stop using against them”


That's pretty dishonest. It's only an "unarguable fact" if you consider "X group does Y" to be true if any members of X do Y, in which case it's an "unarguable fact" that all races push hatred of all other races and we should encourage hatred of people based on race for that reason.

You can criticize organizations without lauding broadly hateful comments with no qualification on your praise, which is what Musk did. What happened isn't complicated or even particularly subjective, frankly, though the broader topic certainly is.

You can also engage in that broader topic without defending obvious shit-stirring specific examples/figures, like Musk. There are people making sound criticisms of e.g. Israel or the ADL. You can take their positions, instead of joining hands with a low-quality source of noise and trolling, like Musk and the guy he was praising.

The statement said "Jewish communities", not Jews. The ADL and Israeli government fall under those categories. This kind of response is just like the ADL, who attempt to smear anyone who criticizes their influence as an anti-semite.

You can also engage in that broader topic without defending obvious shit-stirring specific examples/figures, like Musk.

Sure, but when a topic that people don't want to discuss is brought up, people will spend eternity addressing the manner in which it is brought up to avoid addressing any of the concerns directly.

How is this even true? All members of a very vaguely and variably defined large group of humans have engaged in one specific behaviour, that to top it off is understood to bear responsibility very vaguely connected to the behaviour's laudable intent. ... If everything to you sounds like a dog whistle, then maybe you are a dog?

What is vague or variable about it? Groups that explicitly represent themselves as Jewish have promoted progressive ideas such as multiculturalism, and are being criticized for the consequences of those policies.

May I suggest a refresher in basic set theory? "Groups that represent themselves as X" isn't equal to X.

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