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Non-story; quote from a previous non-Paywall article:

> "We were testing endpoint control systems for LLMs and inadvertently turned them on for all employees," a spokesperson said. They added: "As we have said previously, we encourage employees and customers to use services like Bing Chat Enterprise and ChatGPT Enterprise that come with greater levels of privacy and security protections."

Keep in mind Microsoft themselves develop and sell endpoint control systems, including lists of "bad" sites to optionally block. Microsoft also dogfoods their own stuff. It isn't difficult to imagine how this occurred.

>... "bad" sites to optionally block

I wonder what criteria they employ to determine how "bad" a site is.

"Customers would like to block it". That list frequently includes Microsoft services that a customer doesn't pay for, and therefore wants to eliminate.

A lot of financial companies have an allowlist approach to their firewalls, so if it's not on the list it needs to be blocked.

What is considered "bad" is determined by the end-user (other companies, or organizations).

Here is what they already allow you to block:

- Adult Content/Gambling/"Tasteless"/Nudity/Violent

- High bandwidth: Video streaming, image sharing, P2P, etc

- "Legal liability": Inc. "hacking sites", hate groups, pirate software, illegal drug, school cheating, self-harm, et al

More information here[0]. You can enable at the parent or each child category. They'll likely add a new parent category for "AI" et al.

[0] https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-365/security/def...

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