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Northern New Jersey.

I think it was 125/night for someone to spend 12-16 hours a day in the house with my dogs. Technically under minimum wage (15/hour in NJ!) for full time care of all 3 dogs.

I think I paid reasonably but generously, I didn't have any interest in hiring the cheapest possible person.

Edited to add that I just checked wag (pet walking/sitting app) to see how much I "over" paid.

Wag charges 40-60/night depending on location; I assume North NJ and wanting a highly verified and qualified sitter and 3 weeks and me generally being absurdly picky) would put me easily at or above that range, plus, they charge 25/night/extra pet so I'm at 110/night with Wag.

Not that I think the average Wag walker is bad, but, I'm much happier paying a bit more for someone I know and trust.

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