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> The whole concept of drugging your dog just seems, frankly, abusive to me.

Perhaps inadvertently in many cases, but it’s incontrovertible to me.

Dogs are sentient creatures and plying any animal with drugs to get a desired result, especially if it’s completely under your control, denies them the moral and ethical alternatives they likely need to live functional and healthy lives.

I’m not criticizing dog owners who do this, though; I think the vast majority of them are in over their heads, made a huge mistake, and likely don’t have the resources to do better. It’s awful for everyone involved. I wish more people understood that dogs are complex creatures with diverse wants and needs, requiring a lot of thought and care on a frequent and ongoing basis.

>I wish more people understood that dogs are complex creatures with diverse wants and needs, requiring a lot thought and care on a frequent and ongoing basis.

I wish society in general actually taught people this before they got the idea of adopting a dog. Instead, society and the media pushes the idea on people and make it look like it's easy and fun.

It IS fun but it's not easy!

Honestly, there isn't a much I enjoy more in my life than my dogs. Family, Dogs, Work in that order.

Inadvertent? Yes, absolutely, the people who want to actually hurt animals are exceedingly rare.

People just get in over their heads and take bad advice on quick fixes.

I’ve got to say I completely agree, but this does raise questions about how people end up medicated like this. What do you think about them?

People are complex creatures needing a lot of thought and care, and we dump that either on self-care or untrained individuals.

I completely agree, especially when it comes to children.

I didn't want to be controversial and make the equivalency in my original comment.

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