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>"Oh why don't we do this in .NET" even when there are plenty of other solutions

That's an interesting idea for a metric: how many programming languages has Canada created relative to similarly sized countries?

Canada and Canadians are doing well here. You can start with Rust, PHP, and Java.

This is about Canada, not Canadians. Rust and Java were created in the USA down the road from each other in California, by people working for US companies.

Nobody is claiming there's some sort of genetic difference that causes different levels of entrepreneurship, it's clearly all cultural. Take the Canadian out of Canada, make them report to American bosses and clearly they can create popular new software, no different to Europeans or Indians or Chinese ... the differences therefore must be related to government policy and culture.

>it's clearly all cultural. Take the Canadian out of Canada, make them report to American bosses and clearly they can create popular new software, no different to Europeans or Indians or Chinese ... the differences therefore must be related to government policy and culture.

By default, most of the top-of-field Canadians work in the US because it's at least 50% more profitable (among other reasons).

I agree with the premise about culture generally but you can't attribute all of it to culture. A great deal can be attributed to money and "ecosystems" around certain industries.

Rust was originally created in Canada, but your point is taken.

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