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My dad worked at Galena AFB in Alaska during the Cold War. They had big problems with the runway icing up, and it was pretty much a 24 hour operation keeping the runway free of ice.

One person proposed coating the runway with linseed oil to keep the ice from forming. Desperate, the AF tried it.

It did keep the ice off. However, the first jet that rolled onto the runway and came to a stop, slowly but surely slid off the runway. Then they had an even more expensive operation to remove the oil.

Some traction is needed until the airplane is moving fast enough so the control surfaces work. Otherwise, off the side of the runway you go.

Of course, with a twin engine jet you could vary the engine thrust to keep the airplane straight, but there are big problems with that:

1. pilots aren't trained to do that

2. the engine response to changing throttle positions is pretty slow. Imagine trying drive a car when you turn the wheel, and ten seconds later the car starts to turn

3. the pilot is already very busy during takeoff

Hrm ... bow thrusters, like boats use ;-)

(I kid, I kid...)

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