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Bearish NFT report (TheGuardian, RollingStone) is confusing price and value (twitter.com/cryptostamphq)
1 point by cryptostamp 11 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 4 comments

The report by dappgambl (which incidentially is a crypto casino) has sparked international attention. The report has been cited by international media, and has been wrongly interpreted. The most obvious flaw is that they confused the fundamental difference of price and value.

See RollingStone https://www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-news/nfts-worth...

The Guardian https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2023/sep/22/nfts-wort...

A link to an X. News at 11.

People who have something to say blog.

Good point, I forgot that X has a paywall now

It's worse than that. You could see anything at all when you visit a page on X. Sometimes you see the X that was intended, sometimes you see a prompt asking you log in, sometimes you see an error message, sometimes you see some other X, sometimes you see a thread in forwards order, sometimes it is in backwards order, sometimes you see 1000 dittoheads screaming "SQUEE!"

Just don't do it. Don't advertise to the world that you like to eat doodoo burgers because somebody will try to feed you one.

For that matter, it isn't even good to link to something like that on Mastodon or Bluesky or Threads because that kind of post is decontextualized.

I haven't read that article, I don't care. If you actually want to communicate, as opposed to signal your membership in a tribe, it takes a lot more than 140 characters. Maybe you have something worthwhile to say about that article but for me to get anything out your post I'd have to take time out of my day to go read it.

People on HN really hate news about crypto positive or negative, YOShInOn usually says articles about crypto (even ones that I think are really substantial) have an 0.02 chance of frontpaging and our experience with what we post is consistent with that but that's because it never says anything has odds worse than that and we haven't submitted the thousands of thousands of articles that it would take to find out what the true odds are.

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