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[flagged] Flowers are starting to spread in Antarctica and experts say it's not good news (unilad.com)
41 points by myshpa 8 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 18 comments

This is mostly copied from a 2022 New Scientist article


Reminds me of the great Talking Heads song, "Nothing but flowers".


No one reading this article has any possibility of verifying this story. They could say they have found flying pigs, and we would have to accept the story.

I cant verify the earth is round, but I trust the information sources that claim so

I agree that enough sources is close to actual proof. How is it that USA, China, North Korea and Elon Musk are all flying to space, yet never even hinting that they "know" the Earth is actually flat? So, not only the evidence provided by those who know, but also the lack of evidence to the contrary from individuals and groups that are often more like enemies than co-conspirators.

But there is an Earthbound layman way to witness it for yourself, with your own eyes. For me, here in Toronto, I just have to go around Lake Ontario to Niagara Falls, and then look back across the lake toward the CN Tower.

You will see no sign of Toronto Island, nor the Skydome, nor the majority of midrises. But they are in fact, there. You know this because you saw them just 45 minutes before you arrived to Niagara Falls for this experiment.

A lot of it is just below the horizon: You can see about 1/2 of the CN Tower's height, and a good handful of the highrises, so you know it's not an illusion.

For that matter, from Toronto Island you can only see a couple of Niagara Falls' tallest structures peeking over the horizon. So the observation works both ways, although stronger when looking towards Toronto - Toronto is obviously a much taller city afterall!

How does one explain that without admitting you can literally see that the surface of the water is curved?

So it doesn't take a lot of effort to see Earth's curvature, even with minimal scientific tools. You don't even need binoculars to witness this one. Just a car and 45 minutes of your time.

All you need is a yardstick and a friend with another at a different latitude so you can measure at the same time (using an accurate clock or a video call). Alternatively, you could test in two locations at different times at local noon in each longitude (even works if you spread the measurements across years, as long as your dates are fairly comparable).

The ancients had an estimate (accuracy notwithstanding) for the diameter of the earth. It's not hard to suss out.

Easier to take a photo with the camera of your choice showing straight objects in frame. The vanishing point will be above the horizon. On a flat earth, the vanishing point would be on the horizon.

I'm not sure, with only brief consideration, that that's easier in practice, but it's a clever idea that I'll explore further.

The same ls true of almost any news story, mainstream media and(especially?) alternative media

That's right. Its almost true of any story. But you have a chance of verifying something. Occasionally a story will turn up on your doorstep - you should see if the story checks out with your personal experience.

However, its entirely true of stories in Antarctica. This is because all the nations of the world agreed that they should keep a whole continent pristine - with no one ever allowed free access. Incredible.

I don't know what exactly you mean. It's not impossible to go to antarctica. Theres someone that posts every couple of weeks here with their blog from antarctica... There are regular cruises. I myself have been working towards getting a job there

I cannot go to antarctica, and if I could I would only be allowed to go to the scientific/military bases. A cruise is not exploring antarctica.

OTOH, I can go to Canada - I could explore the forests there, travel up rivers, etc. Or, even try to over-winter there, if I wanted.

Whether that would be wise to try or not - I cannot even consider this for antarctica. It is out of bounds.

> The treaty set aside Antarctica as a scientific preserve and established freedom of scientific investigation and environmental protection.

In yet another triumph of doublethink, it says "freedom of scientific investigation and environmental protection" which means that people are not allowed there.

Movie plot point turned reality.

Unilad being posted on HN??

If the flowers were white, at least they didn't change Earth's albedo much.

The flowers are coming people, we are doomed! I asked myself this every time I read a headline about climate change: When will be that staunchest climate activist just get bored out of their fucking mind with climate alarmism 24/7.

If only people would care about a 100th as much about real toxins in the air, in the food and water supply ... but instead they treat what plants breathe as a toxin and obsess over it to an utterly insane level.

I really do not really give a fuck if this is true or not, but one thought I have is that plants also adapt and maybe, just MAYBE this species of flowers actually can grow in colder temperatures now, if its even true that they are measurable more.

"Experts say" has become such a meaningless phrase for me.

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