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Musk’s Twitter Takeover (wsj.com)
13 points by malshe 9 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 7 comments

The actual title is "The Real Story of Musk’s Twitter Takeover". HN automatically removed the first 4 words.

This seems a rather loaded telling to fit with recent dislike of the man, rather than any investigative, relevatory, or even catch-up on drama article. I'm no musk fan, but we have to be more objective if we want understanding or change.

Not to appeal to authority, but when has Walter Isaacson ever done a hatchet job?

When he wrote the Jobs biography.

That may be many things, but a hatchet job it ain't.

Knowing most of the stories in this bio (really very little new in this bio), and recognizing how the author editorialized them, and added his personal (often negative and I've noticed very ignorant) opinion to them, and the fact he has hours and hours and hours of interviews with Jobs and almost none of it is in the book, I'd say "hatchet job" would be apt. Intentional or not. It's a very poorly written book, rushed, and haphazard, and Jobs' wife, Tim Cook, Jony Ive, and other of his colleagues have spoken poorly of it.

They even released a free book few months ago to capture the "true essence" of Jobs. Preface by his wife. What does that tell you, are they happy with the official bio?

The book:


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