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The "phone ringing in your pocket at your wedding" cartoon resonated with me: Our daughter's wedding was during the covid lockdown and before any vaccines were available. She and our now-SIL cut the guest list to basically nobody except the wedding party and a very-few close family members — and they checked the box for the church staff to livestream the ceremony, as routinely happens for Sunday services. We knew our large extended family would be watching remotely.

We're at the church. Everyone is in place. Moments from now, my daughter and I will be walking down the aisle.

Suddenly one of my kid sisters calls. She says she's not getting anything on the livestream. I brush her off pretty abruptly, explaining that I wasn't in charge of that and I was, um, a little busy ....

The organist plays the processional hymn. My daughter and I walk together down the aisle. One of the nicest moments of my life.

As my daughter and I arrive at the altar rail, my phone rings again. The video recording shows me fumbling in my pocket to turn the [expletive] thing to "vibrate," which I'd simply forgotten to do.

Afterwards, I found out that yup, it was my sister calling again, this time to let me know that she could now see the livestream.

Otherwise the wedding was wonderful.

People wonder if we'll fear aliens, or ar least, be able to understand them.

Yet even those closest to us, seem alien at times.

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