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A Google Maps Car Got into a Police Chase, and We Want to See That Street View (thedrive.com)
11 points by RadixDLT 10 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 6 comments

There's no indication or reason this would be Google's fault. But the "it was a contractor" bit is still super lame, like it's a google emblazoned car, it's pretty clearly someone working for them, this emphasizing the contractual relationship cop-out seems dishonest to me.

Yeah it's BS on Google's part.

No, this person wasn't helping the company by speeding away from Law Enforcement.

Yes, Google is responsible for the overall quality of behavior of its crew, including vetting for stable people and not driving them crazy with work.

Google's workload might be a factor in drivers goin amok, or might not.

No, we don't know if Street View drivers are statistically better or worse than other professional or personal drivers.

All the headlines really enjoyed the ambiguity of this.

Is this the first 360 deg 4K panoramic police chase in the world?

I wonder what radio signals the streetview car picked up whilst it was happening. Were they monitoring the cop radios?

Is this a stealth attempt to collect data at speed for some self driving vehicle project? Its not like this could have happened any other way.

Did someone hack the vehicle controls?

Is this an attempt to get data for a new games engine, to rival Grand Theft Auto or Need for Speed?

Was the driver having childhood flash backs to the Dukes of Hazzard?

So the driver said he was scared to stop. Well if google employees/contractors/ are scared to stop, what does that say about US police practices.

I wonder if this idea of police brutality will spread to other countries, considering the dominance of US social media. When will the first UK police chase occur where the driver says they were scared to stop?

So many questions and a question of time.

>So the driver said he was scared to stop. Well if google employees/contractors/ are scared to stop, what does that say about US police practices.


At a minimum make cops have a 4 year education, like almost any other profession, make deescalation the main part you teach, fire any cop that has abused their power.

We give a lot of power to some people, they should have more responsibility.

> At a minimum make cops have a 4 year education,

What about on-the-job/in-career education? Does that count towards the total of a 4 year education.

It certainly exposes the mentality of those in charge, and how disposable they view certain forms of employment. And when looking at remembrance ceremony's and shrines, its interesting how little is required to placate and make some people feel good. Shiny metal, fancy colours, and an exclusive story.

Its almost feels like being treated like a pet, human style!

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