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With all the recent “the government has alien spacecraft news” and the bizarre circumstances of this material’s creation, the (I know to be ridiculous) conspiratorial part of my mind is going “I guess climate change is finally forcing them to take stuff out of the extraterrestrial vaults.”

I don't know, the material is a ceramic made of a powdered lead, copper, sulphur, phosphorus and oxygen heated up together. It's not some advanced meta material which if true it's amazing this was not discovered earlier but let's just hope it is.

This was intended as a joke, but since most raw materials in the universe are the same, extraterrestrials deriving novel combinations is just as, if not more likely, than meta materials etc.

... or Gödel was right and the universe spins and backward time travel is possible and they got permission to pull some future inventions out of the vault retrieved from future us ... in order to make sure we actually make it to future us ... which we should ... because the inventions are real ...

This one is fun too.

So they planted this with a Korean lab a few years ago?

Having known many conspiracy theorists... yeah. Given the US troop presence in Korea, they would say "absolutely," and they'd then adjust their tinfoil hats.

The namesake of LK-99 is the year it was first synthesized - 1999.

I mean we do have a defense pact with South Korea... There are worse places to establish parallel discovery.

Plausible enough for science fiction at least.

Please see “I know to be ridiculous” in my comment. This was intended as a joke.

One interesting aspect here is that the materials processing is comparatively simple. A real industrial process might require much higher precision. But none of this needs aliens. Based on descriptions of the process, it looks like anyone could try to replicate.

I want to believe.

the government didn't have news, someone that worked for it said they heard someone else say something

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