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$44B and eight months later. It’s finally all over for Elon Musk (independent.co.uk)
6 points by Zigurd on July 12, 2023 | hide | past | favorite | 1 comment

Elon Musk has done the impossible. His behavior was so openly depraved and Twitter became so insufferable, that he made a Zuckerberg platform look good in comparison.

That's hilarious, but it's not over for Musk yet. This could definitely be seen as an inflection point in the future, though I don't think Threads accomplishes that yet.

Twitter's claim to fame is that sometimes actual news breaks on it. In our 24-hour-news culture, people want that first, so they stay on Twitter for its ability to produce the hottest of hot takes. That doesn't happen very often, so most of the time it's just churn, but the real rewards happen when you feel like you're the first one in the know.

When Threads has its first big news break (other than just "Threads is a thing"), then people will really go there instead of to Twitter. Meantime, the siren song of being ahead of the curve will keep Threads second class... for now.

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