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We have a multi-region single-write-leader Postgres offering now, but "databases" means lots of things to lots of people, and the platform strategy is to build durable storage primitives that work for as many different databases as possible. People run things like Cockroach here, and edge deployment also makes SQLite especially interesting.

a bit off topic, but a big struggle that is growing related to data and databases; managing data residency. I've not found an easy way to handle this and countries seem to be passing more and more laws... it's tough for global applications!

Do you have any info about how edge deployments + sqlite work and what kind of applications they are limited to?

Basically, LiteFS: https://github.com/superfly/litefs

And then some load balancer cleverness that reroutes writes to a specific VM: https://fly.io/blog/globally-distributed-postgres/

Any plans to port fly_postgres_elixir to sqlite to enable using this feature easily with with Elixir?

I think your company building out developer tools to help use your platform would aid greatly in adoption...seems a necessity really, particularly addressing the pain-point of accessing data close to users.

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