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Assuming this isn’t just a big psyop trying to scare US adversaries, and that UFO’s are real… the US was the first to detonate nukes, and on its own territory, which might explain some of it. Maybe the UFO’s were investigating how scientifically and technologically advanced humanity was becoming, and naturally focused on nuclear tech as a leading indicator.

The 1936 Berlin Olympics TV broadcast might also have alerted them to humanity, and travel time of the broadcast plus travel time of UFO’s to Earth might have resulted in them arriving right around when nukes were invented (if they’re from, say, Alpha Centauri which is 4 light-years away).

The US and Europe also have free press where things like this are more likely to be publicly reported than in say, the USSR back in the day, or China under the CCP. Which in conjunction with the above may explain sightings maps like this one, where sightings are most frequent in the US and secondarily in Europe: https://updb.app/map?zoom=1.00&lon=149.0917&lat=37.3003

Also, if you search number of reports by date ranges, look at what you get:

1-1943: 1566 sightings reports

1944-2023: 294,641 sightings reports

Two orders of magnitude more sightings reports in the 80yrs since nukes were invented, vs in the almost two millennia previously. Obviously we also had more robust and technologically advanced media in the latter time frame, so that contributes much to the discrepancy. But still a huge discrepancy.

> The 1936 Berlin Olympics TV broadcast might also have alerted them to humanity, and travel time of the broadcast plus travel time of UFO’s to Earth might have resulted in them arriving right around when nukes were invented (if they’re from, say, Alpha Centauri which is 4 light-years away).

If they're from Alpha Centauri and can travel > 0.8 c.

Yes, I’m assuming they have some kind light or near-light propulsion capability here.

That's cool that website! https://updb.app UPDB is an open database of unexplained phenomena (UFO/UAP) reports. Wow didn't know about that.

I guess you know the "insider theory" as to why UFOs came after nukes: it's that nuclear weapons explosions send shockwaves through the "cosmic web" and interdimensionally, that fucks up aliens' realms/dimensions. So we think it's bad here, but somewhere else something else bad is going on. I wonder if that's a secret reason why countries shifted to underground tests, and then a ban. Too much ET pushback - ha ha ha! :)

But just now I'm thinking how is a nuclear explosion different to a star? Maybe because latter is gravitationally stabilized and "in equilibrium" with its environment? I don't know. That's why we need to science the shit out of it! Rather than having anything we may know and have locked in super secret programs, amenable to crazy disinfo and all this other bullshit! Ha ha ha! :)

Heh, I wasn’t aware of that theory about nukes disrupting alternate dimensions.

There’s a simpler explanation though - nukes emit a powerful electromagnetic pulse at the speed of light that might be strong enough to be detectable by anyone listening.

Also the 1936 Berlin Olympics TV broadcast was the first human-created electromagnetic signal strong enough to reach other planets and possibly be detectable.

Those were the first energy emissions by humanity that aliens might have detected. If aliens do exist, it’s little surprise they came here to investigate around the time of those events.

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