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Does anyone have any good resources that cover the implementation of wasm as a plug-in system on either a backend or frotend? Just curious to deep dive on this. Could be a video or in-depth article.

We have an end-to-end demo of a plug-in system driven game platform: https://github.com/extism/game_box (live deployment at https://gamebox.fly.dev/)

Backend in Elixir, with Extism embedded and example plug-ins in Rust and Javascript!

We (Splitgraph) implemented WASM UDFs in Seafowl [0], a database written in Rust based on Datafusion and optimized for executing queries "at the edge" and returning cache-friendly HTTP responses. Users can call CREATE FUNCTION within an SQL query to create a WASM UDF (docs [1]).

We blogged [2] about this feature, and you can read the relevant PRs [3] containing the changes necessary for its implementation.

[0] https://seafowl.io

[1] https://seafowl.io/docs/guides/custom-udf-wasm

[2] https://www.splitgraph.com/blog/seafowl-wasm-udfs

[3] https://github.com/search?q=repo%3Asplitgraph%2Fseafowl+wasm...

woah, awesome! sorry this didn't come up in our research. will try to update and fit it into the post if that's ok?

Sure thing! And no worries, we haven't been great at marketing ourselves :)

Fluvio is an open source data pipeline project [1] w/ plugin wasm modules for data transformations as "SmartModules"[2]. In our case we can run wasm plugins on frontend or backend (none of which require a browser). Feel free to come by our Discord if you have any questions. Disclosure: I work as a engineer for Infinyon backing the project.

[1] https://github.com/infinyon/fluvio

[2] https://www.fluvio.io/smartmodules/

have you seen this project? https://extism.org

dylibso, the company who posted this, built extism (mentioned by wikiwong)

We sure did =) Thank you, zephraph!

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