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Writing summaries is more important than reading more books (andreasfragner.com)
389 points by 42point2 on May 20, 2023 | hide | past | favorite | 161 comments

I can't speak for others, but for me this headline and idea is exactly and perfectly wrong, so I suppose I just want to reach those for whom this generates unnecessary "guilt" or something like that.

As a voracious reader, I've personally found that I got the most out of books when I stopped trying to summarize and highlight. I very rarely do either anymore.

I realize that what happens is sort of a Darwinian "survival of the fittest ideas" in my head, often subconsciously. Once I relaxed and decided, "If the stuff in this book is good enough, my brain will keep it FOR me" both my satisfaction AND utility of books increased dramatically.

(which is to say, it's not that I never write anything down. It's that if I do, it's not tied to the book, but to the "thing" or "topic" that I'm interested in, with a reference TO the book)

> I've personally found that I got the most out of books when I stopped trying to summarize and highlight.

The good thing is that it’s not an either/or proposition. I often read a book straight-through then decide it will be useful enough to me in the future that there are elements I want to retain, in which case I’ll engage in a second cursory extraction process. Often I just don’t know in advance whether I will feel that way at the outset.

I now find myself googling for other peoples notes on a book if I want to extract more. I read through those notes and rewrite with a pen in a journal and start to pull apart the dense notes further and connect to my own experience and life

Yup, but conversely, I try to avoid reviews and comments on books (and movies etc) as much as reasonably possible beforehand.

That makes sense. I always do it in post and its to find notes not reviews. Generally if someone writes notes they viewed the book favorably so there is some bias. But i usually viewed it that way too if im searching

I generally disagree with any assertion on what’s more important on such a wide array of variation, for who and when. Sure, it could be important for some things and irrelevant for others things at the same time.

Yup. Thats another thing I've noticed. When I think of the phrase "a man never steps into the same river twice," I feel that way A LOT when it comes to reading good books. That was maybe the biggest reason I stopped highlighting in them, I want to come to it fresh.

It strictly depends on the category of the book:

Insightful → process subconsciously;

Informative → summarize.


Update: yes, it is not just a matter of texts. The annoying snipers that infest these boards should summarize as a general practice: this will help them with an exercise in thinking, expression, so that maybe one day they will also be able to formulate and present an argument. And stop abusing the freedom they should not be granted.

If it's informative, you can't really summarize. Summarizing is the act of throwing most of the information away.

If it's informative, you have to read and take your conclusions. And if you later decide to use the information for different conclusions, you'll have to read it again.

It's little wonder that informative texts don't usually come in the form of books.

>If it's informative, you can't really summarize.

Something can be informative, but still longer than necessary. A lot of non-fiction books could do with 10-50 pages, but marketing wise they won't sell because people feel they don't get enough for their money. So the authors are prone to extend the contents to an amount of pages people are willing to pay for. Let's say 200.

> If it's informative, you can't really summarize. Summarizing is the act of throwing most of the information away.

Yes, but in the case under discussion you're not writing summaries for someone else's consumption— the summary is also your own notes. And in that case, even a heavily abbreviated summary can serve to bring to mine many, many details, including details omitted from the summary.

> If it's informative, you have to read and take your conclusions. And if you later decide to use the information for different conclusions, you'll have to read it again.

100%. I think improving recall is still at least somewhat valuable there, though.

Not gonna lie, it strongly feels like the latter is a job for them newfangled AI thingies :)

The summary isn’t for you to read it later, it’s for you to write.

In my opinion it's just another symptom of the trend in tech circles for ever-increasing self-documentation. Thing is, it doesn't matter how hard you try to shove your life up its own ass, you're going to be just as dead as me at the end of it. And I'll have read more cool stuff.

This made me chuckle. Too true. I would only argue that thinking/journalling deeply about fewer ideas is an equally good use of your time as tasting a greater breadth of ideas more shallowly.

Comes down to personal preference at the end of the day. Would you rather know a lot about a bit or a bit about a lot. I’m definitely in the latter category.

lol, you just summarized what I was thinking...

It's a classic begging the question fallacy. Summary is absolutely a way to maximize certain outcomes of reading, but not all outcomes! Which outcomes to value is a question we can all reflect on.

Another way of thinking of it is that you are indexing. Perhaps you will come across something in the future which makes you recall that thing you read. This might give new significance to what you read and gives you a reference you can fall back on as needed.

For me this happened with distributed transactions and sagas in Building Microservices by Sam Newman. He went into detail on these techniques and pretty much the only thing I retained was that they existed and what problem they solved. I didn’t remembered the other 95%. But I ran into a need for them and instead of having no idea what to do I thought: “I should learn more about distributed transactions, sagas, or other alternatives.”

This is exactly how I look at it as well. Our culture seems obsessed with “takeaways” when a lot of the time I might not discover the takeaway for some time, until I happen to encounter some other experience that made reading that previous book completely worth it.

I guess it comes down to wanting a wide funnel of experiences to sort through or a narrow focus on whatever is going to help you achieve your objective. In reality, we probably need both but I sure wouldn’t trade some of the experiences and insights I’ve gained by having a wide funnel and not worrying about takeaways.

It depends on the books I am reading. I get the most out of philosophy and learning books when I actively engage with the text with responses in kind. But when I am reading mind candy? No, I don’t write back.

What if you actually want to learn how to use and apply something, not just recall some information about it?

It’s not worth summarizing every book.

I took a course at UChicago on how to read a book based on Mortimer Adler’s book of the same name, and the takeaway is that the first reading of a book should be a quick one (table of contents, skimming, dipping into pages). Only after a book is shown to have promise are we then to engage in deep reading which not only involves summarizing but also syntopical reading, which is to read other books around the same topic.

One thing that has really helped me is to scribble notes in the margins and to write a précis after every chapter, then a précis on the inside cover of the book to summarize all my chapter précis.

Finally all good books should be read twice or more. Good reading is rereading. This is a hard rule to follow because nobody has time to read the same book twice but the truth is you can’t understand a book deeply on first reading because you don’t have the lay of the land and the benefit of retrospection. A rereading helps you focus on details missed the first time around. To be honest though, very few books meet my bar of my willing to reread them.

Why stop at two? Susan Rigetti suggests four times! [1] I've never tried that but I fully agree with her :) and just quietly dream about regaining my focus for reading so I could reread books 4 times.

Quote to save people from falling into the rabbit hole of her blog:

> Over the years and after much formal and informal study, I’ve learned a pretty foolproof method for studying philosophy: read everything four times. Here’s how it works:

> - First read: Read casually, as if you’re reading a novel or a newspaper or magazine article. Your goal here is simply to observe, not to engage (yet).

> - Second read: This time, read to understand. Take notes. Ask yourself, “what does the author really mean here?” Summarize things in your own words. Try to break down the arguments being presented into bullet points, identifying the premises and the conclusions. When you read a term you are unfamiliar with or want to understand better, google it or look it up in the SEP.

> - Third read: Read again, and this time engage with the text. Go back to your notes, where you identified the arguments being presented. Think of arguments in favor of what the author is saying and arguments against. Think of counterexamples.

> - Fourth read: Now read for one last time. Read casually, the way you did in the first read. Notice how your understanding of the text is now so much richer and deeper than it was on the first read.

> If you study this way, you’ll walk away with an incredibly solid understanding of philosophy and an intellectual foundation that will serve you well for the rest of your life.

[1] https://www.susanrigetti.com/philosophy

This may be cultural but I just cannot bring myself write in a book even in pencil. post-its notes for me this is a great idea if I have the discipline

I prefer to write on ruled paper and tuck it into the front cover for the following reasons:

- ruled paper is easier to write on

- you won't run out of space (just add sheets)

- you can rewrite summaries as you revisit books decades later and retuck the new summary

- you can quickly scan the papers to archive a digital copy

- you can remove your notes to lend the book (or not)

- you can transfer your notes to a new edition trivially

- you can be more candid in what you write, knowing it's trivially discarded without giving up the book

- all the notes are in one place and you don't have to thumb through the book looking for where you wrote an idea that you half-remember

- you have space to draw diagrams if appropriate

- you can find something on the internet that importantly relates, print off a page or two, and adjunct your notes

- you can do extensive internet research and build a whole matching folder of contents on your laptop, but you can print a page of Title/URL's to adjunct your notes as a backup (and for anyone who borrows the book+notes)

(edit: formatting)

Scholars from the middle ages wrote on the edges of their scrolls and codexes. Some of these notes are very interesting and useful to scholars. In elementary and primary school most are taught not to write in books because they have to be used for decades, but there is a long tradition of taking notes in books. They are very inexpensive now compared to the past and when you write in the you leave a little extra something for posterity.

The era is not the same. Our scribing in the margins is significantly less valuable than that of medieval scholars, because our mediums for recording, storing, archiving, and sharing information are significantly less restricted.

The levels of waste produced in the modern era are unimaginably higher than then, as well, so our responsibilities are completely different.

I had the same problem but my instructor told me: a book devoid of scribbles is a book that hasn’t been engaged with deeply. If you have to, buy two copies of a book — one for display and another to scribble in, knowing that you’ll truly own the scribbled copy because you won’t be able to sell it.

Post-its work. For me I use a mechanical pencil.

It may help to look at it this way:

A book you won't write in is a book that owns you, rather than you owning the book. A book is designed to convey information on the page, writing in your book only adds to and fulfills it's purpose.

Your insistence on this kind of 'consumptive' and 'territory-marking' ownership of books is kind of silly IMHO.

I mean, suppose you have a 100 books. You're not reading more than 2 or 3 of them at once, if that; and it's not like you're doing anything with the rest other than keeping them on a shelf.

Now, Once you either have a family, or have friends with similar interests, or with kinds of similar interests etc - those 98 (or 100) books become something you lend, or even give away. And when you get older, you will pass on your entire library, at some point, or sell it off, or bequeath it etc. At any of these points, you want the book to be free of your personal jots and notes, and as close to pristine condition as possible, for the other readers.

Write your notes in a notebook, or on your PC or laptop (or whatever). They'll also be searchable and easily editable.

> And when you get older, you will pass on your entire library, at some point, or sell it off, or bequeath it etc. At any of these points, you want the book to be free of your personal jots and notes

While I generally have a communitarian orientation, I predict that as I approach this point, other end-of-life matters will occupy my headspace to a greater degree than any psychic rumblings about the odd marginalia in my dusty collection.

As an aside (because for the mere mortals among us it doesn’t apply) occasionally some historical inferences are made based on the reader’s margin notations.

Or it is owned by the library

Good point, though I will say that I've checked out a lot of library books that have had useful markings people have put in them, though I wouldn't personally mark something that isn't my own property that way.

I was using Post-Its to mark pages and add comments, but I stopped after reading some warnings about the glue damaging pages:



It's not clear from these articles how soon damage becomes apparent; I haven't noticed any yet in books which had Post-Its. It may not matter if you don't intend your books to have archival value.

I've tried Book Darts for marking pages, and they can also be used like paper clips to hold notes. I write short notes in pencil, but try to avoid dark leads which make marks hard to erase.

Second link of yours doesn't work for me.

I have at least a few Post-it notes in every book. Some sitting there for thirty years or more. Never experienced any problem. Always used the real Post-it from 3M.

Used to feel the same way. But I've developed an appreciation for secondhand marked books, thinking about who was the previous reader. It kind of destigmatized it for me.

Same. I once had a professor who heard that and said “of course, you treat books like they’re sacred objects.”

I do keep a notebook where I write about random stuff and a lot of thinking about what I’m reading goes in there.

> Finally all good books should be read twice or more. Good reading is rereading.

Fully agreed!

> This is a hard rule to follow because nobody has time to read the same book twice

Disagreed. I read fiction and I tend to re-read a lot, sometimes three or four times. I read for pleasure, so I have the time. Reading is "me" time, and I spend it however I want.

It's only hard to re-read if you have some silly goal like "I must read N books this month". I find such goals worthless.

>It's only hard to re-read if you have some silly goal like "I must read N books this month". I find such goals worthless.

I'm on board. I have a great deal of fun hunting books and sitting down with the good ones I find. I don't care how many I go through or how many pages. Reading good stuff is a matter of quality of life for me. "A life without books is unlivable" Erasmus

Some books are especially suited for multiple passes. Every time I reread a Discworld novel, I find new jokes or references that I had missed earlier.

> I took a course at UChicago on how to read a book based on Mortimer Adler’s book of the same name

That's the same book mentioned in the footnotes of the article.

"How to Read a Book: The Classic Guide to Intelligent Reading Mortimer J. Adler, Charles van Doren"


Can you share some books you reread?

Thank for this comment; it’s gold.

I built a tool for myself for the purpose of grokking ideas from books called Emdash [1]. Over the years I've collected reams of highlights from books and articles but until recently, rarely reviewed or absorbed them. The core of this app uses on-device ML to show related passages with similar ideas from other books you've read, and I find that going broad and exploring concepts from different angles really helps in comprehension.

I'm testing out a summarization/rephrase feature backed by LLMs that you can try in the demo. In HN fashion I'm trying to build this openly and gather feedback to see what works. I'd like to push this further in the active direction the article mentions with something like a Socratic dialogue mode where you're nudged to re-explain and examine ideas.

If anyone uses this thing/has feedback, let me know. Source is available too [2].

[1] https://emdash.ai

[2] https://github.com/dmotz/emdash

This is cool. I imagine instructors creating instances for their classes so the whole class can engage with each other's notes.

I wonder if one could couple it with OCR so that you could point a phone at a page and drop into an emdash experience on the text that you've got a physical copy of. Or, you know, point it at your kindle so that your notes aren't locked into their ecosystem.

I'm building a backend that would support that kind of thing in a peer to peer kind of way (indexes content by piecewise hash so that you can recognize content you or your peers have annotations for and reattach those annotations despite differences in pagination, etc). If I ever get it into a demo-worthy state, I may reach out to see if we can make them work together.

Yes, I'd like to focus on more seamless ways to import your text and OCR is something I've considered.

Your content addressable system sounds very interesting, let me know when you have a demo.

This is really neat!! Love how you have a sample library for one to experience how using emdash is like.

This is such a neat tool. The presentation is very pleasant. Is the intention to have the snippets/notes be shareable in the future? I actually made a similar tool [1] (though your's is much more complete), which I use to quickly find passages and relevant text when I'm blogging. And, I was thinking it might be really useful to have highly rated notes on a snippet available so that you can get someone else's insight on a particular selection. I'll give this a more in depth look later when I want to write another blog post.

[1]: https://ishmael.app

Thanks for sharing, I like the name and I'll try it out. Yes, I'd like to add opt-in sharing features in the future -- seeing others' notes can be very insightful as you said.

I tried 'related' with a couple of passages. For the first passage, the first result was a good semantic match, but the rest were a little too far off. For the second passage, the results were amazing.

Perhaps for the first you just didn't have any more snippets that were closer?

Are the related snippets taken from a selection of snippets you created, or from the full text of other books?

A nice workflow might be to select a passage I'm reading in a book, and then see related passages from other books. But that requires I have DRM-free ebooks, and that these have already been chunked and indexed.

Yes, the demo mode is a random subset of things I've highlighted and it's heavily weighted around certain topics and sparse on others, so that's why some passages don't have the strongest semantic matches.

You're right that it would be nice to see things in situ as you're reading, but it would seem that most e-reading experiences are locked down. I appreciate the feedback!

im really enjoying reading your samples. It's a very lightweight way to explore books i don't know about and haven't read.

i like it a lot!

I’ve built a similar thing at https://findsight.ai

The design is beautiful! I'm shocked this isn't more popular on github.

I've been looking for something like this to review books. Two suggestions: 1. allow to load a book from a url, so notes could be added to arbitrary books; 2. allow to select text and add notes to that selection.

I would really love for something like this to be integrated into Logseq

Such a proccess- and goal-oriented approach to books doesn't resonate with me at all. Such a mechanical, soulless way of thinking about reading!

Is this for technical, self-help or startup/entreprenurship books? Sure, maybe this works.

I read a lot for fun though. Most of my reading is like this. The books I read are not about "answering questions" and I don't need to "optimize" my reading in any way, either to summarize them or to "process" as many books I can in a year. It's not a contest. It's about the joy of reading.

I had a similar reaction to a lot of the language in this post, but I think there's something to it here that is still valuable even for just the joy of reading.

For me it's important that I am paying attention as I read. I used to rarely re-read books, and have started re-reading my favorite ones, and it's often surprising to me how many interesting ideas I missed, or maybe just forgot about. I enjoy talking to friends about books too and I find that helps me explore the ideas more deeply. I've recently started trying writing up my takeaways for books I've enjoyed, partially as something to send friends to talk about with or try convince them to read the book too so we can talk about it.

I think the caveat here is that it's totally valid to not do any of these things if you are enjoying whatever process you have. I just appreciate being exposed to this idea because it's increased my enjoyment of my own reading.

This nuance gets missed in most conversations about reading. I see there are motivations to read a book:

1. For fun 2. For information 3. For understanding

If reading for fun, do what suits you… there’s really no wrong way. Like food, whatever suits your tastes is best.

If reading for information (eg on tactics in some battle or HR practices in some form when you are already broadly acquainted with tactics and HR) then there are tips for extracting essential points that apply to most everyone.

Likewise when reading for understanding (eg having no conception about how war works and trying to grok it).

Some books can be read in each way, other books only in one or two. In any case, making broad claims about “how to read better” without appealing to one of these modes usually sparks disagreement.

Totally agree. Although there is something to be said for having better retention as it will only aid your enjoyment of future reading on the subject.

I recommend getting drinks with friends and telling them all about the interesting stuff you read.

I disagree with this. Reading for the sake of summarizing takes the joy away from reading itself. I don't know anybody that'll read just because they want to read more books.

If I wanted to read summaries I would just read from Coles notes or Sparknotes, but both are essentially me just skimming headlines, and not getting to the juicy bits of the materials.

I don't think that this author's point is that we read for the sake of summarizing, per se, but rather that the act of summarizing forces us to engage more thoughtfully with what we've just read. It's that engagement itself that enriches our understanding of the book. By all means enjoy what you're reading while you're reading it!

That's the problem here -- for many books you don't need to develop a deep understanding of the book. Even for books in programming language, I may pick up a book because I am interested in the design of the language or a certain pattern of writing code, not because I want to use the language in the production or master the language, in which case understanding and thinking about pieces is good enough.

If you had a different purpose for reading the book, presumably you'd summarize it with that purpose in mind, depth where you need it, omission where you don't.

If you don't care to write that summary down... well that's kind of a separate thing.

Relevant: https://motd.ambians.com/quotes.php/name/linux_literature/to...

Well, anyway, I was reading this James Bond book, and right away I realized that like most books, it had too many words. The plot was the same one that all James Bond books have: An evil person tries to blow up the world, but James Bond kills him and his henchmen and makes love to several attractive women. There, that's it: 24 words. But the guy who wrote the book took thousands of words to say it.

Or consider "The Brothers Karamazov", by the famous Russian alcoholic Fyodor Dostoyevsky. It's about these two brothers who kill their father.

Or maybe only one of them kills the father. It's impossible to tell because what they mostly do is talk for nearly a thousand pages. If all Russians talk as much as the Karamazovs did, I don't see how they found time to become a major world power.

I'm told that Dostoyevsky wrote "The Brothers Karamazov" to raise the question of whether there is a God. So why didn't he just come right out and say: "Is there a God? It sure beats the heck out of me."

Other famous works could easily have been summarized in a few words:

* "Moby Dick" -- Don't mess around with large whales because they symbolize nature and will kill you.

* "A Tale of Two Cities" -- French people are crazy.

                -- Dave Barry

Well it really depends what your goals are, right? What kind of books are you reading, to what end? I personally struggle to think of any book I have engaged with which I got value out of, that could be meaningfully summarized in a couple of hours. The author was an expert on the subject and they only managed to summarize it down to a few hundred pages - if there was only a couple of pages worth of ideas in there presumably they would have just written a blogpost.

I find that most of the things I read can be pretty effectively summarized in a single thesis sentence and a few additional sentences to generally describe how that thesis was supported. If you're only reading things that can't even be summarized in an abstract, you must be reading a lot of unopinionated biographies?

If after reading an entire book you haven’t already internalized its main thesis, it’s probably not a very valuable thesis.

But reducing a book down to a single thesis minimizes the takeaway value of the book, surely?

Take a book like Gödel Escher Bach. Sure, that book has a thesis. But the value of having read that book is not captured in ‘strange loops are all it takes to create beauty, complexity and consciousness’ - all the different ideas that underpin that thesis are what makes it valuable. That book lives as a set of new connections and pathways between ideas in my brain. And I read it over 20 years ago.

The vast majority of literature has much of its value in the way it is told, not just in the story it is telling. You can summarize Hamlet in a sentence or two, but that's not the reason it is still being read and performed 400+ years later.

Summarizing is not the same as condensing. Just jotting down your view helps you. Such that you don't even have to worry about making your version for an audience.

Summarizing is condensing. I think you are thinking of paraphrasing.

I mean, they are synonyms, yes; but my point is you don't have to distill down to an essential element.

It's up to you. For me, I may write the parts I presently find most useful in detail. And some high-level summaries for reference. Then I can search my notes to know what book I need.

I'm still not sure why someone would need to do this? What kind of information are you obtaining from books that you later find yourself wanting to search for?

These kind of productivity tips always confuse me when they lack context of what the person writing is trying to do.

Like: Anki flashcards and spaced repetition. I see a lot of people advocating for them. I have never understood why because, in my personal experience, retaining lots of disconnected facts has never really been something I've needed to solve for. I do sort of see how it could work for rapid language learning (though I still think immersion, reading and writing are better than randomized vocabulary memorization, if you can take the time to do it that way), and I think I understand it in the context of fields like medicine where there's just a lot of facts you need to acquire, but people will advocate it for everything, and I just don't get it.

When I read a book, the process of reading it adds to the sum of my knowledge; I absorb the ideas, combine them with my own, and come to a new understanding of a topic. At that point, the book has accomplished its goal, for me.

But I acknowledge that's just how I read. I'm not an academic who might be later on finding myself needing to recall where I read something so I can cite it (although I find in general I can remember where I read certain things)... is that the use case here? What's the goal with building up an externalized knowledgeable?

Facts I find interesting and relevant at the time I was reading them. As an example, the book "Invisible Women" has a lot of great data in it. I don't wanna know the exact numbers, but concepts like:

- The normal human dummy in crash tests define "normal" to be like a man, so women tend to have more injuries in car crashes.

- Women are more at risk for cardiac failure because their heart attacks go undiagnosed. Women experience different symptoms of heart attack than men, and most doctors have been trained using research done on males. For example, men feel it in their chest and left arm whereas women experience pain in their stomach.

The process of writing it or summarizing helps me remember these things so I don't need to look them up as often. But going through my notes again I saw I forgot some things! I don't know when I'll use them when I'm writing them, but I have referenced them conversations before.

> retaining lots of disconnected facts has never really been something I've needed to solve for.

At in regards to Anki usage, the “disconnected facts” seem to be something that only students (high school/college) or people new to Anki do. These people are very much using Anki for a short term goal like passing a test or class. For that use case, “disconnected facts” works just fine.

The people who use Anki (long term) outside of school and outside of 2nd language learning usually have much more connected webs of cards. While the individual cards are usually atomic, they might have a dozen or more cards all attacking a concept from different angles. Also in this usecase it seems just the act of formulating the questions is the biggest part of the learning. The reviewing part is almost secondary.

If I've looked at a concept enough to write cards attacking it from different angles... why would I need to see those cards again? At that point I know that concept.

Unfortunately, knowledge decays over time. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Forgetting_curve

That is indeed what advocates of spaced repetition say.

Personally I find that knowledge that’s internalized and used does not decay. And devoting effort to refreshing the DRAM for knowledge I’m not using seems like it fails the YAGNI test. Let my brain’s cache eviction algorithm do its thing. If I learned something once I figure I can probably learn it again.

> and used

Surely using it is a repetition of it, essentially?

I always figured spaced repetition was a tool or help with knowledge you didn't have opportunity to apply otherwise

One of my use cases is to memorize function names that I use about once a month - not often enough to memorize them from usage only, but frequently enough that the gains from not having to Google their name every time are worth it.

If your genuinely curious there is an attempt at an answer in this book: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/34507927-how-to-take-sma...

Gist of it being, like you say, to not only summarise but to process into ones own knowledge base. And yes, this book is targeted at academics with the purpose of setting them up for producing papers, books, or other artefacts from that knowledge base.

I feel like this works a lot better with a typical nonfiction novel, and not eg. a reference textbook.

What's a nonfiction novel?

Could be an autobiography.

An autobiography is not a novel, because it lacks the fundamental aspect of being fictional.

There is such a thing as an autobiographical novel, but that is not nonfiction.

Because novels are, by definition, works of fiction.

The closest thing to a ‘nonfiction novel’ is probably the historical novel, which is a fictionalized historical account… but I’m not sure why such a thing would particularly be suited to this summarization methodology.

"Fictional narrative: Fictionality is most commonly cited as distinguishing novels from historiography. However this can be a problematic criterion. ... Several novels, for example Ông cố vấn written by Hữu Mai, were designed to be and defined as a "non-fiction" novel which purposefully recorded historical facts in the form of a novel.":


Not sure about this one but something like Atlas Shrugged seems to half fit. Its a novel but it more or less describes a philosophy.

Atlas Shrugged is most definitely fiction. Just because it was written in service of communicating a philosophy/ideology doesn't change that.

Same with Camus' The Stranger, or Sartre's Nausea.

No, don't summarize. Remix! Write about your own ideas!

Your mind is a living collection of your own ideas, and a history of their significance to your prior life. Not a dead library of pointers to other dead libraries.

Books are great. But you shoudn't outsource your brain. The learning happens when you think for yourself. Reading is good. Thinking about what you've read is even better. But don't stop with the summary! Go further. Apply it to your context. Try it, it's fun.

I don’t disagree. I think this article isn’t written for people like me.

What I mean is I f someone is already remixing, they’re already writing about what they read and probably don’t need advices from articles like this because they already read differently from what the author imagined.

On the other hand, the article encourages people to write about what they read outside a formal academic context, and most people don’t have that habit.

To put it another way, writers don’t need rationale to write. But writers are not the target audience.

IMHO realistically for most people the ratio between "your own ideas" and everything else should be like 5% or so. If you're exceptionally gifted maybe up to 20%.. (unless you're writing fiction)

If you mash together two ideas, is the new composite idea yours?

I'd say it's yours. In that frame, there are lots of ideas.

Lets assume there are 10 000 known ideas. Then there's 10^8 combinations of two ideas, and 10^12 combinations of three ideas. That's a lot of ideas, even for the internet! I bet not all of them are named. And different people are going to frame ideas differently.

I also believe trying to form your ideas in reference to existing knowledge is a great way to learn existing knowledge.

Tiago Forte popularized the idea of "Progressive Summarization", which starts with extensive highlighting, then rounds of progressive refinement, ie bold key phrases and concepts in a given passage, then later review those and summarize in your own words. Strong approach for retention and comprehension...

Strong agree from me, though what I do is less involved than the article. I normally just take a few per-chapter summary notes in an org-mode outline, in a filename that starts with the year I read the book.

Recently I started creating my own topic index with pointers to which books I found certain insights in. I know I could generate such a thing automatically with tagging, but I enjoy manually curating my index.

Pretty much what I do as well. I got a Notion account with links to all sorts of things from useful timestamps in videos to chapters in books and docs. It’s been incredibly helpful in contextualising my information when I gotta go out and actually do something.

Here’s a really good trick: Read a book then find the nearest victim to excitedly tell all about what you’ve learned. The back and forth conversation is even better than writing it down.

If you really found the book useful, go write a summary after that conversation. It will be a much stronger summary and also way easier to write.

I've been using Obsidian recently and I can say it's had a big impact on my life. When I was younger I used to read a lot, but i hardly remember anything. Now, when I read something important, I'm sure to summarize it in Obsidian. I can remember it easier and even if I can't, I know where to go to find that information.

You can use llamaindex to load your vault and parse it to a local LLM (you can use openai if you’re comfortable with it). You end up getting your own personal search engine and it’s amazing. I really should finish my write up about it (also written in Obsidian)

Do you know how this compares to [PrivateGPT](https://github.com/imartinez/privateGPT). I am honestly at the point of choice paralysis with all these new tools

It's more or less the same exact idea! Use langchain, import llm and embedding model, and query against it. The repo you provided does the same exact thing but using llama cpp python as the backend. I opted to write my own custom llm class with using textgen as the api backend so I can use the gpu since its way faster. But with the new cuBLAS support on llama cpp, it's a game changer so you can use either now. I do find the llama cpp + cuBLAS about 25% slower compared to pure GPU which is really good for what it is.

I get how there's so many choices nowadays and it's overwhelming but 95% of the repo you'll see just uses langchain. For the backend, llama cpp is your best bet minus the constant updates that break the quantized models. If you look for TheBloke on huggingface/reddit, you'll find all the best models. Look for the "ggml" ones which means its supported by llama cpp. But like I mentioned before, llama cpp has been doing so many model breaking changes so using TheBloke's models is your best bet because s/he updates really frequently. I personally prefer wizard-vicuna 13B, the uncensored one is pretty damn amazing.

Here's some example output how fast it is running 13B on a 3090 with a Ryzen 9 5900X

In [5]: output = llm("Q: Name the planets in the solar system? A: ", max_tokens=32, stop=["Q:", "\n"], echo=True)

llama_print_timings: load time = 209.23 ms llama_print_timings: sample time = 11.39 ms / 32 runs ( 0.36 ms per token) llama_print_timings: prompt eval time = 209.16 ms / 15 tokens ( 13.94 ms per token) llama_print_timings: eval time = 1806.98 ms / 31 runs ( 58.29 ms per token) llama_print_timings: total time = 3033.91 ms

In [6]: print(output) {'id': '', 'object': 'text_completion', 'created': 1684604167, 'model': './models/Wizard-Vicuna-13B-Uncensored.ggml.q5_1.bin', 'choices': [{'text': 'Q: Name the planets in the solar system? A: 1. Mercury, 2. Venus, 3. Earth, 4. Mars, 5. Jupiter, 6. Saturn', 'index': 0, 'logprobs': None, 'finish_reason': 'length'}], 'usage': {'prompt_tokens': 15, 'completion_tokens': 32, 'total_tokens': 47}}

Ditto. There's so many llms out there now. Is there a website where these are aggregated and ranked? Man, I've been too busy to keep on top of these developments.

Why obsidian?

Mainly because it's open source and has a ton of functionality. I can bring text docs, diagrams, spreadsheets, images, audio, and even video under one single pkm. Because it's an offline app, it doesnt have any of the drawbacks of the online proprietary solutions.

Obsidian is not open source. It's a widely held idea that is unfortunately false. Don't believe me? Try to find a repository for it. You can't.

It's a shame, because Obsidian is kinda neat software (although I'm not the note taking type myself).

Inspectional reading is one of the key limitations for me when reading books on the Kindle. I need to be able to quickly flip around from toc to glossary and between chapters. There’s still too much friction for that with the ebook format.

Writing small summaries weekly (or daily) about what’s on your mind or what you’ve learnt is the simplest and most powerful way of self development I know of.

Do you review what you've written at a later date or is the value gained just in the initial writing?

I read it, yearly, but the main value for me is probably identifying what I need to do/understand in order to “get to the next step” of whatever I’m currently trying to do.

I totally agree, and surprised it's a bit controversial here. I understand that reading for pleasure can be different than reading for comprehension

But I lean towards reading for comprehension. I have a wiki which includes all the books I've read. The good ones get their own wiki pages with the main things I learned, and other notes.

A key point is that I don't take notes while I read. I only do it LATER -- because if you can't remember what to write down for a few days, then you probably won't retain it, and it may not be worth retaining.


As a specific example, when thinking about this -- I wonder if anybody has read "The Signal vs. The Noise" by Nate Silver? I remember reading it because a friend had a copy.

Many years later, off the top of my head, I can't remember a single thing in that book. Question for other readers: can you remember a single thing from it?

I think maybe it's because I kinda knew most of the stuff in that book? I will refer to my notes.

On the other hand, I've been re-reading Antifragile by Taleb, which I first read in 2012 I believe, and it struck me how many things I absorbed unconsciously from that book, which I didn't ascribe to it.

For example I remember talking about "hormesis" during COVID, i.e. small errors and stress. And also I took up some light weightlifting because I thought it was a good complement to bike riding. i.e. having 2 different kinds of exercise


edit: Just went to back to my notes on Silver's book (finished January 2014). Surprisingly I was extremely positive on the book -- I said the writing was engaging, it's well-sourced, very good set of topics (weather prediction, earthquakes, terrorists, poker, basketball, financial markets), and novel insights

Though the funny thing is that I didn't say what the actual insights were. The only one was the importance of knowing when you don't know, which I also got from Taleb

So maybe I should go back to that book and see if I still think it's good, and if there were insights I didn't get elsewhere

It's funny perhaps that my perception of the book has been clouded by Silver's reputation. I think he has been criticized for "predicting the present" and of "horse race coverage", and I think that's true now. But back when I read the book, I probably had a much more positive impression of him!! Very interesting

I'm guessing a large part of the controversy is related to the fact that reading has many different aspects. Possibly the article is referring to the same kind of reading you're referring to - technical books on various real-world topics.

However, it's much harder to see the value in doing anything like the article is suggesting for literature. Is there really much to gain from writing a summary of Virginia Woolf's To The Lighthouse, or of a book of poetry? Is that even the right way to engage with the material?

Oh definitely, and I think part of the pushback is framing it as "writing summaries". That sounds like homework. :)

But I would just call it engaging with the ideas after you read. So talking with a friend about a book is just as good, and even better.

And writing a comment on a forum can be just as good, as it's an active thing too. I sometimes write comments and then link them from my wiki.

I've had a GoodReads account in the past, but somehow it seems a bit shallow and artificial ... almost a bit like homework. It's better if the topics naturally come up, but if they don't, I still find writing notes to myself to enhance the reading experience.

I mean you may spend 1 week or 8 weeks reading a book. I don't see why spending 5 to 30 minutes writing notes a few days after can be viewed as bad.

I totally agree with the author in that those 5 or 30 minutes is way better spent writing about what you read, rather than 5 or 30 minutes reading something new that you may or may not retain.

And again I'm focusing on reading non-fiction for retention, not literature. (For better or worse, I read WAY more non-fiction than literature)

To each their own, I love summarizing books. I have a template in Day One to do a personal "book review" for each book I finish (yes, High School me is gagging at this thought).

I even setup a Siri Shortcut to pull out all of my Kindle highlights to stick in there: https://twitter.com/JordanMorgan10/status/130370253693587046...

For context, this article is specifically referring to reading for comprehension (not for pleasure).

I don’t see why it wouldn’t apply to both? I just finished crime & punishment and could see how this summary strategy would help better understand the book.

I’m at 47 books read this year so far and mostly disagree with the author of the article. When you find a book that’s worth summarizing, do it. But I get exposed to many more ideas (and find the ones worth thinking about more) simply by reading more.

Also, I just like reading. My goal isn’t to have some kind of personal knowledge base to prove how much I’ve comprehended to myself.

> My goal isn’t to have some kind of personal knowledge base to prove how much I’ve comprehended to myself.

The reason many people accumulate wealth is to spend it, not to stare at it insecurely. It goes without saying that knowing more things expands the number of things you can do.

> The reason many people accumulate wealth is to spend it, not to stare at it insecurely

Yes and the reason many people accumulate wealth is to stare at it insecurely. What’s your point?

I also do about 50/year. It's entirely for recreation. A lot of the books are non-fiction and educational but I'm not doing work. I'm enjoying myself and there's no outcome I'm hoping for besides that enjoyment in the moment.

If getting exposed to a lot of ideas is the goal then spending your life on this site and reddit would be the way to go.

I do that quite a bit as well. But generally the ideas here and on Reddit (including the ones I share myself) are pretty lackluster.

Not in my experience. The knowledge here and on Reddit is shallow and does not explore any topic in depth. Theres a reason why Hegel took 1000+ pages to develop his logic. You can never get exposed to the full idea

Next step reviewing (rewriting) those summaries. Currently using Anki for this, anyone has success using other tools?

I love Readwise.

I love Readwise Reader, and subscribed within a few days of trying out Reader Beta.

Despite my best intentions, though, I've not started to turn my highlights into flashcards, or started a daily review habit.

To GP: AIUI the workflow in Reader is meant to be (i) add to library, (ii) read and highlight, (iii) review highlights and create flashcards, (iv) review flashcards.

It may be more important to the author at this point in their life, but that will likely change with time.

I couldn’t disagree more. For me it’s much more important to have a broad knowledge and gain retention and comprehension by repeated readings of books I enjoyed. Writing summaries might be good, but certainly not at the expense of not reading as many new books

Summarization is actually a less effective learning technique, according to Dunlosky and other literature in cognitive learning science. Dunlosky recommend other techniques namely "practice testing" and "distributed practice". So I guess those more powerful (and time consuming) techniques are worth using if the book is worth learning thoroughly, whereas summarization and outlining, etc. are less mentally challenging/effortful techniques but still somewhat useful, just empirically less proven to be very effective.

> read fewer books but take the time to write summaries for the good ones

The odds of finding good books goes down if one reads fewer books. Taking suggestions from others is not a good substitute for finding one's own "good ones".

If I find that a book I'm reading is not good for me, I start skipping, first a few parapgraphs, then a few pages, then a whole chapter and so on, to see if it gets better. And I'm even prepared to stop reading it altogether if it doesn't get any better. That gives me more time to find and read better books.

Indeed! Learning is the three R's: Reading, wRiting, and Rumination.

This piece on completing the learning loop through summaries resonates with me so strongly, I just hit print.

Sadly, I didn't read Pirsig until a close friend recommended it to me. It's taken me years to grok. I find this summary to be among the best summaries ever written:


I strongly disagree. I read for enjoyment, even when I'm reading a more educational work; I don't wish to ruin my enjoyment by making myself summarize every book I read.

I realize there are different opinions about this article, but I personally agree with the overall idea.

Learning is about recalling information. The more you practice recalling a fact, the more the memory "sticks".[1]

Writing summaries is an effective way to both 1) identify the most important information, and 2) practice recalling it.

[1]: http://augmentingcognition.com/ltm.html

> Learning is about recalling information

I think this is the core of what people are arguing with.

I think people assume that if they fill their heads with facts, they'll end up like Tyler Cowan (or pick any other amazing-recall public intellectual). It's more likely that you end up like Will Hunting - ready access to facts but with no particular insight of your own.

I prefer to say it is about understanding, which is closer to summarization, or having a model. A parrot or even a computer can recall blindly.

More importantly do the exercises - make up some if they are not provided.

Summaries are useful for 2 years time to ease you back in I would say.

I learned so much in Karpathy’s NN course I feel I need to summarize to avoid forgetting much of what I learned even though I did the exercises. I might then re-embed (ha) the knowledge by playing more with the nets to get more tacit experience.

This may be true in certain cases, but I think with any form of self improvement, the most effective thing you can do is something that you’re going to stick to.

If you can stick to a rigorous reading and writing program, yes, that will give you the most rewards. But even reading 20 minutes of lightweight fiction before bed every night is much better than nothing.

No it's not. What's more important is slow reading and give time to your brain to reason about the book; the form in which is written and why that, what are the messages that the writer want to send with it, how I will act if I'm the protagonist and so on.

For non-fiction the best thing I do is underline the parts that I find more helpful.

If you're trying to answer questions, the even more advanced tactic is to read more books, but only read the parts that touch on your question. That's why god invented the subject index. Reading every word in order is not for people who have specific questions to answer, but for pleasure, or for learning the basics.

Alongside this, I enjoy condensing the summaries down into their base ideas, which I put into a Zettelkästen.

Twice? Four times say others? I have kids. I can hardly read and enjoy a book once....

Derek Sivers does this and has a section of his site with all his notes: https://sive.rs/book

Great source of interesting reads, too. So some potential prosocial utility there, too.


Taking copious notes and summaries isn't necessarily the first step. You need to know if it is good! Don't want to write down bad notes and think they are good when you forget and come back too.

When I've done them, I always feel like I benefit from reflective practices like these.

Does anyone have tips for successfully building reflection into one's life? In the mean time I'll reflect on it.

I have been meditating for a few years now and recently decided to start building some custom meditations into my routine. I had a meditation for when I get out of the shower that helps me reflect on the day ahead. One that I listen to before work to let me put down distractions and think about what I want to accomplish today. Then I have one for after work to help me relax and separate my work mind from my home mind. I created these with the help of ChatGPT, and an AI TTS, and audacity to put it all together. I could have voiced it myself, but I found that it distracts me from the meditation when I think about my own voice.

Here is a sample one that I use to get out of work mindset: https://www.dropbox.com/s/r65gi7tk4str2h7/After%20Work%20Med...

Journaling is a good bet

Haha. This was special. The goal is everything. Gone is the road.

I never heard anyone say that we need to summarize, and/or note sections and quotes movies and shows. I just want to enjoy my books as I read them. That's it.

If you don't enjoy writing summaries, I recommend just getting drinks with your buddies and telling them about the interesting stuff you read.

I do this regularly and it works great.

Any idiot can see that a summary is a blurred lens over the original content. Not much more to say, it’s just sad.

Not everything have to be in a false dichotomy. No need to think too much. Just relax and have fun.

This article is short. They might be right about summaries.

In a nutshell the author is talking about Zettlkasten

For what?

ChatGPT will do this.

But also, try quizzing yourself about what you’ve read the day before. I bet the retention is slim.

Sure, ChatGPT can do this. Just like you could drive a car over a marathon route. That’s not the point though, the point of summarizing is to force yourself to understand. It’s the journey not the destination that’s important.

Well said. And, in other words, while ChatGPT can summarize it for you, it cannot understand it for you.

Should I also hand-write the summary?

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