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Landmark crypto rules make exchanges liable for customer losses in EU (arstechnica.com)
26 points by LinuxBender on May 17, 2023 | hide | past | favorite | 6 comments

The story is important and interesting but the headline is misleading:

Exchanges will NOT be liable for customers' investment losses in the EU.

Instead, as the article explains below the headline, exchanges and other service providers will be liable if they lose, i.e., can't find, investors' crypto assets -- for example, because the exchange didn't keep good records, or because the exchange was hacked and the hackers stole the customers' assets.

To the mods: Please consider changing the headline.

Any changes should be done on the Ars side or the title would just be repeated on this and other sites. The reporters email is ashley.belanger@arstechnica.com [1]

[1] - https://arstechnica.com/author/ashleybelanger/

Not necessarily.


> (...) use the original title, unless it is misleading or linkbait; don't editorialize.

In this case, the title could be misleading due to the use the ambiguous word "losses".

Best case, the original site would change their title, but submissions to hacker news do not forbid the change of titles, quite the contrary.

So this is the situation that SIPC insurance addresses in the US?

Come on, Ars - stop dumbing things down so much that we think you're dumb, too. "Crypto" refers to cryptography. Cryptocurrency is another thing entirely.

Sadly that ship has sailed long time ago.

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