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UK Government Says Nintendo Switch Can’t Handle Call of Duty (arstechnica.com)
39 points by PaulHoule on April 29, 2023 | hide | past | favorite | 7 comments

I have to say, that's a great "WTF" headline. It certainly drew me in, even though I already knew the context.

Also makes it look like there are some gamers in government in thr UK, or at least people who take industry claims skeptically.

It kills me to see people who insist on being surprised that competence exists. Every post, every article.

The only time that even the UK government knows that such a console can't handle titles like Call of Duty and didn't fall for Microsoft's so-called Nintendo 'partnership' just to close the Activision Blizzard deal.

This confirms unequivocally Call of Duty will ship on the Switch.

Waiting for Rishi’s review video in YouTube.

I love that governments are legislating computing performance now. We deserve a powerful gaming machine in every household! Who's with me?

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