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Is It Time to Stop Saying 'Learn to Code'? (slashdot.org)
14 points by theodpHN on April 23, 2023 | hide | past | favorite | 4 comments

Any avenue for people to learn a new skill that is affordable and accessible in my opinion is a plus.

Quite often these tools can spark people's interest and enjoyment in an area that then pushes them into seeking more formal education.

Learn to anything IMO

I won't up vote the article, but I do think that software to some degree is tied to growth companies, and by proxy to the cost of capital. When borrowing money gets expensive, growth slows down, shifting the balance of coding over to maintenance programming. That's sure to impact hiring/retaining programmers.

Terrible article but yes probably. The amount of people , that have joined the industry, with no knowledge, no knack, no appreciation for the craft is way too high. A lot of them were just drawn by the lure of easy money and now I have to deal with them I don't want to. They can smash LC but can't wrap their head around a single class in an existing codebase. I am tired.

No. It will never be time to stop taunting lying hack journalists.

In olden times we had the village stocks, and tar and feathering. In 2023 "learn to code" is the best we got.

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