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Last time I tried it I ended up in an infinite loop of:

me: TypeError: sodium.crypto_secretbox_key is not a function when using sodium 3.0.5

chatgpt: I apologize for the confusion. sodium.crypto_secretbox_key was removed from the sodium package in version 3.0.0. Instead, you can use sodium.crypto_secretbox_keygen() to generate a secret key.

me: now I get 'TypeError: sodium.crypto_secretbox_keygen is not a function 3.0.5'

chat:gpt I apologize for the confusion. sodium.crypto_secretbox_keygen was removed from the sodium package in version 3.0.0. Instead, you can use sodium.crypto_secretbox_key to generate a secret key.

Back and forth. And that was when I was like "welp guess I gotta read some docs now" which isn't a big deal, the interesting part for me is that it's basically hallucinating about what features were added or removed in a given library version, which really seems like the sort of thing it aught to be pretty good with.

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