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No. To me the entire generative AI play is all part of a repetitive cycle. First people are apt to believe anything and get burned in a bubble. Then they are skeptical of everything and get left out of the next actual sea change. Then a new development comes along and they are trained to believe it will turn into a sea change also.

I'm saying this because so many people who don't seem to have a great track record of being of the forefront of sea changes are making all sorts of wild predictions about what this will bring. Many also seem to want to believe others will get caught up in a bubble and looking for opportunities to exploit that for personal gain.

I realize this is a bit of a rant but it's the lens I've come to view it through based on personal experience. Generative AI seems to be the first useable case for AI but the holy grail- full automation and predictive capabilities still seem quite a ways off because they are much harder problems to solve.

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