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OK, you need to calm down & then go away. Let's review:

1) first of all, you make this unwarranted dig: "Did you correspond with him, or merely make it into his spam folder?" No apology.

2) then you just say "false" and let someone explain what they think you meant. No apology.

3) then you say "a misguided attempt to be relevant, or you are simply trying to cover up your mistake in insinuating Mac owes something to Star." No apology for the projection about an "insinuation" which is entirely in your own mind. Or for the "attempt to be relevant" which is an insult.

4) and then this: "just a friendly suggestion, but if you can not tolerate criticism in any form, and are sensitive about acknowledging mistakes, immediately going on the offensive compelled to make personal attacks out of a sensitivity to pride, which is no virtue, and I am saying IF (I don't know you), then this behavior is classifiable clinically and often solvable through therapy"

You are nothing more than an Internet troll. We're done here.

That you are apparently easily offended and paranoid that you have been attacked are two more symptoms. I am not responsible for your emotions. For the sake of those you care about, get evaluated and seek treatment. It is easy, cheap, non-invasive, drug free, and enjoyable, and I assure you that you'll never regret that you did. Your next emotion is going to be denial, which I'm afraid is also a symptom. If you won't seek treatment, then please consider that your pride is not a virtue. Its exact opposite, humility, is the virtue.

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