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Paizo bans AI art and content in its RPGs, including community-created work (polygon.com)
3 points by vitabenes on March 3, 2023 | hide | past | favorite | 4 comments

Just the beginning of the conflict that is going to arise in all creative spaces. The battle of meaning vs efficiency and productivity is going to escalate.

At some point, if we can simply wish something into existence, then what is the point? We have removed the journey of the human experience from many endeavors. Despite the issues, I also see no method of meaningful enforcement of such restrictions as they propose.

"AI brings into question who is really the creator. Am I the creator if I simply role the dice until I win the lottery? When I regenerate a new response over and over until finally getting the image or output I most desire? When the output is the final product, is AI still just a tool? Or are we simply observers foolishly convincing ourselves of the value of our contribution?"

from my own reflections - https://dakara.substack.com/p/ai-and-the-end-to-all-things

Once AI can do animation then there will be an abundance of entertainment. Too abundant that people will find it to be boring after a while. Abundance of resources is a bane to both creators and people who enjoy them.

I'm already at that point of AI image generation. Initially intriguing. But now it is an ocean of noise. Millions of images flooding every social media space daily. I've spent hours learning and playing with the tools for preparation of writing the piece I linked above.

However, in the end I got bored. Having the machine just create the final product in the end wasn't satisfying experience. I'm supposed to be the ideal target. I'm a very bad hobby artist. So now I can make award winning art. However, it just feels hollow. Maybe my personality, but feels like accepting recognition for something I didn't do.

Yeah I just think it's going to change creative creation.

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