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Craft.co | Seattle, SF, Austin, DC, REMOTE, US | Engineers | Full-time

Craft helps companies get alerted on risks in their supply chain and take action today so they aren't surprised tomorrow. Example risks include foreign influence, environmental, social, and governance.

* Sr or Mid Full-Stack Engineer, Growth: https://jobs.lever.co/craft/88554a23-e812-4917-a29d-677e1fd0...

* Sr Full-Stack Engineer, Alerts: https://jobs.lever.co/craft/29cc563b-b725-4b36-838d-3105d1e5...

* Sr Data Engineer, Alerts: https://jobs.lever.co/craft/5262386f-e644-4254-b62a-2380294f...

See all at https://craft.co/careers

Craft is a startup with B2B and Consumer products with a simple and beautiful UX. We use Airflow, Python, AWS, React, TypeScript, GraphQL, Node, Postgres. We're a rapidly growing 80 person team across Europe & US.

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