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Ask HN: Who is hiring? (March 2023)
440 points by whoishiring on March 1, 2023 | hide | past | favorite | 634 comments
Please state the location and include REMOTE, INTERNS and/or VISA when that sort of candidate is welcome. When remote work is not an option, include ONSITE.

Please only post if you personally are part of the hiring company—no recruiting firms or job boards. One post per company. If it isn't a household name, explain what your company does.

Commenters: please don't reply to job posts to complain about something. It's off topic here.

Readers: please only email if you are personally interested in the job.

Searchers: try https://hnhired.fly.dev, https://kennytilton.github.io/whoishiring/, https://hnjobs.emilburzo.com, https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=10313519.

Don't miss these other fine threads:

Who wants to be hired? https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=34983765

Freelancer? Seeking freelancer? https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=34983766

CodeWeavers | St Paul, MN, USA | Full Time | REMOTE | Wine and General Open Source Developers | C-language systems programming


CodeWeavers needs new, full-time developers to improve Wine's ability to run games and other types of software and integrate well with the native operating system and other system components. Positions are available to work on a variety of Wine-based software, including CodeWeavers's own CrossOver product; the Proton project for Valve Software; and projects for other clients and software internal to CodeWeavers.

We are hiring remote programmers, US or international, as well as workers local to Saint Paul, Minnesota. We will consider relocation, if desired, on a case-by-case basis. Please see link above for information, benefits, requirements, and how to apply.

Please direct any questions to the email address on our Jobs page.

I wish I had the systems background to apply for this role, you guys are awesome. Thanks for making WINE better.

So cool

Zotero | Remote | Full-Time | https://www.zotero.org

Zotero is an open-source project that develops software to help people collect, organize, annotate, cite, and share their research. Our software is recommended by most universities and used by millions of students, scholars, scientists, and researchers worldwide.

We're growing the core team and hiring for the following roles:

- Accessibility Developer (part-time)

- Backend/Cloud Developer (web services and AWS ops, US only)

- Full-Stack Developer

- Full-Stack Developer, Developer Community (lead the Zotero plugin ecosystem)

- iOS Developer

- JavaScript Developer (web scraping, APIs, and metadata — part-time)

- UI Designer

- Zotero Expert (part-time)

At Zotero, you'll be part of a small, all-remote team producing free and open-source software along with a passionate global community, and you'll make a huge difference in people's ability to manage their research effectively.


Looking forward to it. Already sent mail on jobs@zotero.org

Datadog | Software Engineers | ONSITE (Boston, Lisbon, Madrid, NYC, Paris, Tel Aviv) and REMOTE | Full-time

Datadog is a monitoring, tracing, logs system, and more, for your infrastructure and services. We build our own tsdb, event store [1][2], distributed tracing tools, cutting edge visualizations, and more. We love shipping great experiences for customers just like us and are growing fast! We write a lot of Go, Java, Python, Typescript (with React), and a bit of other languages. We run on k8s, and are multi-region and multi-cloud.

We're looking for people who can build systems at scale as we process trillions of events per day. Let us know if that's you!


[1] https://www.datadoghq.com/blog/engineering/introducing-husky [2] https://www.datadoghq.com/blog/engineering/husky-deep-dive/

I applied a bit ago and haven't heard back. Is there a direct recruiting email that we could send our information to which might give us more luck?

Former employee here, can’t recommend Datadog enough, loved my 4 years there!

Hey do you have a recruiter email I could reach out to?

Are remote opportunities open to Canadians?

I was under the impression they are having a hiring freeze. Cannot confirm, but this was a rumor I'd heard very recently from a recruiter

It would be odd to post to the “who is hiring” thread if we weren’t hiring :-)

Hi, I don't see salaries posted in your NY postings. This is illegal. Can you fix this please? Thanks!

They should be there. Do you have an example?

Ah either I made a mistake or it was one specific posting I cannot find now. I apologize!

No worries :-)

Is Remote from Germany ok or just mentioned countries only?

Do they allow candidates from locations no mentioned in ONSITE?

Is there a direct email address to contact?

Very interested in open roles at Datadog.

1Password | Senior Product Manager Dev Tools | Full-time | 100% Remote, Worldwide| https://jobs.lever.co/1password/982dbbaf-bc3a-4a47-ac4a-4c40...

Over 100,000 businesses and millions of people use 1Password to protect their most important information, and we believe those people – and the companies they work for – shouldn’t have to choose between security and productivity. We see security as a human challenge, rather than a technological one. It’s hard work, but our mission has always been to ease the tension between security and convenience and help people navigate the digital world without fear or friction. Human-centric security is part of our DNA, but human-centricity is also the backbone of our culture. We encourage big ideas and new ways of working that help us to make the online world a safer place for everyone.

We're looking for a technical PM to join us in making 1Password indispensable to devs at every step in the SDLC. Fun team, fun people, and big ambitions with the largest funding round in Canadian history. If this all sounds gravy, apply directly or mail us at dev-products@agilebits.com

Job posting says remote USA/Canada only, not Worldwide.

Turnstile (https://www.tryturnstile.com) | REMOTE (US/Canada) | Engineering | $155k-250k salary + equity


We're a small (16-person) team of repeat founders and seasoned operators building a usage-based revenue platform that helps SaaS companies price however they want. This is a tight-knit and senior crew — most of us have 10-25 years' experience, much of it together.

The last company we started, Second Measure (YC S15), scaled to 70+ people and tens of millions in revenue, received multiple “best places to work” awards, and was ultimately acquired by Bloomberg in a landmark deal.

We're looking for extraordinary builders to play a foundational role in a company designed for scale:

  - Backend Technical Lead (data)
  - Frontend Technical Lead
  - Frontend Engineer
  - Fullstack Engineer
  - others (opportunistic)
We're well-funded by top investors (led by First Round Capital), fully distributed, and known for building intentional, inclusive culture. We offer competitive global rates (SF salary + equity), equal pay by level, work flexibility (including a 4-day core schedule), and comprehensive, family-friendly benefits.

I'm Mike, one of the founders— if interested, apply here (https://tryturnstile.com/about) and mention this post.

Just applied, looks like a great role. I've just moved to Canada and starting the job search after spending some time in the Rockies skiing. Hope to talk more soon!

Alice & Bob | Software engineering (multiple roles) | Full-time | Paris, France | https://alice-bob.com/

We are a Paris-based startup founded in 2020, competing in the race towards building the world’s first universal, fault-tolerant quantum computer.

Our approach to error correction is based on the cat qubit, which belongs to the family of superconducting qubits. It is designed to autonomously suppress certain types of errors at the hardware level and was developed by Alice & Bob and its academic partners. This allows scaling up the number of qubits in a more hardware efficient way, and puts us in the race against tech giants such as AWS (which are also following this approach), Google and IBM.

We are looking for software engineers to help building the framework controlling the hardware equipment and experiments, as well as the toolkit to automate designing and simulating the superconducting chips.

* Software Engineer - Instrument Compiler https://apply.workable.com/alice-bob/j/E4AC939F65/ (C/C++, LLVM, Python)

* Software Engineer - Design Toolkit Developer https://apply.workable.com/alice-bob/j/9A84BDD1B3/ (Python)

* Software Engineer - Experimentation framework https://apply.workable.com/alice-bob/j/8787158587/ (Python, C)

We are 60 and counting (PhDs, engineers) and growing fast! Feel free to reach out to know more (alexandre dot thomas at alice-bob.com) or to apply directly.

United States Digital Service (USDS) | Senior Software Engineers, Product Managers, Designers, and more! | Washington, DC or Remote USA | https://www.usds.gov/

The United States Digital Service is a team of cross-agency federal technologists who work on some of the biggest issues affecting the American people, including: streamlining immigration, helping veterans get benefits, modernizing health care, reforming hiring, improving school safety, fixing procurement, and more.

Check out our most recent impact report for examples of what you could be working on: https://www.usds.gov/resources/USDS-Impact-Report-2020.pdf

We're looking for the most empathetic, mission-driven, and tenacious technologists who are committed to untangling, rewiring, and redesigning critical government services. We hire folks from all walks of life who have demonstrable experience tackling complicated problems in the public, private, or non-profit sectors.

We're hiring for:

  * Software Engineers (Frontend, Backend, Full Stack, DevOps)
  * Site Reliability Engineers (SREs) and Security Engineers
  * Product Managers
  * Data Scientists
  * Designers (Generalists, Strategists, User Researchers, Interaction Designers, Content Strategists, Design Operations, and everything in between)
  * Procurement Specialists
  * Bureaucracy Hackers
  * and more!
We are currently hiring for both remote employees and people who are local to Washington, D.C.

Come join us in shifting government tech in the right direction -- no prior government experience required!

Read more about getting hired here: https://www.usds.gov/faq

Apply here: https://www.usds.gov/apply

I did an interview with these folks about a year and a half ago—if you can make the pay and location work it seems like a great way to do socially meaningful work.

I sadly had to pass—I couldn’t make the salary or move work with health issues in the family—but the interview process was very open and the interviewers I spoke with were fantastic.

As I gathered these folks are effectively a floating software team that partners with other governmental organizations to fix problems that benefit from their skill sets. The last project I’m aware of was them revamping systems to allow veterans to more easily receive health care.

Good luck to them and whoever applies, we need more places like the USDS.

What salary did they offer?

The GS schedule capped out below what I was making at the time. Other commenters here have pointed out what the dollar value is, but I forget the designation for the salary band.

GS pay scale is capped at ~$150k.

I believe the current number is $183,500. https://www.federalpay.org/gs/locality/washington-dc

Although if that's still too low, check out DHS. They are finding ways of increasing salaries above that limit. (https://www.usajobs.gov/job/709656500)

    Senior Cybersecurity Specialist: $115,400 - $123,700
    Staff Cybersecurity Specialist: $140,400 - $150.200
    Principal Cybersecurity Specialist: $167,400 - $177,800
    Senior Principal Cybersecurity Specialist: $184,700 - $196,000

    In some geographic areas, average starting salaries will be higher because of a local cybersecurity labor market supplement (e.g., metro Washington, D.C. +10%).
If I'm parsing that correctly, $196k+10%=$215k as the cap.

> To work at USDS, you must be a U.S. citizen

No mentioning of alien residents, so I guess, they're out.

Will the permission to be remote continue for someone who is hired now? The only thing that stopped me from applying in the past is the requirement to relocate.

Per provided link https://www.usds.gov/apply: "During the COVID-19 pandemic, most people at USDS are working remotely from many locations across the country. During normal times, we ask that you make Washington, D.C. or the surrounding area your base during the work week."

So remote is pretty deceptive

Agreed. If this was a truly remote position permanently, I'd apply right now and take a pay cut. I'm at the point in my career where social impact at this scale would be a higher priority than pay for me. But remote is the highest.

There are also government contractors who often pair with USDS doing this kind of work! Ad Hoc (my employer), Nava, Civic Actions, etc. are all part of a new generation of companies with related missions trying to bring modern software practices into the US government. While USDS is often on the inside cutting through bureaucracy, the contractors are often doing most of the technical build and implementation.

FWIW places like 18F are frequently hiring engineers, product people, and designers, the pay is similar, the work is related, and they are 100% remote.

I would love to join, as a kid I felt working at the post office would be great. But the DC requirement is a hard sell.

DC on $150k is a tough sell, especially if you have a family.

I have really mixed feelings about this. Not a fan of typical government jobs, but the FAQ reads so much more like a startup. Is it true? What does the compensation look like (broadly)?

Per provided link https://www.usds.gov/apply: "Salaries in government change every year. For 2023, you may be paid up to $183,500 depending on where you are located in the United States."

The federal government pays pretty well for scientists and engineers.

I've got a few friends at JPL and they are paid around that.

I was a researcher under UC Regents many years ago, run by the state of California. That pay, however, was terrible. When I left for private industry I asked for double what I had been making and they considered me a bargain.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but the pay can also be considerably higher if you work at a federally funded research lab but are not a direct federal employee. Employee of an implementing contractor company. Such as various positions at Hanford, Idaho National Lab, Los Alamos, Brookhaven, Argonne, Sandia, Livermore, etc.

This is definitely true. Most employees at national labs are not paid according to the GS schedule.

They are also not federal employees.

they should hook up military discounts

Eeeh, not really, no it doesn't lol.

Not compared to what private companies could be paying them.

Do you have to be a citizen or just a green card is OK?

Citizens only.

Grit | Senior+ Engineers (ML, PL, Design, Backend) | New York, San Francisco | Full-time | $120–250k + equity

We’re building software to automatically fix technical debt. We do this by combining expressive static analysis tooling (we’ve built a developer-friendly query language for code) with machine learning to automatically migrate code to new patterns and platforms. We’re in private beta, but have already deployed thousands of successful changes for beta customers and have raised a $7M seed round from top investors.

We’ve got lots of fun challenges at the intersection of machine learning and programming languages. Our stack is Scala, Rust, TypeScript, Python, and Kubernetes. We’re hiring for both smart generalists and PL/ML experts who are interested in collaborating on problems like automatically inserting new types into codebases and using unit tests for reinforcement learning.

Here are a few reasons you might be interested in applying:

- We work fast and focus on shipping, with a single meeting per week (demos!).

- We’re working on the edge of the possible and doing deep technical work in parsers/language design and machine learning.

- We mostly work in-person in New York and San Francisco, but remote is also possible for outstanding candidates who have proven success in a remote model.

- I’m personally committed to giving real feedback to everyone who applies.

Find out more at https://www.grit.io/careers or email morgante@grit.io.

Would you consider a junior developer who has worked on multiple web and mobile dev technologies? Although I'm tempted to apply just for the 'real' feedback.

Unfortunately we only have capacity for senior engineers right now. We already have a few junior developers and need to make sure the balance is maintained.

There's no Backend-only specific job post :(

If you're a strong SWE, feel free to apply regardless. We have multiple postings, but internally roles are very flexible.

LWN is still looking for a full-time, remote writer: https://lwn.net/Articles/895695/

Fastmail | https://www.fastmail.com/ | Multiple roles | Full-time | ONSITE | Melbourne AU and Philadelphia US

Fastmail is a values-driven alternative to Gmail that puts people first. And that includes our staff! We have great benefits and a great team.

On the backend we use Debian, Bash, Perl, Apache, Consul, Cyrus, MySQL, Nginx, Postfix, Prometheus, and of course many other things. We host everything ourselves in physical datacenters.

Much of our software is open source, including our Javascript framework - see https://github.com/fastmail/ . We're heavily involved in the construction and maintenance of open standards, and of course you'll be working a lot with the JMAP protocol in most of these roles!


- Customer Support Agent

- Senior Backend Developer


- Front-end Developer

- Customer Support Agent

- System Engineer

Full list of jobs and details about how to apply at https://apply.workable.com/fastmail-1/#jobs

Reddit | Backend, Frontend, iOS, Android | SF, NYC, LA, Austin, Chicago, Seattle, US Remote, Dublin (Ireland), Amsterdam (Netherlands), Berlin (Germany), London (UK), Sydney (Australia) | Full-time

Reddit is making strategic investments in the platform including video, advertising, consumer products, and expanding into international markets.

Tech Blog: https://www.reddit.com/r/RedditEng

For any Golang enthusiasts out there: we are writing most of our services now in Go. We have interesting challenges in scaling, data pipelines and building the foundation for a series of new products.

Some of the positions to highlight:

- Principal Engineer - Developer Experience

- Senior Full Stack Engineer, Experimentation Platform

- Software Engineer, Data Warehouse

- Software Engineer, Data Infrastructure

- Software Engineer, Crypto Security

but there are many more and also hiring for policy, marketing, finance and people & culture.

Interested? Apply here: https://boards.greenhouse.io/reddit?gh_src=3c9ba6c41us

Are the Data positions US only? I'm currently living in the Netherlands (although I am interested in moving back to America within the next year or so) but would love to learn more about the Data platform positions.

Berlin is listed as one of the locations but sadly has zero openings. Does that mean this is just a "potential" location? Or maybe some of these openings are available for remote work in Berlin?

Does Australia Sydney role do remote as well?

Applied for the experimentation platform! Looking forward to your replies!

Any plans to hire in more locations (remote) in Europe any time soon?

Where are you based at?

wondered the same thing, are your remote roles location based for visa and salary purposes? I was always super interested to apply but I'm based in Asia.


Any roles for Juniors?

Any internship positions available?

SheetJS | https://sheetjs.com/ | Software Developer | Full time, Remote (US) | $165K - $240K

We're a bootstrapped company building open source solutions for spreadsheets and structured data. With over 1.8M unique monthly visitors, companies across the business world turn to us for challenging data processing problems. Over the last 10 years, we have pushed the boundaries of JavaScript and the web.

In this role, you will master new and established technologies while working on high-impact projects used by millions of people across the world. Balancing research and engineering, you will design and implement creative solutions that draw from your academic and professional experience.

https://sheetjs.com/careers/ more details

Remote Canadian an option or strictly US?

US citizens only according to website. Presumably due to Government usage.

Quantum Circuits Inc | Fullstack SW Eng. | New Haven, CT | Hybrid/Remote | Full-time

At Quantum Circuits Inc. (QCI), our mission is to build the first truly useful quantum computers. Our full-stack quantum computing platform uses superconducting devices along with a modular, robust, and scalable architecture. Our unique approach is based on technology developed over a decade of research at Yale University's world-renowned quantum labs. Our quantum computers take advantage of built-in error correction, unique software features enabling lightning-fast algorithm execution, and multiple modes of operation in order to solve a multitude of algorithm types. We are looking for highly motivated software engineers who want to be at the forefront of quantum computing. Are you the type of person who enjoys solving challenging problems and wants to have major impact? Do you want to be part of a deep, fast-paced team of world-class engineers and scientists that are passionate about building the best quantum computers in the world? Join us at QCI and help build something new and truly revolutionary!

Here is more about the role we are currently hiring for: https://jobs.lever.co/quantumcircuits/266e812f-d349-4a21-bdc...

Really liked the job description the last time this was posted and thought my CV was a great fit for the role, but I never heard back. Any feedback on that?

The Laboratory for RNA-Based Lifeforms | University of Toronto | Full-Time | ONSITE

We're a research computational biology lab at the forefront of RNA virus discovery. Our goal is to help prevent the next pandemic by building the technical infrastructure to assist global virology research and public-health responses.

Seeking a full-stack developer who is creative, passionate, and willing to learn. No biology experience is necessary, but it is a plus. Key assets: Python/R, AWS/HPC, postgres, javascript. See full job posting: http://rrna.ca/id0002 or if you're a biologist http://rrna.ca/id0001

Learn more about our work in this CBC News article (https://www.cbc.ca/news/health/supercomputer-virus-study-dis...).

See Also:

* Serratus Website (https://serratus.io)

* Nature Paper: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-021-04332-2

* GitHub Repo: https://github.com/ababaian/serratus

Your CBC news link is dead. Looks like it got truncated?

Thanks fixed :)

Do you consider new grads for this role?

I'll consider anyone if it's the right person.

Antithesis | Software Engineers, ML Research Scientists | Northern VA | ONSITE | https://antithesis.com/

Antithesis is using deterministic simulation, fuzzing, and novel ML techniques to improve software testing and increase developer velocity. For an idea of what we're doing, see Will's talk here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fFSPwJFXVlw or read the Simulation Testing section of https://www.foundationdb.org/files/fdb-paper.pdf. Fully funded medical, dental, and vision insurance. Unlimited vacation (with mandatory MINIMUM vacation time). Flexible hours. Incredible, cohesive team with the hardest and most interesting problems to solve.

We're doing things nobody has done before, so we don't need familiarity with any particular language, framework, domain, or anything like that. Don't care. What we do care about: you're smart, get things done, a joy to work with, and are comfortable dealing with open-ended problems.

Apply at https://antithesis.breezy.hr/ (Don't worry too much about which role you choose. We're looking for engineers who are ready to learn, not those that know everything already!)

We're also hiring for professional services roles. Feel free to ask about those.

ProteinQure - https://proteinqure.com/ | Computational drug design | Senior Software Engineer / Senior Devops Engineer | Toronto (onsite) | https://jobs.lever.co/proteinqure

At ProteinQure, we are building a computational platform for the design of protein therapeutics. Our mission is to help to create a world where drugs are engineered, not just discovered. We develop our own treatments for diseases such as cancer, among others, and partner with industry leaders in drug discovery to generate novel therapeutics outside of the conventional chemical space.

Our technology combines computational biophysical models with statistical and machine learning approaches to enable us to search across vast spaces of protein therapeutics. We build and deploy these computational modules using a scalable cloud computing infrastructure and complement their predictions with results from wet lab experiments.

You will work in an interdisciplinary deep tech company, interact directly with our scientists and can get involved on concrete drug discovery projects.

We scale our computational infrastructure to hundreds of nodes, tens of thousands of CPUs. Our tech stack is built on top of: modern Python, Docker+K8s, Ray, Linux.

Apply here: https://jobs.lever.co/proteinqure/d1857810-456a-4f73-ae75-a3...

Sourcegraph (https://sourcegraph.com/) | Head of AI, Head of Ship, Applied ML Scientist, Software Engineer - Code Intelligence, Product Designer, Product Manager - Search/AI, Security Engineer | ALL REMOTE

Sourcegraph is 100% focused on code intelligence and bringing it to every dev and company, and we are hiring across the globe.

Sourcegraph’s code intelligence platform allows you to find and fix things across your complete codebase. Companies of all shapes and sizes use Sourcegraph every day to build software you rely on. Works across any code host, any repo, any language.

We are creating a machine learning team, aimed at creating the most powerful coding assistant in the world. Many companies are trying, but Sourcegraph has a unique advantage: our code intelligence data and code search platform. In the world of prompting LLMs, context is key, and Sourcegraph’s context is simply the best you can get: IDE-quality, global-scale, and served lightning fast. We are oftentimes the only tool which has indexed all of a company’s code across all teams and systems, which gives us a huge advantage. Our code intelligence, married with modern AI, is already providing a remarkable alpha code-assistant experience.

At Sourcegraph, you will be a part of our foundational team to help us unlock its full potential, delivering a product that accelerates development in a way we only see every 10-15 years.

Come join us!


I actually just applied. I'm not expecting to hear anything back, but I just want to say how much I appreciate the in-dept explanation of how roles in the company are designed and how long each portion of the interview process would take. That kind of detail and information is rare, but I appreciate the thoughtfulness.

So cool!

Fleetio | Full-time | 100% REMOTE - open to candidates in the USA, CANADA & MEXICO | We can transfer H-1B visas | https://www.fleetio.com/careers/engineering | Fleetio is a modern software platform that helps thousands of organizations worldwide manage a fleet of vehicles. Founded in 2012, 21 Million Series B in 2020, 4,500+ customers, 33+M in ARR, 210+ employees, 4.7 rating on Glassdoor. Company perks: Competitive pay + equity + 5% ARR bonus, 401(k) + match, health, vision & dental insurance, remote working culture (since 2012), fitness incentive, professional development budget + equipment stipend.


-- Director of Quality Engineering (US Only): https://apply.workable.com/fleetio/j/85CC202008/

-- Senior Site Reliability Engineer: https://apply.workable.com/fleetio/j/F163CFED1C/

New role spotlight: Senior Site Reliability Engineer

While directly impacting our customers, this role is also highly visible internally and will be a great opportunity for someone to grow their technical expertise in many different areas, like solving large-scale scaling challenges, improving observability, and cloud infrastructure automation.

Ideally, we are looking for someone with 5+ years of Ruby on Rails experience who is proficient with query optimization and profiling/benchmarking source code.

Additional requirements include experience with APM tools and cloud computing services.

We're excited to connect with you!

Schoolyear (https://schoolyear.com/) | Experienced backend engineer | The Netherlands (Eindhoven) | REMOTE (EU) | Full-time

We help universities simplify digital exams (on-site) by locking down devices and streaming desktop applications. Our job is done when any professor can organize an exam without the help of the IT department and the students don't really notice they're using our app.

We're a team of 9, mostly remote, all over Europe. We're a 3yo bootstrapped startup with 1M+ in ARR.

Challenges we work on: - Peaky traffic. Some weeks we have 50k+ users, other weeks <200. - Native software that has to run smoothly on many different devices ranging from potato laptops to chunky workstations. Up until now we ran on 6k+ different laptop models (300k+ devices in total). - Large, multi-tenant VDI clusters scaling up and down rapidly. - Our users are very non-techsavy while they the underlying infra they're managing is quite complex. Dummy-proof UX is fundamental to our mission.

We try to keep our stack simple: Go, Postgres, Vue, Electron, C++

Email me at [team] at (schoolyear.com)

SkySafe | Multiple Positions | San Diego and Remote (USA)

SkySafe is hiring multiple engineering positions to build out our airspace monitoring and forensics solutions for drones. We build radio sensors that feed a cloud platform to detect, identify, and track drone flights in real time. Moreover, we provide a complete solution for drone forensics to aid law enforcement and defense customers. Work on our web technologies (Vue.js, Python, Mapbox), improve our software defined radios (Python, C++, LTE, WiFi, Bluetooth), reverse engineer drones (RF signals, binary and hardware analysis), and build the future of drone airspace management at SkySafe.

- Full Stack Engineer (SD or remote)

- Cloud DevOps Engineer (San Diego)

- Software (C++/Python) Engineer

- Electrical Engineer (San Diego)

- Reverse Engineer (SD or remote)

Don't see your role but think you would be a great fit? Send us your resume and a brief cover letter.

Email: raji@skysafe.com (recruiting) and CC: stephen@skysafe.io (engineering)



You guys are awesome! I actually sent an email to jobs@skysafe.io back in November, but I never got a reply.

I’ve had emails get filtered on occasion before, but last week I got my first actual clue when a message I sent bounced back weirdly because (apparently) of an SPF soft fail. Been avoiding digging into SMTP for a long time and it seems the bill is due.

Anyways, I’d be happy to forward the original email I sent on (from mitch@determinacy.io), and I’d be very grateful for an out of band peer willing to tolerate me replaying emails. Thanks!

Lumen5 | Fullstack Developer | Vancouver, BC, Canada or Remote | Fulltime | $130,000 - $156,000 | https://lumen5.com

We're writing software that uses machine learning to automate a lot of the creative process of producing video content. We've found that what we're building is very attractive to marketing and communications teams from lots of different organizations and we've got tons of interesting search, NLP, artificial intelligence, video rendering, and web scaling technical challenges.

Right now, we're hiring:

Fullstack Developer: end-to-end development of team collaboration features, using django, react, typescript, celery, postgres, elasticsearch. https://lumen5.com/careers/opportunity/?gh_jid=4559755003

Citymapper | London, UK or similar timezone | REMOTE (hybrid company) | VISA for senior candidates | Various roles

We are making cities (in particular the transport systems) usable for humans. Our apps as well as our B2B focussed SDK covers more than 450 cities around the world.

We have a variety of jobs listed on our careers page: https://citymapper.com/jobs

Among other engineering positions we are looking for:

  - Director of Engineering

  - iOS Engineer

  - Backend Engineers (Our main stack is python / k8s / AWS)

  - Data Engineers (We have lots of transport data and use our users’ analytics data to improve it)
Your first round interview will be with me or one of the engineering leads, and we will keep the interview process short and interesting for both sides!

Any questions you can also send to me directly: marius at citymapper .com

I applied and sent an email nearly three weeks ago and never got a response. Do you inform candidates if there is no match?

They are probably busy getting acquired :o)

The project you'd work on: https://quine.io Scala engineers with experience designing, building, and optimizing compilers: Mid- and Senior- Levels thatDot has created the world's first Streaming Graph, called "Quine" to make interpreting high-volume data streams dramatically faster and easier [1]. After 7 years of DARPA-funded research and development with a fantastic team of engineers, it's a game-changing core infrastructure technology. Our products are used by major security companies to do real-time behavioral analysis, monitor and triage their alarms, and automate remediation of security threats. We're an early-stage venture backed company, and now is a great time to join! We believe strongly that each person should get more from their job than just a paycheck! It should be interesting, provide a chance to learn new things, help advance your career, work with amazing and kind people, and be fun! A person ≠ their opinions. We value individual people who know how to disagree productively with each other so we can all learn. We deliberately cultivate a space where learning new things is the goal. Non-traditional backgrounds (i.e. non-CS degrees) are strongly encouraged; philosophy majors wanted! Tools in our stack - NOT REQUIRED if you're willing to learn: - Scala. We happily use pragmatic functional programming on the JVM. - Akka. The Actor model is at the heart of what we do. - Akka Streams. Backpressure is the ideal way to approach streaming data. - Databases like Cassandra, RocksDB, and more. - …and the right tool for the job. If you're interested in learning more, please reach out to: contact@thatDot.com or check out this page: https://www.thatdot.com/company/careers https://www.thatdot.com/blog/linear-scaling-to-1-1-trillion-...

Heads up that your formatting is messed up. For line breaks to show up you’ll need to double them up.

shuttle.rs | Multiple Roles | Remote (London +/- 3 hours) | Full Time | https://shuttle.rs

Shuttle is an open source cloud platform for developing and deploying apps with zero infra hassle. We are about to launch shuttle beta and are looking for talented individuals to join our team.

At shuttle, we’re on a mission to revolutionize developer experience for building web apps. We are open source community-driven and loved by thousands of developers. Our vision: the ultimate platform to supercharge developers’ productivity.

We’re backed by some of the best investors in the world, including Y Combinator, HorizonVC, Abstraction Capital, Global Founders Capital, Founders of Segment, Sendbird, Head of Product at DataDog and other successful founders and executives.

Currently, we have open positions for * VP of Engineering * Rust Backend Engineer * Framework Engineer * Technical Product Manager * DevRel Engineer * Business Analyst

If you want to be part of a fast-paced, community-driven team that is changing the way developers build web apps, we want to hear from you. Join us to build the future of cloud development!

Get more info & apply here: https://workatastartup.com/companies/shuttle

Clearscope | Austin, TX + Remote | Lead/Senior Product Engineer

Clearscope is a best-in-class digital marketing SaaS that leverages machine learning to arm content marketers with the data, recommendations, and visibility they need to make quality content that reaches their audience. We're bootstrapped and profitable and with 1,000+ paying customers like Adobe, Deloitte, Nvidia, Expedia, HubSpot, Shopify, Intuit, and Condé Nast driving multi-million ARR with 7 team members.

—> Clearscope is hiring lead and senior engineers who can drive product development in a small team setting —> Ruby/Rails + TypeScript monolith with no client-side MVC —> $170k-$230k with revenue share

Learn more: (https://angel.co/l/2xN6pQ)

Or contact our CTO directly at kevin[at]clearscope.io

Datawrapper | Backend / Full-Stack / Data Vis Developers | Remote (EU&UK) | FTE / 80% (4-day week)

Data visualisation tool for journalists & other publishers. Used by NYT, Washington Post, AP, and many others. You’ve likely seen a Datawrapper visualization before - election results, Covid numbers, maps on world events, etc. are created using Datawrapper. We reach >200 million unique monthly visualisation viewers with a team of just over 20 people. Bootstrapped, profitable since day 1.

Stack is NodeJS backend with Svelte frontend and D3/Svelte visualizations.


Feel free to reach out personally to david at datawrapper.de

Tangent; I guess we "hackers" just LOOOOVE parsing plaintext so much, even if just with our bare eyeballs ... :-p

Wouldn't it make more sense to have some sort of schema for these posts? It could be as simple as a typescript type for some JSON blob.

Various folks have scraped this, see https://hnhiring.com/ as an example :)

Agreed. It's funny that we've settled on such a low-tech solution. Hey employers, want to REALLy stand out in this list of 300+ companies? Post in JSON and start the trend!

Canonical | Global fully-distributed | Full-time, remote | Software Engineer, Web Developer, UX Design | https://grnh.se/1d5e7b031us

We're currently hiring for a wide range of roles in development and design across a range of our products and services. May of our roles are globally remote - change the "All Offices" filter to "Remote" to view.

With Ubuntu, Canonical created the first Linux for human beings. Our design team is on a mission to turn complex, open-source software into intuitive products that can change the face of enterprise IT.

Maven | Remote (within 1 hour of US timezones) | https://maven.com/

Maven is building the university of the future - empowering the world’s experts to offer live courses directly to their students. We're the leading marketplace for cohort-based courses.

Maven is a startup funded by First Round Capital, a16z, and others.

We are hiring for:

  - Senior full-stack engineer
Please apply at https://boards.greenhouse.io/maven/jobs/4023548004 and mention HN Who is hiring

I have worked for this company in the past. I would highly advise staying FAR away from this company.


Koddi | Currently seeking FT employees in the following locations: Ann Arbor, MI | Fort Worth, TX | Austin, TX or Remote Open roles: Software Engineers (Go, Java, C, C++)Product Managers, UI Designer, Lead Solutions (software) Engineer, Looking to become a major player on a diverse team? Want to make a big impact on an engineer-driven roadmap in your next career adventure? Koddi Engineers drive innovation by embracing challenges and deploying emerging technologies to solve complex problems in software development. Koddi is a global technology company with software and services that empower marketplace monetization through commerce media. Our enterprise platforms leverage first-party data to drive marketplace revenue and profit by improving user experience and target shoppers throughout the purchase path. Koddi’s platforms enable any advertiser, any marketplace, in any industry to increase awareness, generate demand, and drive revenue. Based in Fort Worth, Texas, Koddi has additional offices in New York, Ann Arbor, and Düsseldorf. Ranked by Forbes, Deloitte, and the Inc. 5000 as one of the fastest-growing companies in the nation, we’re growing rapidly and looking for innovative problem solvers to join our team. Review all open roles at www.koddi.com/careers and apply directly, or send your resume to matthew.myller@koddi.com. Please reach out with any questions. We are not currently seeking external recruitment partnerships at this time. All candidates must be based in the US.

FAIRTIQ | REMOTE & flexible in European time zone | 80-100% |

FAIRTIQ (https://fairtiq.com/en/) is the leading software solution that disrupts public transport ticketing. We use innovative algorithms to detect user journeys using data collected by mobile sensors. Since the founding in 2016, our innovative, simple solution has been recognised internationally. Thanks to our strategic partnerships, we already cover the entire public transportation system in Switzerland – while also growing internationally, i.e. in Germany, Austria, France and other regions.

Tech stack: * Architecture principles: Microservices, Continuous Integration & Delivery, Domain Driven Design, MVVM, Hexagonal architecture, Zero downtime * Programming languages we use: iOS - Swift, Android - Kotlin/Java, Backend development - Java/Kotlin, Backend scripts/prototypes - Python * Data stores: MongoDB, Redis * API / Messaging: Rest / JSON, RabbitMQ * Machine Learning: scikit-learn, Tensorflow

FAIRTIQ consists of currently ~120 employees and growing.

We are looking for: Senior Backend Engineers and Senior Android Engineers.

You will be working with highly talented colleagues and are offered a flexible & remote work style.

Apply on our careers page: https://fairtiq.com/en/careers

Just a small note: I took a look at this and you have a field for a cover letter which is required. Does your company actually believe these are useful?

Additionally, there is no field for extra information. For example, the backend posting is looking for you to live in Portugal but here you say it's fine to be in a European timezone. How do we signal that in the application?

Edit: I should note that I intended to apply until I saw this. I had to use an alt account though as my main is identifiable to my current employer.

No offense, but the 'cover letter' is a field for extra information. I'm not related to the company at all, I'm just saying...

Are you open to remote workers from Switzerland? (Zürich) On-site works as well for me.

Would be hard to negotiate the 2.5x salary diff between Portugal and CH, I guess.

It might not apply to this company but location independent pay is becoming a thing.

Cortico | Software Engineers, Product | Full-time | Remote | https://cortico.ai

Cortico is a non-profit focused on raising up under-heard voices and fostering deep conversations. We don't believe we can solve these problems with technology, but we think technology can help. We work with our partners to help them understand their communities through small group conversations. We support this with a web platform and NLP tools and we're in the process of building out a mobile app.

Our stack is python, typescript, react, react native, and kubernetes on AWS.

* Frontend-focused Engineer https://cortico.ai/careers/frontend-engineer/ * Backend-focused Engineer https://cortico.ai/careers/backend-engineer/ * Product Manager https://cortico.ai/careers/product-manager/ * Product Design Lead https://cortico.ai/careers/product-design-lead/

Earth Wallet | Engineering & Design | Earth / Remote | https://earthwallet.io

Hello Hacker News!

Earth Wallet is a startup that's building cutting-edge decentralized technology to take on the centralized tech giants. Our mission is to create a more fair and transparent digital ecosystem where individuals and communities have control over their identities, media, and financial assets.

We're looking for passionate and talented individuals to join our core team and help us launch a new decentralized social network. Here are some of the roles we're currently hiring for:

Head of Design: You'll create great human experiences for the decentralized web, ensuring healthier humans on Earth instead of optimizing for 'user engagement' and destroying the mental health of the human race.

Head of Engineering: You'll utilize your exceptional engineering skills to create the most secure and dependable products and services in the market. You'll be responsible for continuously refining and enhancing our technology and security infrastructure to ensure that we remain at the forefront of industry best practices, and continuously exceeds the expectations of the market.

If you're passionate about building a better digital future and want to work on cutting-edge decentralized technology, we'd love to hear from you. Please send your resume and a brief introduction to careers@earthwallet.io.

Sectigo | Remote | Full-Time

Join a small agile team within Sectigo working to improve products for retail customers.

We're looking for the following roles:

* Cloud Ops Developer | U.S., Canada (Remote) - join a small agile team that runs a backup service that is used over 1 million times a day. You will be a part of a team that is working on a live Ruby on Rails project. Your primary role is managing and maintaining the infrastructure and services that are hosted on the AWS cloud platform. The project currently integrates with multiple APIs, internal services, and cloud-based workers (AWS).

* Senior PHP Developer | U.S., Canada (Remote) - join a small agile team to continuously improve and iterate Sectigo products for retail customers. You will use your expertise and experience to design, develop, and maintain Sectigo’s e-commerce and customer platform based on PHP. The customized project handles over a hundred different variations of products and has a global customer base.

* Intermediate PHP Developer | International (Remote) - join a small agile team to continuously improve and iterate Sectigo products for retail customers. You will use your expertise and experience to design, develop, and maintain Sectigo’s e-commerce and customer platform based on PHP. The customized project handles over a hundred different variations of products and has a global customer base.

Please reach out: daniel.tse@sectigo.com for more details.

TalkJS (https://talkjs.com) | REMOTE (Europe / Middle East / Africa)

TalkJS is a Chat API. Our product lets developers build a perfect chat feature in just a few hours. We power communication in online marketplaces, community sites, trading platforms and so on. We're product driven and we care tremendously about quality.

We're headquartered in the Netherlands and our team is spread across the Central European Timezone +/- 3h.

We're in the market for:

    * Senior Frontend Developer
    * Senior Fullstack Developer
    * Senior Backend Developer
    * DevRel Engineer
    * Technical Writer
Our stack is mainly React, TypeScript, Elixir and PostgreSQL. 80% of the company is product people, founders are a designer and a programmer.

TalkJS touches millions of people and is growing quickly. We want to be the tool that every developer thinks of for building communication features, a bit like what Stripe is for payments.

To accomplish this, we give great engineers the maximum amount of freedom, so they can ship fantastic SDKs, APIs and features. This means a healthy work/life balance, no meetings, no red tape and a lot of responsibility. We're growing, profitable, and not dependent on venture funding. Sound good?

More info on all positions + how to apply: https://talkjs.com/jobs/

PlantingSpace | REMOTE (European timezone) | Full-time | https://planting.space

What we are currently hiring for:

- Automation Software Engineering: to build tools and improve processes

- Front-End Development: to help define and implement UI experience, in a growing system

- Site Reliability Engineering: to build reliable scalable software infrastructure for our system

- Dynamical Systems Research: to analyze our learning algorithm as a dynamical system

PlantingSpace is a research and development startup with the goal of building a system capable of understanding knowledge, to answer questions and get things done. To pursue this goal, we leverage emerging scientific fields such as category theory, probabilistic programming, deep learning, and cognitive science.

Our core is built in Julia, but we will also consider skills in other production languages, such as Haskell, Clojure, OCaml, Rust and C++.

If you want to learn more about our company, get some insights into what it’s like to work in our team and participate in our retreats, check our out Join Us page: https://planting.space/joinus

To see a full list of openings, and to apply, follow this link: https://jobs.lever.co/planting.space

Genpax | Full-stack/frontend/product engineer | London, UK | ONSITE (hybrid/flexible) | https://www.genpax.co/

We're building a game-changing bacterial analysis platform. Using bioinformatics, we can help hospitals take early and effective action against outbreaks of MRSA and other pathogens.

Our goal is to radically increase the utility, scalability, and speed with which whole genome sequencing (WGS) data delivers infection control solutions for human and animal healthcare worldwide. This will enable proactive control at early stages of outbreaks, and appropriate responses to more dangerous or more antibiotic resistant strains. We have developed a unique solution to address the challenges and our goal is to provide access to these solutions in a fully scalable system.

I'm looking for an experienced frontend (or full-stack/'product') engineer to join our small engineering team - initially to focus on building out a novel interactive tree-based UI. There are some interesting challenges here (and throughout the stack). We're using Python, GraphQL, React/TypeScript, Postgres and AWS, but open minded to adopting technologies that make sense.

£55-100k + equity, based on experience.



Lloyds Banking Group | Bristol, London, Leeds, Edinburgh, Manchester, Halifax, United Kingdom | Full-time UK (currently UK-hybrid) | https://bit.ly/LBGCareersSite

At Lloyds Banking Group we’re driven by a clear purpose: to help Britain prosper. As part of our diverse team you’ll impact the lives of more than 26 million customers through our brands, including Lloyds Bank, Halifax, Bank of Scotland, and Scottish Widows. With your help we'll continue to innovate and adapt to meet the ongoing digital needs of our customers. Join us and you can make a real difference.

Some of our current openings are listed below. For other opportunities visit our careers site: https://bit.ly/LBGTechTransformation

For Graduate Placements and Apprenticeships check out our ET site: https://bit.ly/LGB_ET

All have similar benefits: | Performance Bonus | 4% Cash Sum | Private Medical Insurance | Pension (we contribute up to 15%) | Share Plans | 30 days holiday (plus bank holidays)

Please be aware that these role are live at the time of posting, however they may expire after that date.

2/2 Lloyds Banking Group | Bristol, London, Leeds, Edinburgh, Manchester, Halifax, United Kingdom | Full-time UK (currently UK-Hybrid) | https://bit.ly/LBGCareersSite

Please be aware that these role are live at the time of posting, however they may expire after that date.

Test Analyst - Edinburgh., Bristol, London - £35,656 to £44,570 - https://bit.ly/091406

Software Engineer - London, Bristol - £61,176 to £99,411 - https://bit.ly/083876

Automation Designer - London - £76,428 to £84,920 - https://bit.ly/090233

DevOps Lead - London, Bristol - £81,928 to £153,615 - https://bit.ly/083907

Senior Swift Payments Software Engineer - London - £61,176 to £99,411 - https://bit.ly/076296

Lead Software Engineer - London - £81,928 to £153,615 - https://bit.ly/085311

Lead Full Stack Engineer (Java, NodeJS) - London, Bristol - £81,928 to £102,410 - https://bit.ly/083892

Engineering Test Manager (Commercial Banking – Data & Risk) - London - £81,928 to £153,615 - https://bit.ly/087932

Quality Engineer - Leeds - £35,656 to £44,570 - https://bit.ly/083102-a

Lead iOS Engineer - London, Edinburgh - £81,928 to £102,410 - https://bit.ly/084770-a

Lead Android Engineer - London - £81,928 to £102,410 - https://bit.ly/084762-a

Senior Data Scientist - Bristol - £48,784 to £60,980 - https://bit.ly/082893

Software Engineer in Data & Machine Learning - Manchester - £61,911 to £75669 - https://bit.ly/081674

DevOps GCP Engineer - London - £61,176 to £76,470 - https://bit.ly/077617

St. Jude Children's Research Hospital | Multiple Positions | Memphis, TN | ONSITE or HYBRID | https://www.stjude.cloud

The St. Jude Cloud (https://stjude.cloud) project is hiring a Staff DevOps Engineer and a Staff Software Engineer. We work on the forefront of computational genomics by applying advanced computational techniques to analyzing genomics data then sharing that data with the world. Come join the world's largest pediatric cancer data repository and apply your skills to advance cures for children around the world. Please see the positions below.

You can learn a little about our most recent structure here - https://www.stjude.cloud/announcements/st-jude-cloud-restruc....

NOTE that prior experience in bioinformatics or biology is NOT required for any of the positions below. We're just looking for amazing engineers, but rest assured, we teach biology/genomics/bioinformatics from scratch routinely. You must be interested in learning though!

If you have questions, you can reach out to me (the hiring manager) with questions at Kevin DOT Benton AT stjude DOT org.

Here are the links to the positions. For the privacy conscious among us, note that these links will track how many clicks we receive. If that bothers you, you can also find these positions by searching for them here: https://jobs-stjude.icims.com/jobs/intro.

1. Staff DevOps Engineer - https://careers-stjude.icims.com/jobs/11583/staff-software-e...

2. Staff Software Engineer - https://careers-stjude.icims.com/jobs/11581/staff-software-e...

OpenRent | London, UK | Full-Time | ONSITE+PART REMOTE | https://www.openrent.co.uk

What sucked the last time you rented a house or flat? Come and fix it.

OpenRent is a force for good in an industry tarnished by rip-off agencies. Enabled by an unrelenting focus on technology, we now let more properties than any agency in the UK. In the last 12m we let over £45 billion worth of property, to over 5 million registered users, without ever charging any admin fees.

You'll be working on things that vary from machine learning models to predict the right price of a property, to the future of property management, all to help tenants find their dream home, and landlords their ideal tenant.

We're VC backed, profitable, and have plenty of ambition to maintain our fast growth in this absolutely massive market.

We have a bunch of roles available at the moment and keen to find great people like you!

- Senior DevOps Engineer | Equity | 75k-100k+ (based on experience) + Quarterly Bonus

- Full Stack Web Dev (C#) | All Levels | Equity | £35k-£120k+ (based on experience) + Quarterly Bonus

- Web Designer | Experienced / Senior | Equity | £50k-£120k+ (based on experience) + Quarterly Bonus

All roles visible here: https://www.openrent.co.uk/jobs

OpenRent is already impacting millions of tenants and landlords each year, join us and make every tenancy better than the last.

Clearcover | Data, Product, Design | Insurtech | Full-time | Chicago, Remote (US)

We’re a Chicago based Insurtech startup building powerful technology to solve interesting technical problems, allowing us to offer drivers better coverage for less money.

We build and maintain suites of services across our stack, including Java/Kotlin, TypeScript, .NET, Ruby, Kafka and Kubernetes – and we’re hiring for many roles.

Senior Product Designer: https://grnh.se/a9519d352us

Senior Machine Learning Data Scientist: https://grnh.se/255e9c8a2us

Lead Machine Learning Data Scientist: https://grnh.se/cdad0eb92us

Senior Insurance Product Analyst: https://grnh.se/a6b5b8902us

Insurance Product Director: https://grnh.se/cb82adb52us

Various other roles, non-technical included: https://grnh.se/0eadce002us

Founding Full Stack Engineer | At Operator we make IT easy for SMEs | Full time @ Berlin/Madrid & remote (EU only) | Salary + Equity

Remember the Matrix? …

Whenever sh* hits the fan you call an “Operator” and they will direct you out of the mess. That’s exactly what we do for SMEs dealing with their IT:

We help them centralize and secure their IT (On- & Offboardings, Hardware procurement, Device Management, Software- & Cloud Access Management…) within a SaaS platform including awesome automation enabled IT-Support via Slack & MS Teams.

We are second & third time founders, we founded Operator because IT sucks for SMEs right now. We have secured funding & are looking for an entrepreneurial minded founding engineer. Read about how we want top build our business here: https://chatter-lifter-8e5.notion.site/How-we-work-at-Operat...)

I am Jonas, one of two co-founders. To apply just send me a quick mail to jonas.baum@heyoperator.io Pls include HackerNews so that I know where you came from =).

Required tech stack:

- vue.js / react.js;

- Golang;

- Google Cloud / Firebase

- APIs [HTTP; GraphQL; GRPC]

- some other cool stuff that would be cool but isn’s a must

LMK if you want to open a US-based office!

InvestSuite | Senior Python Engineer, Senior Scala Engineer, Senior Flutter Engineer | Remote (HQ in Belgium) | Full-time | https://investsuite.com/

Stack: Python, FastAPI, Pydandic, Numpy, Pandas, AWS, Docker, MongoDB https://www.investsuite.com/jobs/python-developer

Stack: Flutter, gRPC, Dart https://www.investsuite.com/jobs/frontend-developer

Stack: Zio ecosystem, Akka, Shapeless, Monix, Kafka, Postgres https://www.investsuite.com/jobs/scala-developer

InvestSuite is a fast-growing global B2B embedded wealth (front-to-middleware) InvestTech provider. We help financial institutions realize their digital wealth transformation journey and together create the most delightful investing experiences for their customers. We have 15 nationalities building in "international DNA" and clients on 4 continents. We are a place where bankers, creative designers, imagineers, mathematicians, computer & behavioral scientists meet. We are builders and growers, obsessed with innovation and the construction of exciting products that benefit the clients of our clients. We are excited to work at the crossroads of ‘the markets’, investing, economics, deep science (AI & machine learning), finance, design and the digital world. Can there be anything more challenging?

Interested? maarten.huijsmans@investsuite.com

Magic (https://getmagic.com/) | Javascript Full Stack Engineer and Software Development Manager (AI products) | 100% Remote (preferably APAC, Africa and EU regions) | Full-time

We are the Engineering Team at Magic, a Y Combinator (W15) company. We connect businesses to virtual assistants, with over $30MM raised to date. Our team is currently composed of 16 engineers in 7 countries, growing to 30 engineers worldwide in 2022.

* Javascript Full Stack Engineer - JavaScript and AWS Lambda https://bit.ly/magicfullstack

* Software Development Manager (AI product) - lead a team of engineers in the design and development of AI-powered solutions that meet the needs of Magic's core business. https://bit.ly/softwaredevmanager

Tech stack: JavaScript, with React on the frontend and Node on AWS on the backend, with PostgreSQL and MongoDB for our databases.

Our workplace: 90% async (very few meetings), open source or civic work supported, work at any time you want from anywhere

Learning culture: mentorship, pairing, talks, conferences, new technologies

Unique hiring process: in less than 3 hours, meet our in-house technical recruiter, meet a hiring manager for a culture fit and pre-tech interview, then choose from 3 ways to showcase your abilities (choose one): (a) simulated code review, (b) show and tell from one of your GitHub repos or (c) live-code pairing to build a to-do application.

Contact us by emailing: ysai.lafrades@getmagicnow.com

Samsara | Multiple Roles | Full-time, 100% Remote OR Hybrid In-Person/WFH (US & Canada) | Apply here: https://grnh.se/766dab941us

Samsara is the pioneer of the Connected Operations Cloud, which allows businesses and organizations that depend on physical operations to harness IoT (Internet of Things) data to develop actionable business insights and improve their operations. Samsara operates in North America and Europe and serves more than 20,000 customers across a wide range of industries including transportation, wholesale and retail trade, construction, field services, logistics, utilities and energy, government, healthcare and education, manufacturing and food and beverage. Learn more about Samsara's mission to increase the efficiency, safety, and sustainability of the operations that power the global economy at www.samsara.com.

Open Positions: Senior Engineer, Senior Embedded Software Engineer, Staff Engineer (Embedded, Telematics), Senior Engineering Manager, Growth Engineer, Software Engineer (Full-Stack), and more!

Figma | Desktop Engineering Manager | SF, NYC or Remote in US | Full-time | https://www.figma.com/ | https://boards.greenhouse.io/figma/jobs/4803813004

As the Desktop Engineering Manager at Figma, you will lead the Desktop team responsible for creating the best way for daily Figma users to collaborate, create, and get work done with joy and efficiency through our macOS and Windows applications. You’ll work closely with your team (5 engineers), designers, PMs, and other EMs to enhance and extend our web products so they work seamlessly on desktop.

You’ll also continue building the team so we have the right people to create the best desktop experience for our power users. The ideal leader for this role is excited about getting deep into the details and leveraging their team to bring the best of the web and desktop together.

Contact: Apply at the JD link above, or reach out to pmorey@figma.com if you have any questions!

Locket | Multiple roles | Full-time | Los Angeles, CA / SF / Remote (US / Canada) +/- 3hrs of PT | http://locket.camera


Locket is hiring!

Locket puts your best friends, relationships, and family at the center of your phone. Throughout the day, you’ll see live pictures sent from your favorite people, right on your Home Screen.

Locket launched one year ago and has gained incredible traction since then:

* 20M people have signed up

* Over 2 billion photos have been sent on the app

* Millions of people use the app daily

* Users love the product — thousands of people have created TikToks about the app, generating 100M+ organic views

* Selected as Cultural Impact Winner in the 2022 App Store Awards

We have a unique shot at becoming one of the defining social companies of the decade. If we’re successful, Locket can become the best way to feel closer to your friends and family. We want your help building Locket.

We have open positions for talented iOS engineers, a founding Android engineer, product designer, and full stack engineers.

Please visit http://locket.camera/jobs for more details.

Cool product. I’m not looking at the moment but I love the idea of social media that wants to make people feel better.

Martie | Los Angeles/San Francisco, CA, USA | Full Time | REMOTE: US-only | https://martie.com

Martie is the first online-only grocery store for everyone - no subscription boxes or memberships. We are here to make foods and packaged goods affordable, healthy and fun. We work with brands you know and love and help them redistribute overstock inventory, creating savings at 40-70% off to our customers, while helping to reduce food waste.

As our full-stack developer, you are responsible for bringing our e-commerce experience, built on Shopify+, to life. You work closely with our CPO and the extended team to create an optimized shopping experience that maximizes conversion rates and customer satisfaction, as well as personalizes the shopping experience for each unique user. We expect you to embrace the challenges and opportunities of being our first engineering hire and be prepared to build the foundation of our future tech stack.

Please send a bit about yourself and your github/resume/CV to jobs@martie.com.

Bonterms | Founding Engineer | San Francisco, CA | ONSITE | https://bonterms.com/jobs/founding-engineer/

Bonterms is gearing up to launch a first-of-a-kind, two-sided deal platform. The Bonterms Platform will enable parties to easily enter into our Bonterms’ Standard Agreements, which are vetted by a who’s-who Committee of lawyers from F500, tech and leading law firms and already in use on a daily basis by enterprise customers and vendors.

We’re looking for our first engineer to join our core team at our SF HQ. Our Founding Engineer will pick up and own development of a beta-ready product from our outside design & build shop and leverage an offshore development team moving forward. This is a special opportunity for an engineer ready to step in and perform in front of some of the most discerning companies in the world.

Bonterms is lawyer-led and funded by XYZ Capital and the law firm Wilson Sonsini. If you’re interested, please reach out to chris@bonterms.com.

Metabase | https://metabase.com | REMOTE | Full-time | Backend, Frontend, Full Stack, and DevOps engineers Metabase is open source analytics software that lets anyone in your company rummage around in the databases you have. It connects to a number of databases / data warehouses (BigQuery, Redshift, Snowflake, Postgres, MySQL, etc). People rather like the product (metabase.com/love). We're a remote team full of people who care about user experience, making complicated things as simple as possible and building things. We have a deeply pragmatic engineering culture and value building things that people actually use vs whatever closes a deal or makes for a good press release.

Tech stack: Clojure, Typescript, React, Redux, AWS

Roles: Engineering Managers, Data Analysts, Frontend/DevOps/Backend Engineering, Success Engineers, and more.

See https://www.metabase.com/jobs

Neocom | Munich, Germany | Hybrid, Onsite | Senior Frontend and/ or Backend Engineer | https://neocom.ai/careers

We make product discovery effortless. Our SaaS solution helps online shops to decode their customers and delight them by helping them to find the right product with Guided Discovery.

* Python & Go backends

* GraphQL

* lots of Postgres & Redis

* some Elastic

* React.js in the customer facing & admin apps

We are looking for opinionated people who stand up for their believes, people who want to build great products rather than good ones, professional adults. We are still fairly early stage (2 years old) with good traction, post Product/ Market Fit. IMHO the best time to join a company and leave a footprint.

The open position is a senior role, where we require at least 5+ years professional experience.

Meet our product & engineering team: https://neocom.ai/careers/team-product

Interested? Email me (Founder & CEO) at ssl at neocom.ai

AlpacaML | Sr. Software Engineer, ML Engineer/Researcher, | Remote (US and Europe Timezones) | Full-time

We are a team building a next-generation design platform powered by generative models. If you are interested in building delightful interfaces for state-of-the-art machine learning models, please reach out!

We are hiring in machine learning and software engineering (essentially at all levels of the stack from front-end to back-end). For the software role in particular, we are looking for an experienced SWE with fluency in TypeScript, React, and Python and experience with cloud and automation tooling (AWS, Kubernetes, Docker).

You can check out an early demo we put out here [1].

To learn more about us and the open positions, check out [2].

You can reach us at hiring@alpacaml.com

[1]: https://twitter.com/ninklefitz/status/1593344964938694656?s=...

[2]: https://bit.ly/alpaca-jobs

Uncountable | SF, NYC, Munich | Full-Stack Engineering Internships https://www.uncountable.com/hiring/hn Uncountable accelerates R&D for industrial scientists across leading materials, chemicals, and life sciences organizations. With our SaaS solution, our customers get better products to the market in half the time. Uncountable was founded by MIT and Stanford engineers and has been profitable since 2016. Our team has grown from 12 to 40 over the last two years.

Full-Stack Engineering Internships

---> Uncountable is looking summer interns who can spearhead the development of the Uncountable Web Platform. The position is heavily product-driven and comes with challenges across the stack.

Learn more: https://www.uncountable.com/hiring/hn

Uncountable has offices in San Francisco, New York City or Munich.

Contact our CTO directly at jason@uncountable.com

Here's a list of March whoishiring posts with job compensation listed in the post https://grepwhoishiring.com/

Immunant | Software Engineer, Senior Software Engineer | REMOTE (US-only) | Full-time | https://www.immunant.com

Are you experienced with both C and Rust? Do you know OS, compiler, or emulator internals? Are you interested in binary analysis and rewriting ELF files? If you can demonstrate one or more years of hands-on experience in one of these areas, we'd like to hear from you.

Immunant is helping its customers deploy Rust code alongside or in place of C/C++. We are looking for a fellow systems programming expert to help us harden and optimize components used across the internet. Most of our team is fully remote. Check out some of our work at https://www.github.com/immunant

Please note that we're unable to consider applications from candidates outside the US.

Send applications to team@immunant.com – please mention HN in subject line. We look forward to connect!

Fenerum (fenerum.com/) | Experienced frontend engineer | Aarhus, Denmark | REMOTE (EU) | Full-time

We help b2b SaaS companies run their finances - most prominently billing but working on real time cash forecasting, budgeting and expenses.

We're a team of 9 with 4 remote devs. We’ve been around for around 3 years and are currently targeting Denmark and Norway and want to expand to the remaining EU.

We are currently only backend devs working on Django backend with a frontend made with React and Tailwind and some legacy views that need to be migrated to React.

Reasons to work with us:

Make an impact (you will be THE frontend guy and set the direction)

Freedom (very flexible work hours and you can work remotely - you are more than welcome at our office any time as well for short or longer stays)

Small team and no bureaucracy (get shit done instead of discussing how to do it)

Email me at [kristian] at (Fenerum.com). I’m the CEO & Co-founder. I come from a backend dev career plus one former successful startup as CEO. You will work directly with me and the other 4 devs :-)

SLM | VPE, Engineering Manager, Product Designer & more | 100% Remote or hybrid NYC | sharelocalmedia.com

Share Local Media, or SLM, is a rapidly growing startup reimagining the world of offline marketing for tech and e-commerce companies. We launched SLM with a goal of turning direct mail into a high performing, scalable channel for a digitally native client set. To do so, we’ve taken an inputs based-approach to the space, and re-engineered the channel from the ground up to make it easier to test, faster to execute, more measurable, and ultimately, more effective for e-commerce and tech clients of all types.

Our product & tech teams work on an AWS stack with client facing applications built on Rails/React, Postgres, Docker, Redis. We also heavily rely on Glue, DBT & Redshift for more of our data ingestion and pipelines.

Read more about our open roles: https://sharelocalmedia.com/team

Thanks, Nathan

Zulip | Senior Frontend Engineer | REMOTE or San Francisco | Full-time or part-time | https://zulip.com/

At Zulip, we’re out to build the world’s best collaboration platform, and we’re committed to keeping it 100% open source. Zulip is the only modern team chat app that is designed for both live and asynchronous conversations. Our product serves as the communication hub for businesses, open-source projects, educators and communities around the world.

We’re looking for a senior frontend engineer to join our small core team and help define the future of team chat. In this role, you will work closely with Zulip’s product and design leads to drive work on a major initiative to redesign Zulip’s core surfaces.

Check out https://zulip.com/jobs/ to learn more, and apply at jobs@zulip.com.

Use Zulip at the company I work and I love this product. I've really enjoyed it as a chat application over the past couple years, as well as developing bots on top of it.

Tangram | Rust/Linux Programmer | Remote (USA) | Full Time

At Tangram, we are making a programmable build system and package manager designed to rescue developers from "dependency hell" and make builds simple, reproducible, cacheable, and distributable.

Check out the code samples here: https://www.tangram.dev.

We are looking to work with programmers who have experience with systems programming, Linux, and Rust. As a founding engineer on a small team, you will have the opportunity to work on interesting technical problems, such as:

* Building a content-addressed distributed file system.

* Making builds serverless with Nomad, V8, Wasmtime, and Firecracker.

We are well funded by investors including Kleiner Perkins and the founders of GitHub, Vercel, and Slack.

If you are interested in joining us on our mission to save programmers from suffering with slow, unreliable builds, please get in touch at jobs@tangram.dev.

Elektron Music Machines | Rust Developer | Onsite or Remote in Sweden/Germany | Gothenburg, Sweden | Full-Time | https://www.elektron.se

Elektron builds state-of-the-art music instruments with deep functionality and exceptional sonic capabilities.

We are looking for a skilled Rust developer to join our team working on a software platform which will drive the next generation of our instruments. In this role, you will be developing both core platform code as well as product features.

You can work either on-site in our Gothenburg headquarters or in our Berlin hub. You can also work remotely from any other Swedish or German locations.

If you are interested in Rust, music and tech, please read more and apply here: https://www.elektron.se/se/rustengineer

Very excited to see an Elektron post on here!

Sudowrite | REMOTE | Full-Time | Competitive Salary + Equity Hiring: ML and Full-Stack

- We believe the future of writing is AI & human collaboration. Sudowrite is the best AI for creative writers.

- We are profitable with a rapidly growing paying user base.

- We've been featured in The New York Times, New Yorker, Verge, etc.

- We believe new tools will enable a renaissance in art & creativity and we want to help the next generation of storytellers tell better stories.

Wanted: Full-Stack and ML Engineers (who also write!)

- We’re 100% remote and support work-life balance. We meet up in person a few times of year, last time in Hawaii. We encourage diverse candidates from all over the world to apply.

- Details: https://sudowrite.notion.site/We-re-hiring-engineers-to-make...

Apply by emailing careers@sudowrite.com

Great folks! Highly recommend!

Your notion site is private!


Influx | Senior Software Engineer | Remote | Melbourne/Malaysia | Full-time | https://influx.com

Influx provides full-service customer support teams that can flex and scale monthly. Influx enables companies of all sizes to deliver consistent and high quality service 24/7.

We're looking for an experienced Ruby engineer. Our stack uses Ruby on Rails and Postgres with infrastructure hosted on Heroku and AWS.

The Influx engineering team is small but growing. There will be enormous opportunities for learning, personal growth and taking on more responsibility as the team continues to expand.

What we’re looking for:

- Someone that is curious, collaborative and ready to take ownership and responsibility.

- Comfortable being part of a small, autonomous and distributed team.

- Top-notch communication skills are essential.

- Eager to learn and grow.

Email me at dennis@influx.com to apply or ask questions. Thanks! :)

Linear | Multiple roles | Full-time | Remote | US/EU | https://linear.app

At Linear, we are creating a new standard for modern software development. We are building the tools that empower the next generation of high-impact companies to do their best work. Our current customers include companies such as as Cash App, Vercel, Retool, Ramp & Alan.

Founded in 2019, Series A stage (led by Sequoia Capital), the company has been profitable since 2021. Founders are ex-YC and early builders at Airbnb, Coinbase and Uber. We value craft and quality and have a high bar for both.

Stack: Typescript, React, GraphQL, Node, Postgres, Redis & Google Cloud with k8

Looking for:

- Staff Mobile Engineer (iOS)

- Staff Fullstack Engineer

- Staff Backend Engineer

- Staff Infrastructure Engineer

- Product Support

- Senior Product Designer

- Account Executive

- Senior Lead Analyst

Apply at: https://linear.app/careers

Love that these job postings are describing specific, concrete things the applicant would work on.

Is it still one week of work for the company as an interview step?

Depends on the role & the situation, but yeah we do expect some amount of work (paid) and time together with all candidates.

Does US mean US time zones? Or are you specifically not able to hire from Canada/Mexico?

We are open to Canada and Mexico. We don’t currently have anyone in Mexico so we would have evaluate if we can. That’s why we generally advertise it as “North America” or “US”.

Love the product. If only the infrastructure position was hiring in NA.

Hi, recruiter from Linear here. Thanks for the nice feedback and we are open to hiring for our infra role in US East Coast timezone. Please let me know if you have any other questions.


Jaumo.com | Senior Android Engineer | Full-time | Remote (European timezones) - HQ in Germany We're a 10 year old bootstrapped, profitable and fully remote company (29 people from 14 different countries, over 80% engineers) with some popular products in the dating space, in the middle of an exciting pivot to a more social product.

We are looking for a Senior Android Engineer for our Android team.

We offer:

- Very competitive salary for the European market

- 30 days paid vacation + your local holidays

- Great work-life balance - work whenever you want from wherever you are. Results, not hours. We care about what you achieve

- No bullshit - we are a fact - and engineering-driven company (including the founders)

Interested? Please apply via http://careers.joyridedating.com/p/c1876f3f4d9101-android-en...

Sentry | San Francisco, Seattle, Toronto, Vienna, VISA | https://sentry.io/jobs |

Sentry is an open-source application monitoring SaaS.

Overall techstack: Python, TypeScript, Rust, Postgres, Kafka, Redis, Clickhouse, and GCP.

We're hiring for a few department: Software Engineers, Site Reliability Engineers, Product Managers, and more.

Some of the open roles:

  - Sr. Backend Engineer https://sentry.io/careers/4808193/
  - Sr. Full Stack Engineer https://sentry.io/careers/4884870/
  - Sr. Site Reliability Engineer https://sentry.io/careers/3919793/
  - Sr. Product Manager https://sentry.io/careers/4851937/

Happy to put in a word; reach out at jump.hoop.one@gmail.com

Atlanta Braves | Analytics Engineer | Remote | https://atlantabravesmlb.wd5.myworkdayjobs.com/AtlantaBraves...

The Atlanta Braves are looking for an analytics engineer to join Baseball Development Analytics. Baseball Development Analytics is a 100% remote team that is collaborating to apply many kinds of data to improve athlete performance throughout the organization. The analytics engineer will be responsible for building and maintaining data pipelines to ensure that performance data is processed quickly for consumption by analysts and available in tools serving many stakeholders throughout the Braves.

SpaceX | Onsite Hawthorne or Mountain View, CA or Redmond, WA or Washington, DC | Full Time | Software & Security Engineering

SpaceX builds reusable rockets, spaceships & satellites!

BENEFITS: competitive base pay, health, dental, vision, 401k and EQUITY! SpaceX is the most valuable private company in the US and the 2nd in the world ($137 Billion)!

~~~ Software Engineering ~~~

Software Engineer (Starshield) : https://grnh.se/7eaf50572us

Software Infrastructure Engineer (Starshield): https://grnh.se/2afbb4ce2us

Software Engineer (Starlink): https://grnh.se/a06128362us

FPGA/ASIC Validation Engineer (Starlink): https://grnh.se/57c9db012us

Sr. Design Verification Engineer (Starlink): https://grnh.se/8dbbd6b82us

Data Engineer (Starshield): https://grnh.se/bafafa172us

FPGA Engineer (Starshield): https://grnh.se/2b7d9a212us

~~~ Security Engineering ~~~

Security Engineer: https://grnh.se/31cc507a2us

Security Engineer (Threat Detection): https://grnh.se/22378ff72us

Security Software Engineer: https://grnh.se/6f4f7a282us

I think it's worth mentioning that at least some of those positions are almost certainly US Citizen only and will require doing an SF-86 with the OPM.

If you're going to get into working for a defense contractor, go into it fully aware of the whole process...

biggest issue is not allowing for remote, not the clearance.

MeetKai | Front-end & Full-stack engineers | REMOTE / ONSITE | Los Angeles / US | 130-200K + Equity for qualified candidates

We are a startup in the conversational AI/Metaverse space hiring Engineers and (front-end & full-stack) of all levels. If you are excited about any of these bullet points reach out to us to learn more.

* Delivering outstanding experience using a delightful interface

* Working on a VR-capable game engine compiled to Wasm

* Utilizing WebXR APIs to integrate with various VR peripherals

* Optimizing high-performance multiplayer networking data syncing

* So much more: Spatial Audio, Voice Chat, Physics, Rendering, Scene Editor, etc, etc.

Our tech stack:

* Frontend: Typescript, React, Redux, Next, Tailwind, Wasm * Backend: Kafka, Python, Node, Prisma, Postgres * CI/CD: Circle CI

Contact: aaron.mk [at] proton.me (engineering manager) mention this post on HN. Mail preferred.

DuckDuckGo - We are looking for candidates that are excited to join us on a mission to raise the standard of trust online. All of our roles are fully-remote, except where specific locations are noted. https://duckduckgo.com/hiring

Remote Open Roles at DuckDuckGo:

Senior Developers: -Windows, iOS, Frontend (Javascript), Android, MacOS

Senior Data Scientist

Senior Brand Designer

Senior Advertising Research Manager

Engineering Director, Network Protection

Senior Marketing Manager / Creative Ad Producer

Director, Product Management

Director, People Operations

Director, Research

Director, Talent Acquisition

MORE ROLES: https://duckduckgo.com/hiring

You mention Senior Developers - Frontend(Javascript) roles here but I dont see it in the link https://duckduckgo.com/hiring. Could you please let me know where can I apply?


I applied a couple years ago, I can confirm their hiring process is one of the best around.

Any backoff period in place?

What did you like about it?

A pdf explaining their hiring practice. I imagine the user liked the remunerated, take-home tests, done on your own time. https://duckduckgo.com/assets/hiring/how_we_hire.pdf

Looks great. Good work DDG!

not only that, also the people I spoke to and the feedback loop :)

Not particularly. We encourage people to re-apply!

Hi Bill! I applied for the senior frontend position about a month ago, and was rejected at the first step.

I think it was towards the end of the posting, so: is this a new position, and would it be possible to get feedback on why I was rejected?

I thought I fit the role pretty well, so it would be useful to have more details so I could improve my CV :)

Full remote still means Americas only?

No, we consider everyone from everywhere for our team.

Do you have a link to Principal or Director, Product Design? Not seeing it on the career site.

Sorry, that one just got filled and I should have removed it!

Want to help 25,000+ small business owners clone themselves so that they can stop running out of time, and avoid burn out? Then join the 17hats team. Founded in 2014, we have built the largest all-in-one business management platform in the world. If you are a Perl wizard, we want to talk to you.

It's a remote position, so you can work anywhere in the world, though we do require some overlap with Pacific time in the morning.

It's a small team of 5 developers so you would make a huge impact, both for our team and for our clients.

Obviously if you are a Perl developer, you know it is a small market so it is kinda silly to list any other requirements. We are looking for a good personality fit, good work ethic, and the openness to learn. If that sounds like you, drop us a line at jobs-at-17hats.com.

BCC | Platform Systems Engineer | Bethesda MD | ONSITE or REMOTE, VISA | Competitive compensation! | https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov

Black Canyon Consulting (BCC) is searching for Platform Systems Engineers (DevOPs) to support our work for the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) at the National Library of Medicine (NLM), an institute of the National Institutes of Health. This opportunity is full time and onsite/remote at the NIH in Bethesda, MD.

Position Link - https://boards.greenhouse.io/blackcanyonconsulting/jobs/5531...

BlaBlaCar - Paris, France - REMOTE friendly (but only in FR) - VISA help if needed - FULL-TIME We are the go-to marketplace app/site for shared road travel (carpooling, bus) in 22 countries (South America, Europe). We are heavily recruiting this year, with of course (HN ;) ) a lot of: Software/Data/ML/iOS/Android/Back-end engineers, Data Scientists, etc.

We are hosted on GCP/K8s. The stack is mainly Java (+ a bit of Go / PHP) for the backend, Python for Data side.

More about these job offers: https://jobs.lever.co/blablacar?lever-via=ziozcUUhX3

(If you apply for a job thanks to this message, please indicate you come from Hacker News & my name)

I'm really interested in the Data/ML roles! Is there anyone I can contact directly? I'm not seeing any Data Science or Machine Learning Engineer roles on the website

Sorry I haven't checked HN these last days. They have been fulfilled but we may reopen some this year. Check the page times to times or subscribe to our Linkedin page.

MassLight | Software Engineers | React / Node.js / iOS / Android | Remote, HQ is in Washington, DC

MassLight builds startups in exchange for equity. Most of our engineers are full-stack but some of our engineers prefer frontend or backend. https://masslight.com

We're currently building zapEHR https://zapehr.com, a backend for building healthcare applications.

You can check out our job postings on AngelList https://angel.co/company/masslight/jobs or email me at jsaewitz@masslight.com.

Scientific American | NYC or REMOTE | US | Fulltime | https://www.scientificamerican.com

Scientific American—yes, the legendary science magazine—is building out its team as it prepares to build the next generation of its entire web platform platform, including a totally greenfield Data operation. The world needs great science reporting more than ever, and we've got a lot to build.

- Python Engineer: https://careers.springernature.com/job/New-York-Python-Engin...

Fairwinds | Remote (US) | Full-Time

Fairwinds is looking for an SRE with Kubernetes experience.

As an SRE at Fairwinds, you’ll work directly with clients to ensure their goals are met through automation, analysis, and infrastructure configuration. Working collaboratively with the other SREs at Fairwinds, your expertise will help our clients succeed with Kubernetes through building robust infrastructure, solving complex problems, maintaining reliable, secure environments, and standing behind our work as a part of our on-call rotation.


Sigma Computing | Senior Software Engineers (Frontend,Fullstack,Backend)& Many More| SF & NYC https://sigmacomputing.com

Sigma Computing is a BI Tool that allows all users in an organization to explore the data from your warehouse. This is an oversimplification, looking at the website will provide a better view.

We have a strong engineering culture and we've been rapidly expanding in the last year.

We are hiring for lots of roles: https://www.sigmacomputing.com/careers

I'm happy to answer any questions, my work email is first part of username @ sigmacomputing.com

Replicate (YC W20) | Berkeley, CA + Remote | https://replicate.com/

Replicate makes it easy to run machine learning models in the cloud. You can run a big library of open source machine learning models with a few lines of code, or deploy your own models at scale.

We're an experienced team from Spotify, Docker, GitHub, Heroku, Apple, and various other places. We're backed by a16z, Sequoia, Andrej Karpathy, Guillermo Rauch.

Hiring for a technical designer, infrastructure engineer, machine learning engineer, and more. https://replicate.com/about#join-us

Email us: jobs@replicate.com

Full-time Developer | C# | .Net Core | Remote Working | UK Based

FleetCheck Ltd is one of the UK’s leading software solutions within the fleet industry. We help managers in all types of businesses to better manage their company vehicles and drivers effectively and efficiently. Our software helps coordinate their data into one platform, helping them be legally compliant and make their complex jobs easier.

We are looking for someone with a minimum of 2 years development experience.

Full job description: https://www.fleetcheck.co.uk/careers/ Apply direct: recruitment@fleetcheck.co.uk

Opvia (YC S20) | Software Engineers | REMOTE (UK and Europe) or London based | opvia.io

Opvia wants to be the software layer for regulated manufacturing companies.

Regulated industries (Pharma, biotech, F&B) need better software to go to market faster, get insights from their data, and comply with the regulations. Opvia makes it easier to build exactly the procedures and workflows companies need with its no-code platform.

More info here: https://www.opvia.io/careers

Drop me a line (alberto@opvia.io) if you need further info or are looking for a different position

We are able to sponsor visas in the UK

Synthesia | Remote in EU/UK/US Eastern timezone | Permanent Full-Time | No VISA | Who are we? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UVNUCBUrHL0





SECURITY ENGINEER (based in New York only)



※Mission: We are changing the future of communication enabling anyone to make videos - we're an AI video generation platform

※Team: We are 170+ Synthesians altogether, 30 people work in engineering on Synthesia STUDIO

※Stack: FE: React.js, Redux, react-query, HTML5/CSS3; BE: Python, Flask, Node.js, C++; Infrastructure: Docker, AWS (Lambda, Fargate, EC2, EKS); DB: Postgres, MongoDB;

※Compensation: EUR +/-120k + stock options - comp for US staring at 120k USD

※Funding: We have 5+ years of runway and 20+ million ARR. Yeah, we're doing great :D

ↆ Below, you find much more info and the apply button.


Some job posts say the salary is 70-110k, is that correct, or it's 120k for all positions?

Substack | SF, NYC, Remote US or Canada | https://substack.com

Substack is building a new economic engine for culture. Many of the world's leading thinkers, writers, and creators are using Substack to produce their work and connect directly with their audiences.

Substack is a startup funded by YC, a16z, and others. We raised our Series B two years ago and are growing quickly.

We are hiring for:

  - full-stack engineer
  - iOS engineer
  - software engineering manager
Please submit your resume at substack.com/jobs and mention HN Who is hiring

The engineering manager role doesn't appear to be on the website. Can you point me in the direction of a job description?

FareHarbor (Booking Holdings) | Amsterdam, SF, Denver (+Remote) | Full Time (Visa + Relocation support) https://fareharbor.com/careers/jobs/

We're FareHarbor, a company that's part of Booking Holdings, and we're currently hiring for a variety of engineering roles! We're looking for talented individuals who are passionate about using technology to make experiences better for everyone.

Our company was founded in Hawaii in 2013 and acquired by Booking Holdings in 2018. We create powerful tools that enable our clients (which include boat rentals, museums, food tours, events, and more!) to operate and grow. Our mission is to make experiences better for everyone, and we're looking for engineers who share that passion.

We're currently looking for engineers, engineers in lead roles, engineering managers, and a director. If you're interested in learning more about these roles and our company, please check out our website https://fareharbor.com/careers/jobs/ or reach out to me directly (https://www.linkedin.com/in/ivanvasic/). We'd love to hear from you and see if you'd be a good fit for our team at FareHarbor!

STMicroelectronics | Brussels, Belgium + America/Asia/Europe | ONSITE (3 days/week) + relocation support

Our team at STMicroelectronics creates secure embedded software used in hundreds of millions of devices worldwide. We seek talented individuals with a passion for advanced security , cryptography , embedded software , and/or software validation .

To view the available position, please visit either of the following links: https://www.linkedin.com/jobs/search/?geoId=100565514&keywor... or https://stcareers.talent-soft.com/. If you have any questions or wish to apply for a position in Belgium, please don't hesitate to reach out to me directly via my LinkedIn profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/guillaumedocquier/.

In addition to the job openings in Belgium, our company is offering 2,000 employment opportunities worldwide. Please visit https://stcareers.talent-soft.com/ to view these available positions.

Is French a hard requirement?

Roseman Labs | DevOps Engineer | https://rosemanlabs.com/ |Utrecht, The Netherlands | Full Time


Roseman Labs is a deep-tech company with an innovative analytics solution that guarantees data privacy. Our Virtual Data Lake (VDL) enables multiple parties to perform joint data analyses without having to share the underlying data with each other. We have a solid customer base and are growing fast. To boost our growth, we are looking for a DevOps engineer.

We are seeking a DevOps professional to design and build efficient deployment infrastructures and streamline CI/CD pipelines for their privacy-focused cryptography-based system. The role involves developing innovative hosting solutions, maintaining CI/CD pipelines, improving infrastructure, implementing monitoring capabilities, and automating internal processes. The ideal candidate should have prior work experience in DevOps, hands-on experience with Linux environments and container tooling, be proactive, organized, and possess an analytical mindset. The company offers attractive employment conditions, values a high-performance culture, and provides flexibility in work arrangements.

Quiet | Senior Software Engineer | Hybrid or remote, Boston area, US EST or Europe timezones | https://tryquiet.org/jobs

We're building a free software, local-first, peer-to-peer alternative to Slack and Discord because we believe that ending dependence on cloud infrastructure, whenever possible, is the best path to giving users power over their data and their computing.

Check out a demo we gave at Tor's "State of the Onion" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O-7k0PjnBbk&t=2264s

We use Tor to discover and connect peers, an IPFS-based CRDT called OrbitDB to sync data within teams, and Electron and React Native for the desktop and mobile frontends. Almost everything is written in TypeScript. We have working betas that we use internally as our primary team chat space (http://tryquiet.org/) but we still have a ton of features to build as well as stack-level challenges to tackle before most teams could use it.

Your role as our first senior hire would be to help us move gracefully through these features and challenges.

This could be a dream job for any senior engineer itching to work on local-first software, distributed databases, decentralization, or privacy-enhancing technologies.

MaxMind, Inc | Remote Canada | Full - Time | https://www.maxmind.com/en/company/working-at-maxmind

MaxMind protects thousands of companies worldwide from fraud, screening over a billion online transactions each year, and we provide IP intelligence data to thousands more.

We are hiring for three roles. You can view the jobs, our hiring process, more about our company culture, benefits, compensation and apply via the below links.

Senior Software Engineer - https://jobs.lever.co/maxmind/3952c88d-f96c-469e-a920-600adf...

Senior Web Developer / Software Engineer - https://jobs.lever.co/maxmind/5c945d6e-a940-417d-a15e-6060ce...

Fraud Detection Analytics Software Engineer - https://jobs.lever.co/maxmind/f4f52c0f-4318-4665-a1b1-197843...

"Applications without a cover letter will not be considered" Should let people know that your application will go straight into the bin even you have a cover letter. Why even make people go through that hassle?

Trunk | https://trunk.io | Sr Full Stack / Sr C++ | Full-Time | Remote / Hybrid, SF

Trunk is an a16z funded dev tools startup, redefining software development at scale. We've built three products so far and have plans for more:

  * Trunk Check: a universal linter/formatter, available as a CLI, VSCode extension, and CI check;
  * Trunk Merge: a merge queue, to ensure that PRs are tested in order before they're merged; and
  * Trunk CI Analytics: timing & pass/fail stats for GH Actions (e.g. "how often does this workflow step actually succeed?")
In 2022, we raised a $25M Series A led by Initialized Capital (Garry Tan) and a16z (Peter Levine) [1].

Our tech stack:

  * Frontend: Typescript, React, Redux, Next.js
  * Backend: Typescript, Node, AWS, CDK, k8s, gRPC
  * Observability: Prometheus, Grafana, Kiali, Jaeger
  * CLI: C++20, Bazel
  * VSCode Extension: Typescript
  * CI/CD: GitHub Actions
  * General: GitHub, Slack, Linear, Slite
Unlimited PTO (and we all actually take PTO), competitive salary and equity packages! Please apply here: https://trunk.io/jobs

[1] https://blog.trunk.io/trunk-raises-25m-to-build-a-unified-de...

Very interesting problem to work on. I feel the pain of merge conflicts especially with large codebases. Applied through your careers page

Is remote only possible from the US?

Intuition Machines, Inc. | REMOTE worldwide | Full-Time

https://www.imachines.com/ https://www.hcaptcha.com/

Intuition Machines builds Machine Learning, Data and Security products. We create and operate massively scalable systems to tackle some of today's hardest problems. If you are interested in making a real impact in the field through leading one of our engineering teams, we invite you to apply!We're looking for experienced full stack (python backend and js frontend) Staff Engineers to oversee the success of the team and execute on engineering projects. We work cross-functionally, with light specs, small teams, and rapid iteration. Sounds appealing? Join us and make your mark!



We're also looking for SREs, Security Engineers, Python Engineers and many more.

All open positions: https://apply.workable.com/imachines/

Census | Engineers (full stack, frontend, security) | San Francisco, NYC, Denver or Remote | Full-Time, REMOTE OK, Visa transfers OK | https://www.getcensus.com

Apply here: https://getcensus.com/careers?utm_source=hnhiring | Ask me anything: brad@getcensus.com

With Census, you can power every SaaS application you use from a single source of truth - your own data warehouse. Customers use Census to define one unified view over their entire business (their customers, assets, financials, application data, really anything at all) in SQL or dbt and then "publish" that view to every single SaaS application they use: Salesforce, Zendesk, Marketo, Stripe, and over 100 more.

We also geek out in fun ways: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=34971627

In the process we have created a brand new category in the modern data stack, "Reverse ETL", and we are building a data engine that can sync "anything-to-anything" in a safe, durable, and high-throughput way. We're both proud and humbled to have the fastest growing software companies in the world as customers, and we are building a world-class team to serve them.

Eleos Technologies (https://eleostech.com) | Senior Android Engineer | Permanently Remote (US-based applicants only) | Full time

Eleos Technologies is a growing company building communication software for truck drivers and field workers, and Drive Axle is our consumer-facing document scanning app. We’re looking to scale up a team to invest further into this product and ship more advanced scanning capabilities, driver planning tools, and other features to make individual drivers’ lives easier.

We're looking for someone with several years of professional Android experience who's looking to learn and grow on a team with multiple members with 10+ years experience on mobile in a company that's big enough to survive an economic downturn, but not so big you can't make immediate, direct impact that'll be seen and appreciated by the whole company. (We've also spent the last decade working really hard to make sure our tools, processes, and culture respect everyone's work/life balance. I'm the CTO and I don't text people on my team, and they don't text me, and that's true throughout.)

If you're interested, please share your info via https://jobs.lever.co/eleostech/edff9316-f691-43be-8947-3ff0... or feel free to reach out to me directly if you have questions (email is in my about/bio).

Property Meld | Senior Software Engineer | Full-time | Remote (US & Canada) or office in Rapid City, SD

Looking for something more meaningful? How about the opportunity to have a direct impact on the property maintenance experience for hundreds of thousands of residents?

Welcome to the future of property maintenance. Property Meld’s vision is to radically improve how the property management industry handles property maintenance. If you’ve ever had a maintenance issue at your housing rental, you know how much of a pain it can be to get it fixed quickly and reliably. It doesn't have to be this way. We're rethinking the entire property maintenance experience from the ground up with two things in mind - first, driving the cost of doing maintenance to the absolute minimum, and second, providing an experience to residents and property owners that makes them want to stay with their property manager. If you are excited about turning something that has historically been a negative experience (maintenance) into a positive experience, we'd love to talk with you.

Stack: Python, Django, Typescript, React, PostgreSQL

We are looking for a senior software engineer with 8+ years of experience.


If you are interested or have any questions email us at tech.jobs@propertymeld.com or apply via the above link.

Trunk | https://trunk.io | Sr Full Stack / Sr C++ | Full-Time | Remote / Hybrid, SF

Trunk is an a16z funded dev tools startup, redefining software development at scale. We've built three products so far and have plans for more:

  * Trunk Check: a universal linter/formatter, available as a CLI, VSCode extension, and CI check;
  * Trunk Merge: a merge queue, to ensure that PRs are tested in order before they're merged; and
  * Trunk CI Analytics: timing & pass/fail stats for GH Actions (e.g. "how often does this workflow step actually succeed?")
In 2022, we raised a $25M Series A led by Initialized Capital (Garry Tan) and a16z (Peter Levine) [1].

Our tech stack:

  * Frontend: Typescript, React, Redux, Next.js
  * Backend: Typescript, Node, AWS, CDK, k8s, gRPC, Envoy+Istio
  * Observability: Prometheus, Grafana, Kiali, Jaeger
  * CLI: C++20, Bazel
  * VSCode Extension: Typescript
  * CI/CD: GitHub Actions
  * General: GitHub, Slack, Linear, Slite
Unlimited PTO (and we all actually take PTO), competitive salary and equity packages! Please apply here: https://trunk.io/jobs

[1] https://blog.trunk.io/trunk-raises-25m-to-build-a-unified-de...

Is remote offered worldwide?

FYI, blog link is broken

Oof. Thanks.

The Landbanking Group (Nature, Biodiversity, ClimateTech) | https://thelandbankinggroup.com/ | Senior Software Engineer | Full time | Germany, India or remote (CET +/- 2 hours)

The Landbanking Group’s (TLG) mission is to completely transform the way we use land in these unprecedented times of accelerating climate change, mass extinction and social divide. A novel, globally active company was founded to turn landowners and land stewards into producers and sellers of ecosystem services and products.

TLG will integrate various geospatial data sources and make use of the latest machine learning models for satellite imaging, carbon footprint and biodiversity analysis. Furthermore, metagenomics, open supply chain, and other relevant data enables us to develop digital twins of land plots, assess ecosystem quality, verify proof of impact and tokenize the claims so that they can be traded or bundled into tradable assets.

TLG is looking for a passionate Software Engineer (backend or frontend) to join our ambitious, cross-functional team and help build a global-level technology platform.

Backend tech: Python and Django

Frontend tech: Typescript and React


Artory | Software Engineer | Full Time | Berlin, Germany | www.artory.com

Work at the exciting intersection of art and tech—the laboratory for the rapidly developing opportunities to bring real-world assets on chain. Artory is looking for a talented Software Engineer with a proven track record developing blockchain applications, who is passionate about Web3. This position is based in the Kreuzberg neighborhood in Berlin, Germany, but with flexible, hybrid work opportunities. This is your chance to work with cutting-edge technology and to be part of a team that is changing global markets.

Artory is the world leader in diligence certification and tokenization solutions for artworks and collectibles. Artory connects the art market with the digital-first, financial ecosystem. Combining leading technology, art expertise, digital certification, and tokenization, Artory secures on the blockchain verified artwork information from expert partners who verify and sign off on validated data. Artory was founded in 2016 by art market leader, Nanne Dekking. The business team is based in midtown Manhattan and the product and technology teams are in Berlin and remote.

Languages: TypeScript, Python.

See more and apply at https://apply.workable.com/artory/j/165F2E977A/

Zeek | Senior Laravel/PHP Developer | Remote | US | Full-time | https://zeek.com

Zeek Interactive is a small and highly focused group of talented people. We’ve been building great software and solving problems for clients since 1995, and we’ve been focused on the web from day one. As the web has grown and changed, our skills have expanded to match.

We're looking for an experienced full-time Mid to Senior Laravel/PHP Developer to join our engineering team. Someone who has a solid understanding of web technologies and wants to help architect, build, launch and scale major systems and user facing features.

You’re comfortable working in a fast-paced environment with a small and talented team where you're supported in your efforts to grow professionally. You are able to manage your time well, communicate effectively and collaborate in a fully distributed team.

We'd love to hear from you!

Senior Laravel/PHP Developer: https://www.ziprecruiter.com/job/9118d06c

WordPress/PHP Developer: https://www.ziprecruiter.com/jobs/zeek-991870e9/wordpress-ph...

Nory | Ireland/UK/EU | Software Engineer, Designer, Engineering Manager | Remote in Europe GMT+/-2

Nory is a modern restaurant management OS - currently combining inventory, workforce and performance management to help restaurants save time, money and food waste. We integrate with several point-of-sales systems, ingest and analyse the data and provide forecasts for our users. We handle many important workflows of a restaurant business such as managing deliveries, planning schedules, tracking inventory - applying machine learning in different places to make these steps as easy for our customers as possible. Some users access the product through a web interface, others via one of three mobile apps.

Our stack is a combination of Python on the back-end, React on the front-end, AWS infrastructure (i.e. Lambda, RDS, Amplify).

Our website: https://nory.ai/

We are looking for some key hires with direct, transferable experience in a similar domain and/or a company at our stage to level up our teams.

Our engineers are "Product Engineers" - they wear multiple hats and are responsible for their product end-to-end. https://nory.jobs.personio.de/job/836922 (there is a similar role in two other teams, but most of that description applies)

Our "Product Designers" are a combination of product management and UX design in one. https://nory.jobs.personio.de/job/618081

The "Product Team Lead" role isn't on the careers page yet - they are responsible for the health of their team, as well as the quality and timeliness of their team's product. They are people managers with direct reports, project managers keeping their team on track - and are sometimes hands-on with technical planning, reviews, guidance and if an emergency arises.

We're also hiring for a few other roles: https://nory.ai/careers/ Email me if you're interested in any of the above: jobs(at)nory.ai

IHI Terrasun Solutions | Data Engineer | REMOTE from (US) or Chicago, IL | Full-Time | https://www.ihiterrasun.com/

At IHI Terrasun, we are at the forefront of changing the world with green energy solutions. IHI Terrasun Solutions is a solar + storage systems integration and lifecycle services provider with highly integrated hardware and software capabilities. Our portfolio of projects has 2.1 GWh of installed, contracted, and in-construction energy storage.

We are still looking to fill new roles to support and develop reporting and analytics software at our project sites:

Senior Full Stack Developer (https://boards.greenhouse.io/ihiterrasun/jobs/4117312005?gh_...)

Senior Data Engineer (https://boards.greenhouse.io/ihiterrasun/jobs/4144824005?gh_...)

Our pipeline uses Mosquitto, Prometheus, Grafana, and other open-source tools to collect device and system's data and convert it into Prometheus metrics for use by Python services, Grafana, and customer reporting.

Browse the other job listings at: https://www.ihiterrasun.com/careers/

Spectral (http://spectral.energy) | Multiple Positions | Full-Time | Amsterdam, the Netherlands | VISA Sponsorship Available | Primarily On-Site, with flexibility for some remote working days.

Spectral develops technical solutions that help propel the evolution of smart energy networks. We are involved across the whole grid, whether it's a community, building, energy farm, neighborhood, or all at the same time! Some areas we focus on include: improving asset efficiency, unlocking the value of energy storage, facilitating demand flexibility, and locally produced renewable energy.

We believe that one of the most urgent issues of our time is the challenge of providing for our energy needs in a sustainable way. We are looking for engineers that share our mission.

ABOUT THE TEAM: An awesome, multicultural and very ambitious entrepreneurial team and the chance to change the world for the better by creating innovative software! No unnecessary hierarchy, but a team of like-minded individuals that are committed to making a lasting change in the energy landscape.

TECH: Python (with some golang and C#), Google Cloud, Postgres & TimescaleDB, gRPC, Kubernetes, Docker, Ansible, Terraform, HTML, CSS, RabbitMQ, Vue.js, Reactjs, front-end, DevOps, Typescript, REST, Git, SCADA systems, .Net, Linux, CI/CD, IoT, Azure, AWS, Sass or less, Git, Three.js

WHERE DO I APPLY? https://jobs.spectral.energy/

Motive | Product Design, Product Operations, Backend Engineers, Fintech Engineers, Firmware, Dev Ops, AI | Remote |

Motive builds technology to improve the safety, productivity, and profitability of businesses that power the physical economy. The Motive Automated Operations Platform combines IoT hardware with AI-powered applications to automate vehicle and equipment tracking, driver safety, compliance, maintenance, spend management, and more.

Motive serves more than 120,000 businesses, across a wide range of industries including trucking and logistics, construction, oil and gas, food and beverage, field service, agriculture, passenger transit, and delivery. Motive is proud to be a Forbes Cloud 100 company and a 2020 Career-Launching Company by Wealthfront.

We are looking to hire team members that are passionate about building products that will have a massive impact on the lives of people. We seek and embrace diversity in all of its forms. We continuously push ourselves to think differently and take ownership wherever it's needed. This is a place for dreamers and doers to succeed. If you share our passion for achieving what some say is impossible, join us.


Visa Sponsorship: We can transfer H1b visas, we are also hiring in India, Canada, Taiwan, and Pakistan

Sample Tech Stack: Golang, Ruby, Java, AWS, PostgresSql, DynamoDB, Redis, Cassandra, Kafka, etc.

Source | San Francisco / Bay Area: Remote | Full-Time | https://careers.source.network/

Decentralized applications are a fast-growing market expected to reach $368B+ by 2027 and Source is pioneering the foundational technologies to help it get there and go beyond. We are building the future of data management and are the first database provider to receive backing from Dwight Merriman the founder of MongoDB, the predominant cloud database and a global roster of Web3 investors. Join our team and be at the forefront of innovation and creativity.

Our database, DefraDB, empowers developers to build edge and decentralized projects to scale fast, survive anything, and thrive everywhere while ensuring their users’ data privacy. Built using Peer to Peer infrastructure, Merkle DAGs, CRDTs, and an array of new cryptographic primitives. Working closely with our CTO and co-founders, you will be part of a collaborative culture striving to make user-centric data interoperable across Web3.

We’re growing fast and are looking to fill the below positions:


- Blockchain Protocol Engineer - https://careers.source.network/engineering/blockchain-protoc...

Atomic AI | Software Engineering | onsite South San Francisco, CA | Full-time

jobs: https://atomic.ai/careers#opportunities, company: https://atomic.ai

Atomic AI is fusing cutting-edge machine learning and structural biology to unlock RNA drug discovery.

We're looking for sharp and thoughtful engineers excited to help us design therapeutics to treat untreatable disease. There are two positions currently open.

* Senior Software Engineer, Data - design and build solutions with our in-house experimental biology team to analyze, store, and serve experimental data and enable new analysis workflows (https://boards.greenhouse.io/atomai/jobs/4726839004)

* (junior - mid-level) Software Engineer, Infrastructure - integrate and build broad-spanning systems to create a holistic research platform (https://boards.greenhouse.io/atomai/jobs/4531035004)

I'm the hiring manager for both, please apply via the links above or email me at april@atomic.ai if you have any questions!

Docker | Frontend Engineer (Organization Activation): http://bit.ly/3I1g80o

Location: Canada, Mexico, United States

Docker is a remote-first company with employees across Europe and the Americas. This means we value transparency and asynchronous communication, but also understand that meeting in person is important. The Organization Activation focuses on converting growing Docker active users within companies into more paying customers.

As a Frontend Engineer, you will propose, prototype, and eventually publish tools and features to solve problems, such as:

How can we allow remote configuration and administration of Docker products?

How can we provide more access management and controls of Docker usage?

How can we ensure effective onboarding and organization of Business users?

You will collaborate with UX designers and engineers to design user journeys and API specifications, using tools like Slack, Zoom, Miro, and Notion. You will be constantly seeking ways to improve development practices to ensure we maintain a high level of quality with a fast pace of delivery. You will help foster an uplifting environment with collaboration and innovation. Finally, you should be passionate about how developers' lives could be made easier, and about Docker's role in that.

Due to the remote nature of this role, we are unable to provide visa sponsorship.



Attention Canadian Senior Engineers, ChargeLab an EV Charging Software company I am supporting is looking to bolster its team with the creme de la creme. We are building software to help establish the infrastructure needed for EV Charging and adoption. If impact on our planet and impact in your next opportunity is what you are looking for then check out the job posting here:

https://chargelab.bamboohr.com/careers/56) for Senior C++ Developers. If it is something you would be interested in please let me know directly at anthony.colon.ext@chargelab.co.

We also have Senior Java Developer roles open, must have 7+ years of experience (https://chargelab.bamboohr.com/careers/66)

or a Senior AWS Platform Engineer (DevOps) position here: https://chargelab.bamboohr.com/careers/62

Please note that the location preference is Toronto, Canada or other Canadian surrounding areas and this is a full time role. Must be eligible to work in Canada without visa sponsorship. We are a REMOTE first company and these roles are FTE positions!

Up to 90K for 3-5 years of experience in Toronto? Good luck with your search.

Modash | Senior Backend Engineer | Remote | Full-time | Europe | www.modash.io

Who are we looking for?

Engineers who have experience with AWS, building API and data oriented products products.


Interview Process?

There will be no pineapple tree sorting, or Leetcode-style tasks. The interview process mimics what you do on a daily basis.


How do I apply?

Send an email to luisa@modash.io.


What’s the salary range?

You can find the salary and a more detailed job description here: https://www.modash.io/careers/senior-backend-engineer

Diagram | Software Engineers, ML Engineers, Designers | NYC, SF, remote | full-time

Diagram is a design tools company reimagining UI design in the era of generative AI. We’re a small team of builders, creatives, and prototypers looking to grow individually and together.

Our vision is to create radically powerful tools to improve the lives of UI designers and allow new people to design their digital world. Combining intelligent systems and tasteful execution, we think we can make design more fun, inclusive, and creative.

- Machine Learning Engineer: https://read.cv/teams/diagram/machine-learning-engineer-fDvO... - Full Stack Engineer: https://read.cv/teams/diagram/full-stack-engineer-JawCQV596t... - Design Data Curator: https://read.cv/teams/diagram/design-data-curator-bty668zD5U...

More about Diagram at https://diagram.com

Weekend Health | Senior Data Analyst | Onsite/hybrid in San Francisco | Full-time | $150k base salary + 0.2-0.3% equity

Weekend Health's mission is to make healthcare more accessible, especially for those with chronic diseases like obesity, diabetes, and heart disease. We're pre-Series A with a small team, but have been profitable since last July (only 7 months after launching our product, Sequence) and have grown to >$10m in ARR.

We're now looking to make our 1st data hire where you'd be building the foundations of our analytics function and using data to help us answer business-critical + strategy questions about customer growth/retention, operational efficiency, and profitability. This opportunity is a great fit if you're eager to work with a tight-knit team of serial entrepreneurs with a strong data-driven culture, excited about taking on a lot of ownership, and passionate about helping patients get insurance to cover medications that would otherwise be prohibitively expensive.

More details about the role here: https://submit.trytapioca.com/sequence/data-analyst

If you're interested, please reach out to me (and mention HN!) at calvin.young@weekendhealth.com.

Obelisk AGI lab, Astera Institute | Full-time | Site Reliability Engineer / Systems Administrator / DevOps Engineer | hybrid ONSITE VISA Berkeley, CA | https://astera.org/obelisk/ Obelisk is an Artificial General Intelligence laboratory that draws on neuroscience and brain architecture to create new models of adaptive intelligence. The Astera Institute is a 501c3 non-profit dedicated to developing high leverage technologies that can lead to massive returns for humanity.

We're a "Focused Research Organization" or "non-profit start-up" as described here: https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-022-00018-5

Visa: As a non-profit research institute, we are exempt from the H1B visa cap so we are willing and able to hire qualified applicants regardless of your nationality.

Compensation: We pay less than e.g., Meta. We pay more cash than the average early VC-backed startup, but there's no equity, since we're a non-profit.

You can apply here: https://jobs.lever.co/astera/

Abine - the online privacy company | WFH REMOTE or BOSTON, MA | Full Time | Web application and Full Stack Developers. Product Manager. Growth. Marketing. Data Analytics. Sales. | https://www.abine.com/ and https://joindeleteme.com/ We are a growing profitable company focused on better, easier, online privacy.

We make two products. Blur is a password manager foundation with privacy aliasing / tokenization built-in from the ground up to help people mask / control their PII credentials like email addresses, phone numbers, and credit cards. DeleteMe is a service for removing private information from many data broker sites that list and sell consumers personal profile data.

We're looking for strong talent across the board as we are growing over 100% y/y and expanding both B2C and B2B divisions. Leaders and mid-level people who are interested in making a difference in the fight for privacy are encouraged to apply.

Please contact us at erin.sumner at joinedeleteme dot com 1. no recruiters (please, really, please)- no agencies 2. helpful if you can include both a full CV and desired comp range

Stryd, Boulder, CO | Data Scientist | Full Time


Stryd is redesigning how runners run, train and race, bringing together the human desire to move, and the science to do it smarter. Our informative and guiding technologies are integrated into wearables that people are excited and proud to wear.

We seek Data Scientist who can develop groundbreaking artificial intelligence and machine learning models based on real-time training physiology and biomechanics data, for runners. The ideal candidate will have many of the following:

1.Experience in statistical modeling and exploratory data analysis (e.g. significance testing, regression modeling, sampling theory, and etc.) and knowledge of linear algebra, calculus, probability and statistics

2.Extensive knowledge of Python/Matlab or similar analysis tools, as well as the corresponding packages (e.g. NumPy, Pandas, scikit-learn). Ability to analyze the data and design complex algorithms using these tools

3.Strong interest in learning human performance, running physiology and biomechanics

4.Runner preferred. Familiarity with different run training philosophies/systems preferred

We offer:

  * Competitive salary.

  * 401k with company match.

  * Excellent health insurance.
If interested, please send an email to kun@stryd.com.

Paessler | Various Positions | Nuremberg, Germany or Remote (EU) We believe monitoring plays a vital part in reducing humankind's consumption of resources. Monitoring data helps our customers to optimize their IT, OT and IoT infrastructures, and to reduce their energy consumption or emissions – for our future and our environment. That's why we offer monitoring solutions for businesses across all industries and all sizes, from SMB to large enterprises. We work with renowned partners, and together we tackle the monitoring challenges of an ever-changing world.

Since 1997, when we first introduced PRTG Network Monitor, we have combined our in-depth monitoring knowledge with an innovative spirit. Today, more than 500,000 users in over 170 countries rely on PRTG and other Paessler solutions to monitor their complex IT, OT and IoT infrastructures. Our products empower our customers to monitor everything, and thus help them optimize their resources.

Find out more at https://www.paessler.com/company/career or head directly over to open positions https://jobs.paessler.com/

Charge Robotics | Mechanical Engineer | Full-time | Onsite | SF Bay Area

Hi HN! We’re a YC-backed startup building robots that build large-scale solar farms. It turns out that construction companies literally can't build solar fast enough, so what we're doing is a crucial part of switching the grid over to renewable generation. We're funded and are looking to bring a talented mechanical engineer onto our small team. Check out our Launch HN for more info: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=30780455

You’ll be a key contributor, helping bring our prototype system to life: an automated, portable robotic factory that fits inside a shipping container.

Our founding team has experience growing companies and building robots like this. One of our founders was the second employee at a robotics startup that recently announced a $1.1B public offering.

Come work with us if you love:

* Fast-paced prototype development with hardware and software components

* Making a positive climate impact through your work

* Hacking on massive construction equipment!

Apply here: https://www.ycombinator.com/companies/charge-robotics/jobs


Charge Robotics' work looks pretty interesting and the solar farm construction industry is ripe for automation. Out of curiosity, what were the deciding factors to start with automating material handling? Would automating pile drive machines be easier and faster to market? Most of the work of the CFS pile driver machine is already built, The addition of a RTK corrected GPS and a GPR unit it could save quite a bit leg work and hassle with refusals.

I do see how the material handling with reach forks and telehandlers could apply to the broader construction market. Curious to hear your thoughts.

Useful is the fastest way for PMs to create powerful highlights from customer conversations to share insights and learnings with their teams. For teams, Useful offers a shared, searchable database of customer calls. We’re creating the system of record for customer conversations that drives product decision making. I am hiring engineers of all levels to build a brand new product. We are recently well-funded by Spark Capital and Unusual Ventures and looking to hire and create the next unicorn! We are working on a new product that will need to be highly performant and support real time user interactions as well as process a lot of video content. If you are interested in transforming an industry and high performance scalable development feel free to apply below or directly email me at daniel@useful.app.

The below position I am hiring will be the core of Useful's engineering team and future leaders in the growing org. As this is the founding team, there is a lot of opportunity to have massive impact and receive significant equity awards.

- Senior Frontend Engineer: https://jobs.ashbyhq.com/Useful/b72dfa31-0b52-4b57-97ea-6e81...

Deta | Engineering, Design, DevRel & Go To Market | Berlin, Germany | https://deta.space

Come build the personal cloud with us! We're on a mission to build a cloud platform enabling devs to deploy and monetize their apps globally _with no ops work_, and give the user extra superpowers at the same time. We're growing super fast mostly via WOM, with tens of thousands of developers relying on our infrastructure. We’re well-funded with a small team, and a passionate developer community (check our Twitter http://twitter.com/detahq & Discord https://go.deta.dev/discord).

More at: https://jobs.deta.sh, https://deta.space/motivation, https://deta.space/discovery

Keywords: golang, rust, firecracker, svelte, aws, gcp, distributed systems, devtools, kubernetes, nomad, k8s

Email us at hiring@deta.sh

Apple, Inc. | Cupertino | Seattle | Paris | Full-time | Security Software Engineers

We’re perfectionists. Idealists. Inventors. Forever tinkering with products and processes, always on the lookout for better. Whether you work at one of our global offices, offsite, or even at home, a job at Apple will be demanding. But it also rewards bright, original thinking and hard work. And none of us here would have it any other way.

Where do you see yourself at Apple?

Security Engineering & Architecture is looking for engineers who can help make sense of complex hardware and software systems, analyzing their behavior and building upon them to create some of the most secure devices on the planet. We have a few open roles, related to secret storage, core operating system internals, secure infrastructure, and vulnerability research. We are looking for individuals able to build scalable distributed services, analyze highly-complex threats, identify vulnerabilities, and design operating system security mechanisms across our platforms. Ideal candidates will demonstrate clear communication, consistent follow-through, and the capacity to collaborate globally. These roles are a unique opportunity to be part of the team that architects and delivers groundbreaking security to more than a billion devices.

See our open roles and send a résumé to sear-recruiting@group.apple.com with [HN] in the email subject if interested. Please specify which role is most of interest in your email: https://jobs.apple.com/en-us/search?search=SEAR2022%2C%20SEA...

Are these all on-site only?

Are you guys hiring any interns this summer/fall?

Aclima | Front End Engineering Manager | Remote in US | Full-time | Climate Tech | https://www.aclima.io/

Aclima is hiring a front end engineering manager to lead a small team of experienced front end engineers. This role has three main parts: a senior front end engineer, a technical lead, and a people manager. It is a highly collaborative team, and this role has potential to shape process and engineering culture. A little bit about Aclima, we measure air pollution and greenhouse gases with block-by-block resolution working to catalyze climate action that protects public health, reduces emissions and delivers clean air for all. View the job posting: https://jobs.lever.co/aclima/a61afe51-c0eb-43b9-af98-bb46a84...

Tech stack is primarily, React, Next.js, TypeScript, with use of Mapbox, Redux & Mobx.

The team is split between San Francisco and Portland, OR.

We have other positions available, including a Senior Product Manager. Learn more at https://www.aclima.io/careers

Cisco Meraki | Software Engineers & Leaders | Full-Time Hybrid/Remote | VISA | US/CANADA/UK/INDIA/AUSTRALIA | https://meraki.cisco.com/jobs At Cisco Meraki, we know that technology can connect, empower, and drive us. Our mission is to simplify technology so our customers can focus on what's most relevant to them: their students, patients, customers, and businesses. We’re making networking easier, faster, and smarter with technology that simply works. About Meraki? <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QvBFOLkQtJU">https://www.you...

We're hiring across all departments!

- Lead Product Designer, IoT - https://grnh.se/4a43c1401us

- Engineering Manager-Routing,VPN - https://grnh.se/d11cddcd1us

- Lead Engineer- Mobile & IoT - https://grnh.se/cb6390991us

- Senior Data Science Manager - https://grnh.se/bbe5128f1us

... and many more positions! Please apply directly on our website. https://meraki.cisco.com/job-search/

Walrus Security | Full Stack Developer | Full-time | Remote (US) or onsite in NYC | https://walrusfi.com | $115k–$195k + equity Today, there is a massive gap at the core of electronic payments: there is no way to pay someone and be sure you're paying the right person. Many people have been hurt by this problem; losses have been enormous. Walrus is solving it. Our first product has created a new category: it verifies the safe transfer of financial information and assets. It works by combining AI, proprietary authentication, and novel UX. Our sales, which are considerable, have all been from word-of-mouth; the bottom line is that customers love it.

Our company is well-funded, seed-stage, and very much product-oriented. We are seeking an experienced full stack engineer to join as developer #3, with commensurate equity. You will own new modules and features; examples include payments, reputation, and new kinds of authentication.

Tech stack: Vue, Django, Postgres, GCP

More info and application: https://jobs.ashbyhq.com/walrusfi/73368276-b189-4e8a-8ac5-b6...

Any plans to open up to Canadian applicants in the future? Seems like a really cool platform!

Colony Networks Inc| Backend Engineer (Intermediate-Canada Only, Hybrid or Remote)| Full-Time|

Who you are? A highly competent software engineer with modern stack competencies excited to work with a dynamic team in a fast paced environment, solving real world problems that directly impact our Users. Eager to learn and grow as an engineer while being productive. You've proven yourself as a valued contributor to agile teams and are looking forward to taking the lead on smaller projects.

Skills and Capabilities - Excellent Python skills - Experience building scalable APIs - Kubernetes/Docker - Git and GitHub - PostgreSQL - Comfortable with CI/CD ecosystems

Optional Skills - Pubsub(Google, Kafka, Pulsar etc), caching (Redis etc), Data Piepelines, Elasticsearch, Data Orchestration, ingestion and reporting, ML Enthusiastic and AI in the network space, enjoy Hackathons

Apply here: https://apply.workable.com/colony-networks/j/393BAD94CF/

About Colony Networks:

Colony provides business networking services to major telecom carriers like Telus, Cogeco and Rogers. We've been referred to as the "Business" behind Business Internet... and it's true. Unlike residential broadband or a personal mobile plan, Business Internet services are provided to both Small-to-Medium and Enterprise customers with advanced features like proactive device/circuit monitoring, corporate/guest wi-fi portals, remote network access control, and others. That's what we do today.

Craft.co | Seattle, SF, Austin, DC, REMOTE, US | Engineers | Full-time

Craft helps companies get alerted on risks in their supply chain and take action today so they aren't surprised tomorrow. Example risks include foreign influence, environmental, social, and governance.

* Sr or Mid Full-Stack Engineer, Growth: https://jobs.lever.co/craft/88554a23-e812-4917-a29d-677e1fd0...

* Sr Full-Stack Engineer, Alerts: https://jobs.lever.co/craft/29cc563b-b725-4b36-838d-3105d1e5...

* Sr Data Engineer, Alerts: https://jobs.lever.co/craft/5262386f-e644-4254-b62a-2380294f...

See all at https://craft.co/careers

Craft is a startup with B2B and Consumer products with a simple and beautiful UX. We use Airflow, Python, AWS, React, TypeScript, GraphQL, Node, Postgres. We're a rapidly growing 80 person team across Europe & US.

Paxos | Senior & Staff Software Engineers | Remote in the U.S., Canada, U.K., Ireland, Singapore, and Israel

Paxos is the leading regulated blockchain infrastructure platform. We operate with accountability and integrity, which means we're built to protect our customers. Our products are the foundation for a new and open financial system that can operate faster and more efficiently.

We're hiring senior and staff engineers. If you're looking for a company that is fully remote, profitable, and mission-driven, then consider the roles below:

1. Staff Software Engineer - Dev Ops: https://grnh.se/56f97c4b2us

2. Senior Data Engineer: https://grnh.se/9242b6c02us

3. Senior Security Engineer - Blockchain: https://grnh.se/b37172072us

4. Senior Software Engineer - Custody/Transfers: https://grnh.se/3853f3062us

For more information, visit https://paxos.com/careers/

Sparkademy | Full-Stack Engineer | Full Time | Remote (Europe or LATAM)| www.sparkademy.com

We’re looking for someone with 5+ years of experience to be a main contributor to our product team where you will build new features and improve existing ones for our web app.

Our tech stack includes: Python/Flask, Typescript/React, Jest, Cypress, PostgreSQL, GraphQL/Hasura

We have interesting challenges to solve in our frontend built with React and with state managers like Jotai and React’s own Contexts. In the backend we use Python/Flask with a Postgres data store while also making use of Hasura and Directus (data management tools) to speed up development when needed. We try hard to avoid reinventing the wheel and rather prefer to focus on building stuff that will add value to our product.

We strive for code quality and make use of cutting-edge technology to reach our goals. We’re looking for a solid full-stack engineer to join our small team to help architect and implement the future of our product. If the above sounds interesting, apply here: https://form.asana.com/?k=6JYV_ra_g6KY_prmwaOzsQ&d=116331551...

Skupos | Various Roles | Denver/SF/Remote | Full-time/Contractor | https://skupos.com

We're making it easier for shoppers to get what they need from convenience stores.

Skupos drives revenue growth across all segments of the convenience retail industry through technology that connects both retailers and brands to their shoppers. With a focus on independent stores and small chains which make up nearly 80% of the market, the Skupos platform enables both retailers and brands to compete through better understanding and serving their customers. Founded in 2016, a growing network of 14,000+ customers across all 50 states rely on Skupos to boost sales volume and increase their customer base.

A notable role:

Senior DevSecOps Engineer: https://boards.greenhouse.io/skupos/jobs/5285827003

We have other open positions as well: https://www.skupos.com/careers

For any questions or to get in touch, you can reach us at careers [at] skupos [dot] com.

Join the team empowering thousands of small business owners and brands!

Your site only shows positions available in SF and Denver, nothing for remote. Is this the case, or are there more roles available?

Adeptmind | SRE Lead | Remote worldwide (partial Canadian business hours overlap) | https://adeptmind.ai

We're an AI Search company with a proven track record to close and deliver on enterprise deals. We have a great engineering culture. Our founders have had a successful 9-figure exit on their last rodeo. I've co-founded startups in the past and led teams in large enterprises including AWS. I jumped back into a no politics environment at this startup as I see how I can help 100x its size. I'm seeking a seasoned infrastructure lead to free up some of my time for other critical initiatives.

Our tech stack includes Python, JavaScript/TypeScript, Next.js, ElasticSearch, PostgreSQL, Redis, Prometheus and more. We're cloud native, running k8s on major cloud providers.

We're at a juncture in our infra journey, where we're approaching the point where we'll be able to enforce IaC-only changes. We're seeking someone that can push the engineering team to a higher SRE maturity level.

Here's the JD. Contact me at: seb _at_ adeptmind _dot_ ai.


  * Self-starter, Go-getter
  * Great communication skills
  * Automates by default
  * Practices napkin math
  * Team leader
  * Vector of change

  * Python & scripting
  * Solid experience with Linux & kubernetes 
  * IaC with Terraform 
  * Configuration management and infra automation
  * DevOps practices: CI/CD
  * sql and nosql experience
  * understands caching and distributed systems

Gave out an error 'invalid request' when I tried to apply on your website.

Presumably because they don't have an SRE lead.

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