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I'd argue the parents of said children are anti-children, because they are living in an apartment building without any possibility to play for the children nearby. There is nothing they can use outdoors to get rid of excess energy. Parents could have found something a few kilometers away, but apparently did not care about their chldren. I dont see why I should be especially understanding if the parents are unwilling to live somewhere where their children can have fun. The fact remains that they are very loud and parents apparently are bad at parenting.

> I'd argue the parents of said children are anti-children, because they are living in an apartment building without any possibility to play for the children nearby.

What do you have to say about the fact that apartments are the only option?

It feels to me that you're trying to depict not living in a nice suburban villa as subjecting children to abuse, as if this was a whimsical decision of egotistical parents.

Meanwhile, moving to the suburbs is a luxury that's way out of the reach of working class families, not to mention the fact that outside of the US it's outright unthinkable.

And all the time wasted commuting is not considered abuse why?

To me it reads you're claiming "let them eat cake", followed up by "not letting children eat cake is anti-children."

I know for a fact that child-friendly-suburbian appartments are actually cheaper then the city-center-appartment they have now. But you can go on and assume all sorts of bad things about me, that doesnt change my opinion about egotistical parents.

A proper city has plenty of places for children to play even in its center. But maybe I'm just an outdated european.

Most cities aren't proper by that definition. So congrats on being the exception but that's not really helpful to the broader discussion.

> Most cities aren't proper by that definition.

OP is not the exception. I have at least two playgrounds in a 300m radius. Perhaps I'm lucky but I don't recall ever living in a place that didn't had at least a playground in walking distance.

You seem to be living in a proper city, good for you. Move on, there is nothing to see here.

Might I strongly suggest, as a person who recognizes outsized emotional reactions to sound in myself… you may have misophonia? Maybe address that for yourself if that’s the case, because it’s bound to affect more than your relationship with families living in your midst.

Are you suggesting that everyone who doesnt approve of aggravating families is actually ill? Seriously?

I’m suggesting that there’s a name for feeling outsized emotional reactions to noise (whether particular sounds, or in general). I don’t know if that applies to you, but it helped me learning there is a word for it and that other people experience it too. In no way was I trying to suggest anything negative about you.

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