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MicroPython is 286kloc of C.

That is great information, but perhaps it would be even more interesting with a comparison focusing on supported features, standard library support, and so on.

MicroPython [1] is designed for "real" embedding, i.e. in the "embedded development" sense, on microcontrollers and so on and seems quite successful in that niche. Those are often a smaller target than a game running on either a phone/tablet or PC, which would seem to kind of invert things.

[1]: https://micropython.org/

The other comparison would be memory and disk/ROM usage.

Also, micropython, in its hundreds of thousands of lines of code, supports quite a number of microcontrollers and boards; I suspect the core language is smaller, or counting lines used for a single build target would drop it considerably.

You are correct, the micropython vm/interpreter + the unix target (one of the simplest) combined are ~50k lines of C.

Note that to run correctly micropython also needs its python stdlib which is about 15k lines of Python.

Micropython is made to run on dozens of boards, each with a nontrivial board support package (the platform-specific glue code to talk to hardware). A better comparison would be looking exclusively at micropython's unix/x86 platform specifically.

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