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Because the new process will deliver a good step forward in performance and efficiency. We will have to wait for the M3 chips to get a significant improvement. These M2 chips seem to be about a 20% CPU and 30% GPU improvement which is not going to be worth upgrading from M1 chips for the vast majority of people. M3 on a 3nm process will be worth the upgrade for more people.

People don't generally upgrade laptops after 1 or 2 years.

True, most people don’t need any kind of specific performance at all and could probably keep a modern laptop for 10 years. The people paying attention to performance benchmarks may have more performance oriented workloads that might benefit from the 50% to 100% increase we’ll probably see from M1 to M3.

I did 8 years with my 2011 macbook pro, and wouldn't have upgraded if it didn't die due to a graphics card failure

I'm using a 2012 MacBook Pro quite happily. Never had a single problem.

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