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Apple unveils M2 Pro and M2 Max (apple.com)
36 points by matteocontrini on Jan 17, 2023 | hide | past | favorite | 16 comments

I am really frustrated that the M2 Pro still only supports 2 external monitors.

I don't really need the power of the Max, I just need to be able to power 3 monitors. I figured with the power increase it would at least jump up to 3 this generation, but I guess not.

I was putting off buying a new 16" hoping the m2 would fix this issue, but looks like I am just getting the m2 max.


It seems like an artificial limit to force some product segmentation.

And as such it comes across as very hostile towards customers.

I expect it’s going to be one of this things, regardless of how much GPU power you have, that the base model Pro won’t run more than 2 displays :-/

Have you tried ultrawide monitors? I don’t think I could go back to multiple individual monitors.

Yes, I have 2 :)

notch there? I'll wait

PC alternatives have been encouraging lately

Couldn't find if it is using the new TSMC 3nm technology. That's really what matters.

The article says "second-generation 5-nanometer process technology".

What a big disappointment. I will pass this one...

wouldn't say disappointment, because this was to be expected when you consider that they are just "bigger" versions of the M2, which is using TMS 5mm and has been out since quite a while.

Does it really matter?

Why does it matter?

Because the new process will deliver a good step forward in performance and efficiency. We will have to wait for the M3 chips to get a significant improvement. These M2 chips seem to be about a 20% CPU and 30% GPU improvement which is not going to be worth upgrading from M1 chips for the vast majority of people. M3 on a 3nm process will be worth the upgrade for more people.

People don't generally upgrade laptops after 1 or 2 years.

True, most people don’t need any kind of specific performance at all and could probably keep a modern laptop for 10 years. The people paying attention to performance benchmarks may have more performance oriented workloads that might benefit from the 50% to 100% increase we’ll probably see from M1 to M3.

I did 8 years with my 2011 macbook pro, and wouldn't have upgraded if it didn't die due to a graphics card failure

I'm using a 2012 MacBook Pro quite happily. Never had a single problem.

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