Hi HN community,
I'm Marcus, a 17-year-old Software Engineer from Germany.
For the past two years I've been working on Tablane [0](https://github.com/Tablane/tablane) a task/project management tool, with features like:
- Collaborative Editing (google docs)
- Optimistic updates with RTK Query
- Realtime sync with Socket.io
- An awesome design
Let me know what you think! Ask me anything!
How I got here:
2020: I was developing a TTT [1] (Trouble in Terrorist Town) plugin for my minecraft server, when I started to require a project management tool to keep track of the features I wanted to implement, originally I used a text file, but after some time I started using products like ClickUp and Monday.
But not long after I hit several paywalls for features that I wanted to use (Custom Status, Limited Number of Boards, ...)
Soon after Tablane (originally task-board) was born. I started building the website using plain HTML, then found out about React and completed Colt Steele's "Web Developer Bootcamp" [2] and "The Modern React Bootcamp" [3] and started re-writing Tablane in React, and started adding feature after feature.
Now I am about to finish Highschool and originally I thought about applying to college and spending another 3-5 years there, but after the positive feedback I got on a three month internship I did at ContentPepper, and seeing how my own projects developed, I decided to look for open Developer positions, to work with a team of experienced developers so I can learn even faster.
[0] https://tablane.net
[1] https://github.com/MarconLP/TTT
[2] https://www.udemy.com/course/modern-react-bootcamp/
[3] https://www.udemy.com/course/the-web-developer-bootcamp/
Résumé/CV: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1CbZi1Bm-MlDHEb4WjsFBzIBSomJ...
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/marcus-hof/
Email: marcus (dot) hof (at) protonmail (dot)com
GitHub: https://github.com/MarconLP
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Marcon565
> I decided to look for open Developer positions, to work with a team of experienced developers so I can learn even faster.
Seeing as you're in Europe and not in the U.S. (with exorbitant tuition costs), I would actually recommend against skipping out on College. I can confidently say that while experience in the industry is great (having worked part-time at a startup, as well as various internships during College), I think the knowledge gained from University classes is often underrated.
Not only that, but College is definitely a life experience that I would recommend not to skip lightly.
Regardless, this is super impressive work!