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Show HN: I spent 2 years building Tablane as a 17-year-old (github.com/tablane)
352 points by marconlp on Jan 6, 2023 | hide | past | favorite | 184 comments
Hi HN community,

I'm Marcus, a 17-year-old Software Engineer from Germany.

For the past two years I've been working on Tablane [0](https://github.com/Tablane/tablane) a task/project management tool, with features like:

- Collaborative Editing (google docs)

- Optimistic updates with RTK Query

- Realtime sync with Socket.io

- An awesome design

Let me know what you think! Ask me anything!

How I got here: 2020: I was developing a TTT [1] (Trouble in Terrorist Town) plugin for my minecraft server, when I started to require a project management tool to keep track of the features I wanted to implement, originally I used a text file, but after some time I started using products like ClickUp and Monday.

But not long after I hit several paywalls for features that I wanted to use (Custom Status, Limited Number of Boards, ...) Soon after Tablane (originally task-board) was born. I started building the website using plain HTML, then found out about React and completed Colt Steele's "Web Developer Bootcamp" [2] and "The Modern React Bootcamp" [3] and started re-writing Tablane in React, and started adding feature after feature.

Now I am about to finish Highschool and originally I thought about applying to college and spending another 3-5 years there, but after the positive feedback I got on a three month internship I did at ContentPepper, and seeing how my own projects developed, I decided to look for open Developer positions, to work with a team of experienced developers so I can learn even faster.


[0] https://tablane.net

[1] https://github.com/MarconLP/TTT

[2] https://www.udemy.com/course/modern-react-bootcamp/

[3] https://www.udemy.com/course/the-web-developer-bootcamp/


Résumé/CV: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1CbZi1Bm-MlDHEb4WjsFBzIBSomJ...

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/marcus-hof/

Email: marcus (dot) hof (at) protonmail (dot)com

GitHub: https://github.com/MarconLP

Twitter: https://twitter.com/Marcon565

Hey Marcus! Super cool to see another fellow Minecraft-jumpstarted developer. I got into programming way back in 2013 with Minecraft mods and then Bukkit/Spigot plugins.

> I decided to look for open Developer positions, to work with a team of experienced developers so I can learn even faster.

Seeing as you're in Europe and not in the U.S. (with exorbitant tuition costs), I would actually recommend against skipping out on College. I can confidently say that while experience in the industry is great (having worked part-time at a startup, as well as various internships during College), I think the knowledge gained from University classes is often underrated.

Not only that, but College is definitely a life experience that I would recommend not to skip lightly.

Regardless, this is super impressive work!

To add to your great points, if OP ever decides to immigrate elsewhere (not even talking about the US specifically, but pretty much anywhere outside of the EU), attempting it without a college degree can range somewhere between extremely difficult and impossible. Yes, even for high-earning fields like software development.

Unless there are strong reasons not to do college, I would recommend to not skip it.

Disclaimer: I am talking about OP's situation specifically. I am not trying to make a general "everyone should go to college unless they have a strong reason not to" statement, because I don't agree with it myself.

An additional tip: College is not too hard, specially in colleges where you can choose to pursue easier subjects or less number of subjects in a semester when needed. This might give OP the flexibility to purse the startup/project in parallel with college if they want.

To add to that, you might not even need a master's degree; bachelor's is perfectly fine too and it's less of a time/effort investment.

bachelors was enough for me to get a visa, i think it was just the right amount of schooling. but i do miss my uni days

Just my experience, but I'm not sure how much a degree matters in UK after you have a few years experience. The exception probably being 'big companies' and (obviously) graduate schemes. I guess getting your food in a door somewhere (if you have no other way, and no experience) - a degree will probably help.

All that said, I really grew up at university. I loved it. It was great fun, great to expand your social circle and I'd absolutely recommend it if you can.

A lot, if you're trying to get a visa.

I guess to clarify my point (and again based on my own experience and that of my social/work circles): assuming you're a UK resident, looking to work in the UK.

I would say a degree, masters and PhD all give diminishing marginal returns when applying for a given job, but they open doors (and bypass recruitment filters) which you might get tripped up by with just work experience.

There is also a lot to be said for being a well-rounded person. Even at £9k per year, I would encourage people to go to university - it is the most convenient way to meet a lot of new people, experience living in a different part of the country, and learn to be an adult all while keeping some structure and goals in place.

Lot of colleges now a days have strong startup programmes. This can help you get in touch with venture capitalists and like minded folk. Theres also value in the network of friends and acquaintances you meet at college.

> I can confidently say that while experience in the industry is great (having worked part-time at a startup, as well as various internships during College), I think the knowledge gained from University classes is often underrated.

100% agree. Great advice. I never went to University, in my case for reasons that I prefer not to mention and it has been a constant source of regret. I wish I had a time machine.

+1 on this. Left school at 16 to do an apprenticeship, then went straight into industry. As a result, my social life is like a withered plant. Don't waste time and money on education you don't need, but also don't grow up too fast. You only get one life and one chance to be carefree.

I have a great family, a phd, and a good job in industry.

My social life is like a withered plan im the middle of a toxic waste dump :)

I went to college and didn't have a social life. Maybe it's on us

In college/university, the social life is there for the taking, and you just have to let it sweep you along. As an adult, finding the same number of acquaintances takes an immense amount of effort.

As someone who left mid-college to do software development work, I regret not completing a degree of some kind. (I was studying electrical engineering.)

I would say, for me, it actually would have been good to spend a few years working in industry to get a view of what real world programming is like and gain some awareness of what doors might be closed to you without a degree.

In this situation I would recommend being careful to not become dependent on the level of income that most software development provides. If you are cautious with your finances, you could decide to go for the degree with some money saved up as opposed to it feeling like a major financial hurdle to leave your job in order to go to school full time.

All knowelage today can be found on the web. And you will never have any use of 95% of the course. If you get emplyed you will find that you already know more then the people with an engendering degree. But I still recommend getting a engineering degree for two reason 1) those with a degree earns 25% more then you because they can get more job offers 2) university/college is good for your social life.

So if you already have many job offers (1) (you can negotiate a good salary) and already have a GF (2) reason 1 and 2 is already covered and thus you don't need uni/college.

The problem with knowledge on the Web is that it's mixed in with a lot of noise, and, frankly, there's just too much of it clamouring for your attention.

So, sure, you can Google the hell out of CSS, and clearly that's good enough to build Web pages.

But equally there are a gazillion posts about everything, and no considered, coherent, path through it all.

A university maps a well-trodden, and hopefully well considered path through the knowledge. It leads you to places unknown, and sparks interest (and understanding) beyond just writing code.

For example you might randomly hear about P versus NP, or NP Complete, and decide to follow up on the web about that. Chances are though this might be the first time you've come across this. But I'm pretty sure it'll come up at college.

A degree course guides you through the knowledge, taking you places you didn't know existed. Over the long run this foundation makes it a lot easier to grow and do more than just "write code."

If you have the opportunity I recommend taking the time to do some formal study.


The web is full of crap. To really learn you need to learn how to learn. Education still matters. Otherwise you’re just a gpt4 prompt monkey.

I’ve found many times in my life where the internet doesn’t know anything about what I’m trying to figure out. Your “just google It” recommendation is destructive.

Then buy a book or read a paper. It is staggering how many college courses just go through textbooks. I find people with this perspective are often bad at googling and/or aren't reading books/papers.

You are a GPT-4 prompt monkey. Your experience is your prompt data. The more diverse it is, the better off you are.

Now, college / uni plays an important role here. It helps you learn how to learn stuff. If you're already good at learning things (and I mean really, really good), you can skip it. Otherwise, you should at least give it a try. Of course, try to get into a good one.

College teaches you how to memorize stuff and regurgitate it in exams. For practical / understanding-based coursework, it may teach you how to learn stuff, but for the smart students it instead teaches them how to craft an answer to fit a mark scheme. Are those useful skills? Probably. Do you need to spend tens of thousands for to learn them? Probably not.

College doesn't teach you how to learn. There's no course on memory or forgetting curves that is mandatory. Nobody taught me flashcard software.

I only got a bit about skimming and note taking from my high school teachers

The benefit of formal education (beside easier visa, easier access to the hiring pipelines and meeting new like-minded people) are the tests.

I was struck so many times thinking I understood something (either through lectures or self-learning) to be proved wrong by the exams or talking to other people who studied the same.

It's no wonder that TAOCP is mostly about exercises. But, the algorithms are easy to self-test for understanding and knowledge. The other subjects -- not so much. Formal education helps here.

Meh, I'll go against the grain and say I'm happy I started programming in my teens, and got my first job at 19. It's harder to learn university-level curricula by yourself, but not impossible, and it is better to get a headstart in a field where young talent is preferred over senior like tech.

If you want to be real good at inverting a binary tree and get a FAANG job ASAP, choose the academic route. If you love programming and want to get better at it with real world experience, get a job. You will have the rest of your life to learn about inverting binary trees if you really need to. 100% of what you will learn is available online, often for free.

Don't underestimate the effect of starting your career at 18 instead of 25. I'd rather hire the one with most experience.

The university experience is whatever people choose to make of it. The people who complain most loudly about how college was a waste for them tend to be people who took no initiative of their own and expected to simply be spit out of some pipeline of courses into a top tier job. OP is clearly not one of those people, and has an internally driven passion for learning, pursued of their volition. That doesn't mean OP is somehow beyond college, it means they are an excelent candidate for it.

The combination of breadth and depth of knowledge and experience available at universities is unmatched anywhere in the world. OP may find themselves more interested in developing neural interfaces, working on processor hardware architectures, designing next generation microscopy systems for biology, or a hundred other things. It's true that there are other entry points into those areas that don't involve being on a campus, but a good university provides efficient entry points into all of them. This is especially true for students who set up independent study courses for themselves, start/run student organizations, talk to professors about their research, and seek out research and project opportunities during summers.

I think college is most useful to people who don't know what they want to do. I complain about college _because_ I took initiative beforehand.

I knew exactly the job & company I wanted to work for way before college, so I had learned everything relevant to that goal before I joined. From my perspective, I spent 3 years learning stuff I didn't want, or paying to be taught stuff I'd already learned on my own. Both left a sour taste in my mouth.

I graduated into exactly the job & company I wanted from the start. I give college zero credit for that. Well, maybe a little bit for getting past the "candidate has a degree" hiring checkbox, but I often question the value of that. 3 years of my life. Ugh. I was watching the clock the whole time.

If you want to work for a couple of years, do it!

College doesn't go away, it can wait.

Given the market and his skills, college will never come. He’ll just get into and immersed in the industry and forget about College. The idea of college will only hit later.

Realistically, however, college is only important if you are planning to leave your own country; or get involved in a very bureaucratic/hierarchical company. Since he is from Germany (which has a quite powerful passport), college will only be important if he wants to immigrate later to the US.

Another way that a degree becomes useful later on is once you need to write a bio for your photo on your startup's About Us page. The vast majority of bios, even for old wealthy folks, list the degree and university in the first sentence.

The "college experience", however, won't be available anymore when you're no longer of a similar age as your peers there. I wouldn't have wanted to miss out on that.

Lots of people start college 2-3 years after finishing high school. That age difference is no big deal. I think many people actually benefit from taking a year or two away from school before jumping in for another 3-5 years.

Yeah I'm explicitly not saying time off in general is a bad idea, but it'd be a shame to wait too long/never do it.

I think that is another great aspect.

Doing a "gap year" and deciding later if I wan't to visit college.

Another one here :) I got really into programing and sysadmin because of Minecraft, I had dabbled before but running a server was a great way to learn a lot of things in a fun way. Linux, networking, security, Web dev, then writing plugins for for hMod/bukkit some java, CI/CD, and a door into the world of open-source. I also met many knowledgeable people through the game that helped me out a lot.

I ended up starting to work in software for cash before I finished high school, and I'm still a dev that loves the stuff, 13 years later. Makes me happy to see so many people with a similar story.

That said, I did eventually go to college and I don't regret a thing. I met so many people, and did so many things I wouldn't have done otherwise, and it made me a better professional. The corporate world can be very oppressing and unforgiving. I wouldn't miss university, having the chance, and you can still freelance while you're there too!

I didn’t go to college due to circumstances. I don’t regret and will make the same choice given the same circumstances.

But if you can, I think it’s the safest decision to go.

People in this thread give a bunch of reasons, which I challenge:

1. Immigration: I’m 25 from a shithole country. I have lived and worked in Asia, Europe and America. A bit more difficulty, but nothing major. Surely with a German passport this wouldn’t be a biggie.

2. Learning: Admittedly, the internet has a lot of noise. But there are good resources like MIT OCW, teachyourselfcs, etc. I will argue some universities are worst than some of the online resources.

3. Social connection: This wouldn’t be a problem if you have hobbies, community and a life outside work. You can always make life long friends.

4. You will learn or experience something vague: Please be specific? Usually, there are other ways to learn or experience these things.

The biggest issue I had to deal with was I thought all the college folks were better than me. But that went away when I joined bigger companies and started interviewing and working with college folks. They were not special.

You're 25... You could still go to college. If you're in Europe I would recommend it (if you wanted to).

Thanks. I’m in Berlin. Why do you recommend? If you have experience going to college as an adult I would love to hear it also.

I think the only difference I had from going to university later was I hung out with people around my same age.

Would have been better to start earlier but that wasn’t an option. Extra-meta: would have been better to go to a trade school or similar and skip college altogether but that’s not what they were selling back then.

> Surely with a German passport this wouldn’t be a biggie.

The U.S. PR lottery couldn't care less. Neither many other non-EU countries.

Would it be acceptable to do a part-time (i.e. community) college or take college classes with an internship? If not, I strongly recommend look at a college with co-op and internship program.

I agree that the computer science knowledge, even some of the deeply theoretical stuff, is heavily underrated. Classes like OS, networks, programming languages and compilers, and computation theory have taught me stuff I use in actual software development. Plus, learning how to look up stuff and understand research papers and take measurements and form experiments (you will need to read heavy documentation and measure things in industry).

Without knowing the fundamentals of CS like data structures you may miss out some concepts and end up doing things inefficiently (in both development effort and inefficient programs). Webdev alone won’t get you that knowledge.

As for the “college experience” personally I disagree. I’m of the camp (as an American) that it’s mostly a glorified American thing. As long as you have some friends, who you can find in college or industry or your local town (if you don’t move), you are set, and you’re not missing much (as having some friends and hanging out basically is the college experience).

But also, as someone who went through college I think it greatly helps to have experience in industry. Because while you miss out on purely industry, you also miss out on purely academia (cue: academics who are wildly out-of-touch, papers on deep theoretical concepts I doubt will have any real-world use). It also really helps with finances (read: not going into college debt) and "getting your foot in the game" and making connections early is extremely useful as it will let you graduate with experience on your resume and skip entry-level jobs. I think that the best solution is both, hence join an internship-focused college or take college classes and maybe lab work while doing an internship

You can also work during college. No reason the two have to be mutually exclusive, especially now that remote has become so much more common.

I used to work half days and whole days whenever my schedule would allow.

I didn't have any good experience in college. Could have skipped, I don't want to work as a developer anyway. Ended up playing poker professionally...

If I could go back and skip college I would. Worst years of my life by far.

Those with degrees, don’t see the downside of not having a degree.

This is super impressive; nice to see folks who've come from a Bukkit plugin development background too :P

Few suggestions:

The description you've given us here on HN is so much better than on your landing page here: https://tablane.net/ The first thoughts I had were: "Okay, Productivity. And it's 'Next Generation'. What does that even mean? The screenshot is pretty but I don't really understand what it's showing". I then read the GitHub description "Tablane is a workspace that adapts to your needs. It's as minimal or as powerful as you need it to be." and ended up even more confused. What is a workspace in this context? It's great it can adapt to my needs, but I don't know what it even does. Once I read the description here on HN, it made a lot more sense. It'd be useful to explain the hierarchy of workspaces/spaces/tasks a bit more.

There are a few dialogs that don't seem to support keyboard controls (like Enter), I've opened a PR for this.

When I try and run it locally to test my PR, it seems to complain with an "AppError: Invalid access token" on the backend. I get a "Something went wrong" error message (and the XHR fails with a CORS error). What am I doing wrong?

> I got that feedback several time already I tried to make it easier to understand with the interactive demo on https://tablane.net

> There are a few dialogs that don't seem to support keyboard controls (like Enter), I've opened a PR for this.

Thanks, I am going to check that!

> When I try and run it locally to test my PR, it seems to complain with an "AppError: Invalid access token" on the backend. I get a "Something went wrong" error message (and the XHR fails with a CORS error). What am I doing wrong?

I forgot to add the .env.example file to the tablane-api repo: https://github.com/Tablane/tablane-api/commit/6c92035505914d...

Hi Marcus,

I don't want to take away from the awesome tool you've written. It looks really cool!

But, as a person who followed a similar path to you, I really wish I had taken my teenage and young adult years to not focus on my career or computers. I'd encourage you to spend as much time as you can learning about music, art, film, history, psychology, philosophy, food, dance, sports, nature, traveling, starting useful habits, trying new things, and most of all, hanging out with people that don't work with computers :-) College is where most people make lifelong friendships and meet their life partners, and there's very little opportunity for that (much less trying out random college courses) once you've started a career.

Work will be there for the rest of your life. You're only young once. Spend that time being young!

Oh, and start saving for retirement now! The sooner you start, the less you have to put away each month over time, making it much easier to build a nest egg.

Counter advice, going to college isn't special and I wasted 4 of the best years of my life for it.

Unless you come from a good family you can't do any of the above and most of the time is spent being cheap.

Great friendships are forged by doing hard things, college can do that but there are infinite other ways to do it.

Find a great job with smart people, take long holidays and do the above without worrying about money.

This advice is absolutely gold.

Hallo Marcus!

I studied at WWU Münster in 1998 and would go back in a heartbeat - you are very blessed to be in a beautiful city with a fantastic uni! My question is - why not do both? I'm under the impression that the startup culture has improved significantly there, that the Informatik department at the uni is good, so is there a way you can both pursue your career plan and pursue a degree at the same time? You are only young once and your work life will be long - there is a lot to be said for working on yourself as a person and building the lifelong relationships and skills that your university years can provide. I wish I had stayed and finished uni there - you live in a very special city with great culture and quality of life. My guess is that your university years could be transformational in terms of the experiences and opportunities it could produce for you.

Wishing you the very best in whatever you pursue!

I had a nontraditional background, and was labeled as a gifted kid. At your age, my dad and I were trying to get a software company off the ground, based around products I had created. That was a mixed experience - I learned a lot from it, but it was pretty stressful. At age 22 I decided to go to grad school (not having gotten my undergrad degree btw) and that turned out to be the right decision.

I'm not saying what to do, that's your decision. But I do very strongly recommend watching Bryan Cantrill's talk "Coming of Age"[1]. It goes into considerable detail about the different strengths and weaknesses people have at different ages, and how to make the best of that.

[1]: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VzdVSMRu16g

Why was it the right decision?

Before going to grad school, I was socially quite isolated, partly as a function of being labeled as gifted, partly growing up in a pretty rural area. Going to grad school let me be among a cohort of true peers for the first time in my life. That was incredibly valuable, and the friendships I formed are still meaningful.

I also benefitted from a first-class (UC Berkeley) academic computer science environment. My masters work was on static memory management for ML-family languages, which turned out to be excellent preparation for Rust. The study of algorithm theory has helped me develop parallel GPU algorithms.

Now I work as a researcher and am doing what I love. If I had stayed on the business track, I might be richer in dollars, but not as happy.

Kudos to your platform! Really cool. I'd also like to advice against skipping university. You might aim higher, but having some kind of degree helps opening some doors, especially in Germany. But I also recommend checking out some internship or part-time opportunities. Wish you all of luck!

I'm a C# guy, so I might not be of any help, but I'm a professional developer for 10+ years here in Germany. So If you have any questions, you can find my email in the about page.

I highly recommend contacting people like this that are willing to help.

Hi, RTK Query author here - from taking a skim at the code, you really went deep into our documentation. Looks good! :)

Many people here tell you "study", others tell you "don't". Both is okay. In Germany, you probably don't need it when going into IT, and in my last job we had many people coming from both perspectives and it was a great mix. What counts in most companies more than a degree is experience - and you probably will not get happy in a company where it is the other way round. One pro for studying is that you can get the time to learn social skills among your peers - I can only say for myself that I really needed that more than anything else. You could of course also do both: become a Werksstudent. In the end, it's all up to you ;) If you are looking for a job now, my old colleagues at Mayflower are always looking for promising people (and you certainly match that description). They are great developers and amazing humans. They have offices in Munich, Würzburg and Berlin, so no matter if you want to stay where you are or get out into the world a bit (which I certainly would recommend), you could work with them. Take a look at https://mayflower.de/karriere/ and even if they don't have a job as Werksstudent out there right now, just apply anyways and see. Oh, and tell them greetings from Lenz - that's me ;)

Awesome! could you add me on linkedIn? https://www.linkedin.com/in/marcus-hof/

Go to college and have fun. You are too young to waste your best years working.

"Go to college" usually implies registering with a college and becoming a student, which, to justify, is going to require way more work than you'll ever encounter in a job. Perhaps you meant to say: "Take a vacation and befriend college-aged people who like to have fun while on it"?

In the UK we have "freshers week" where all the students party straight for 1 or 2 weeks.

That is the "most" fun part of college if you're into nightlife. Friends of students would come up in the 2nd year and have a lot more fun because they had been earning money by working a full time job while students were getting themselves into debt to have a "good" time.

I don't know, does everyone have such a good time in college? I had an okay time in college. I had a better time just going to travel without attending classes

Maybe this is a ton of fun for them?

You can always work after college. Going to college after entering the workforce becomes much harder (and you lose out on the social aspects if you're too old, or if you have to split time between work and school).

It's something you might look back and ask what if, so better not skip it and he can always concentrate on building stuff while doing college.

> I decided to look for open Developer positions, to work with a team of experienced developers so I can learn even faster.

Hey Marcus! I'd like to pitch 3 alternate experiences to skipping college completely. One of these is an option I did, the other two are options I've seen other ambitious people do:

1. Try college, and quit after the first year if you don't like it. The first year of college where you meet other like-minded people is probably the most formative. If you really don't think you can do another 3 years, just walk. You'll join a long line of others who have made this decision and benefited from both. Also colleges often give you the option to come back if you change your mind.

2. Do college in 3 years instead of 4. If you're doing this level of work, you should be able to test out of a lot of classes. Do that, then pick and choose exactly what you need to get the experience you want. Use that time to meet others who do similar work and meet faculty who can materially help your journey. Then leave and get a head start on your career.

3. Take on other genuinely challenging work during your 4 years. Pack them to the gills with other things you are passionate about but you know are hard. Are you interested in nuclear energy? chemistry? nanotechnology? quantum computing? abstract algebra? a complete history of the logistics of the franco-prussian war? sitting a L1 constitutional grad course? grad-level proof writing for surface theory? do it. Try it. See if you like it, and show your ambition to faculty who can help you. Then leave after 4 years knowing you can do anything.

In the meantime travel, meet others, etc, and find out if this is actually what you want to do with your career. You'd be surprised you might change your mind, or just find something better. Or if anything, become that much more sure.

Good luck.

As a counter-point, I'm glad I didn't skip out on college. Sure it's mostly a waste of time but I was taught a lot of non-programming related stuff there that has been immensely valuable since.

This looks really professional, and I'm impressed. I like you can self-host as well; I'm not personally a fan of relying on the cloud or third-party services for things like personal task management (company task/project management is fine), which I think many on HN share. Self-hosting goes a long way to solving that.

How did you build collaborative editing? I know it's a very complex thing to achieve.

It uses the Sustainable Use License. I am not familiar with this though some googling shows several companies using it. Can you share what led you to choose it?

Minor nitpick: your readme says "First, rename .env.example to .env." but I didn't see anything in the readme referring to "env".

> How did you build collaborative editing?

As KRAKRISMOTT said, I am using TipTap with their HocusPocus backend!

> It uses the Sustainable Use License. I am not familiar with this though some googling shows several companies using it. Can you share what led you to choose it?

I mainly choose that one because of the incident with AWS offering ElasticSearch as a Service without their approval

I want something basically Opensource, where Individuals or Companies can use it freely for their own purpose BUT limtit companies from starting a competitor to Tablane Cloud from my own work.

> Minor nitpick: your readme says "First, rename .env.example to .env." but I didn't see anything in the readme referring to "env".

I forgot to add a .env.example file in the tablane-api repo. Going to fix that!

> How did you build collaborative editing? I know it's a very complex thing to achieve.

Tiptap is listed as dependency, so it is almost certainly using Y.js as the CRDT provider.

This looks promising.

I immediately went in and created a Workspace and then a Space (which I gave the same name because I was unsure what a Workspace is or a Space is), and then added some tasks with subtasks.

Then I went to "Home" and it told me "No assigned tasks".

Okay...can I assign tasks? I don't see a way.

Looking at the roadmap, I see that "assignee" is a TODO, but does that mean the Home will be blank until that's implementing? I don't know!

Also, when I open a task, the subtask list is titled "Empty". It doesn't matter whether there are subtaks entered—it's titled "Empty". I'm not sure why or if there's a way I can make it say something else—not sure what I'd want it to say.

Overall, this looks good, seems easy to use (in the sense of "typing in tasks and subtasks was quick and easy—surprisingly rare in such apps!) and I love that you're building in public this way. I'm not ready to switch to using it, but in some ways it's better than the competitors. Really, the ease at which I could type in and rearrange tasks+subtasks is better than Notion (the worst!), Emery (no subtasks), Amazing Marvin, or Todoist. Get working "inbox"/"timeline" view and "deadlines" (at a subtask level), and I might be ready to pay you money to use it.

> Okay...can I assign tasks? I don't see a way.

Pick from the Essentials column list and add "People" to the task list. Then pick yourself. It'll show up on the homepage.

Ah, yup, thanks!

As a personal TODO app, I would want things to default-assign to myself, but I realize this is meant more of a collaborative app.

Oh, I think "EMPTY" is the lack of a label? But I can't add labels, I also can't mark things as done.

The screenshots seem more "complete". so either I'm missing something or I just don't have access to a lot of the "beta" features.

You have to add a Status Column. There you will be able to add labels. After that you need to group the tasks by that Status.

Ahh, also lets me assign! Thanks!

What's most impressive is that you managed to remain 17 for two years!

> I decided to look for open Developer positions, to work with a team of experienced developers so I can learn even faster.

Good idea -- working in a team that has a few experienced developers provides a great way to rapidly learn - both to improve technical skills but also get experience and start to learn all the other skills required to be useful on real world software projects. A great environment for learning might be one where the team spends all or most of the time working from a central office. It can sometimes also be good to find a team where you're not the only junior developer, and there's a healthy ratio of junior to senior developers.

That said, one potential benefit of college is the opportunity of gaining exposure to topics or fields you might find very interesting, but don't know about yet. But you always have the option of changing your mind after a year or five of working on software projects in industry, and working in industry may also give you an idea of a particular niche you want to specialise in.

Best of luck!

Nice work! I’d also like to chime in and advise against skipping college.

Like you, I learned to program on my own through primary and middle school but it wasn’t making me any money when I started Uni. Starting Uni allowed me to get a government loan (with near zero interest rates) that made my life a lot easier so I did. In the first year, one of my ventures took off and I was making decent money, more than I would at the jobs Uni was preparing me for.

I spent the next few years only doing the bare minimum for Uni and focusing on my startup instead, but looking back it was the best time of my life. Great social life, meeting lots of new people, discovering and learning about myself, lots of free time. I’ve finished Uni 10 years ago but damn do I miss that time.

Work life is long, be patient!

Looks pretty awesome, definitely see this as a nice clickup replacements for small projects where clickup might be a little bloated/overkill.

I really like the nesting, as that's often how my mind works and why I like notion-like things where you can build nested workflows. However, w/ clickup I feel you get nesting but it's often more like hyperlinks so you don't always get to see hierarchy and how things relate, where this you get a more birds-eye view of how everything is linked to each other via the nesting/folder-like structure. Both have their pros and cons, clickup's being it can be a bit more like a wiki meets trello+notion, but again finding things is a bit more chaotic.

Do you mind sharing an example of your hierarchy? I have a similar feeling with the separation of tablane's workspaces, I though about adding a discord-like workspace switcher.

Anytime before 2010 I would have recommended to skip college. But there’s no advantage anymore to starting an engineering career early without a degree. We’ve reached a stage where programming has become a mainstream skill. The only reason to skip college is if you’re committed to become a serial entrepreneur then I’d say try hard join a late stage profitable startup or scale-up where you soak in knowledge of how that company became successful and is operated.

Please get your computer science degree. It can only improve your skillset and open doors.

I dropped out of college and ended up going back. Bc not having a degree was a deterrent to my career.

Looks very nice! What I have personally always missed everywhere is the Paradigm of seeing a project as a graph. Most pm tools only allow a specific depth for subtasks and often the functionality for subtasks is limited compared to top level tasks. Whereas what I'm looking for is the Lisp/homoiconic variant of project management tools. I want to make a nested list of tasks like you would do in a text file, and then navigate that list with all the views we know and love.

I've seen a lot of discussion about my choice of looking for a job directly after Highschool.

Reasons against college

- I recently visited a College Conference and wans't really impressed by any of them, mainly because their presented curriculum where basic js, css, html, react, easy leetcode algorithms which I already know

- I don't really happy with my current position in School, where I sit and listen to the teacher talking about a topic for an hour which I could teach myself with a 5 min youtube video

- Additionally my plan was to move to the US where Waterloo University would be 100k a year for non-us-citizen

- I've heard that after a few years of working as a Software Engineer the college degree doesn't matter anymore

- Having an income

- learning from experienced Software Engineers

Reasons for college:

- the life experience

- some people say getting a job without a degree is almost impossible

What do you guys think about this list?

> move to the US where Waterloo University would be 100k a year for non-us-citizen

That sounds like a terrible idea, to be fair. (And you don't mean University of Waterloo in Canada?). Isn't University free in Germany?

> mainly because their presented curriculum where basic js, css, html, react, easy leetcode algorithms

Maybe, but are you sure they aren't teaching engineering ethics, digital logic, discrete algebra, calculus, and a lot of other things too?

Additionally, you will never again get the chance to be 18-22 and around a whole bunch of 18-22 year-olds again. It will never be easier in your life to make friends. You have your whole life to be programming. Don't make the same mistake I made. Live it up. Study abroad. Go on spring break with friends.

> That sounds like a terrible idea, to be fair. (And you don't mean University of Waterloo in Canada?). Isn't University free in Germany?

U of Waterloo co-op program is basically a guaranteed FAANG tier job on graduation if you have any talent, which Marcus obviously has a great deal of. I have never, not once, regretted hiring a Waterloo CS grad. They have an exceptional program.

I got my first programming job at 19 (I started interviewing at 18), and the job description required at least 3 years of experience. I got an interview loop on the basis of sharing the source for some hobby programming I did. From there it was mine to lose. You have a hobby program that is impressing a number of industry professionals already, so if you want to pursue that route I assure you that with perseverance you will get a fulltime position. Whether or not it's wise for you to do so I prefer not to advise you on. I can only say that I "withdrew" from college to work and haven't regretted it since. But those were different times and different circumstances so I have no idea if that's a good idea or not now. And for what it's worth I also have a very high opinion of the mathematically rigorous approach to CS that at least used to be de rigueur at continental universities. So if those programs are still as good as they used to be you might want to consider that too.

With regard to getting that first job: unless you do a co-op program like Waterloo, there is basically no way to get an intro job without not actually meeting the experience requirements. You never see listings saying "No experience necessary!"

Good points- this is not just a cost-benefit exercise on your CV/Resume.

There are formative life and social experiences in college at 18-22, which are difficult to recreate when you're older.

Many of the friendships and experiences won't just improve your CV - they can enrich the rest of your life.

WWU has a pretty math heavy curriculum (although there are now less rigouros math courses for Informatikstudenten) and you will learn a lot of abstract thinking, computational theory, optimizations, operating systems, databases (with theoretical foundations), computer graphics, computer vision, machine learning and you can get a glimpse into things like Medizinische Informatik in seminars.

Take a look at the course list, pick one that sound interesting and just go there for a day or two in a big hörsaal, no one will care about you. Vorlesungen are boring but it will give you insights on the topics you will study there.

In most courses no one will care whether you go there or not, just do it at home and quicker.

You won‘t need all of that but it will give you a strong foundation for whatever the future holds.

If you want to work look for part time positions and study on the side. It‘s easy because the cost is only €600/year and includes public transport.

The degree will help you everywhere: immigration, getting past hr, getting jobs that go beyond web dev etc.

Be careful about trying to recreate campus experience with YouTube videos at home. If a lecture is basic and you could indeed replace it with a quick video, look for better, more challenging or unique lectures/degrees/curricula. The whole adage of if you’re the smartest guy in the room, you’re in the wrong wrong room.

You’ll quickly reach a point where YouTube and Google won’t easily do, and only genuine and deep work will. That’s when rewarding, lasting impressions will happen (which superficial topics like HTML or the latest JS framework aren’t!). It shouldn’t be like just another frontend boot camp, just longer. Challenge yourself and reap the benefits forever. That and campus life in general of course…

I'm also experiencing OP's problem.

> If a lecture is basic and you could indeed replace it with a quick video, look for better, more challenging or unique lectures/degrees/curricula.

This has for years been a point of frustration for me.

Do you have any suggestions on how to get into more challenging lectures when the previous ones are prerequisites, and cannot be tested out of?

> Do you have any suggestions on how to get into more challenging lectures when the previous ones are prerequisites, and cannot be tested out of?

Not much you can do. However, even university administration is just people, at the end of the day. It's surprising how much can be achieved and how many rules can be bent favourably if one simply asks nicely, or has the right connections. That said, you'll need some proof that you're capable of skipping classes. "I find it easy" wouldn't do.

As a person in college right now, I think you should do what you think is best for you. If you end up regretting not going to college, you can always go back and get your bachelors and pay for it yourself.

As for why I went to college; I made that decision because I didn't really know what I wanted to do or where I was headed and I wasn't experienced at all in programming or any CS related topics.

The main benefit for me was being in an environment where I was introduced to new CS topics/ideas. As for having a deep understanding of those topics and how to implement them, I had to self study/teach myself.

My point is, is that you shouldn't feel pressured to do anything. You need to make a decision that works best for you because the value of uni/college is, and will be, different for everyone. :)

I created a smart planner app at a similar age [1] and I'm now in my third year of university studying CS. I've also had a taste of industry from building a journal app as a freelancer [2], interning at a department of my uni [3] and interning at Wise [4].

- The whole js, css, html, react stuff sounds more like a beginner web dev bootcamp that should last a few months rather than a 3-4 year CS degree. Avoid that.

- Sometimes YouTube is great. E.g., a playlist from a Cambridge lecturer [5] was immensely more valuable than the live lectures I was being delivered alongside 200+ other students. I don't think lectures are efficient but I typically have a mix of lectures + labs + coursework and now, a substantial individual project supervised by a researcher. I'm excited for the future of edtech and programs like OSSU [6] are great if the focus is purely on absorbing CS content but its limited. Something else I found is that the modules I dreaded the most and certainly wouldn't have opted into had they been optional were the ones I learned the most from. Who knew that an Interaction Design class would be so relevant for doing customer discovery in a startup.

- No doubt that you can also have an income while studying.

- Pick up an internship to learn from experienced software engineers.

- The life experience is something I'll miss dearly, be it sports, socialising, dipping into the startup culture (We have an on campus accelerator).

- I stress more about turning down jobs than worrying about not having one.

If you have access to a quality CS degree that doesn't cost you a kidney then go for it.

[1] https://github.com/Cheon-App/planner [2] https://reflection.app [3] https://the-ciru.com [4] https://medium.com/wise-engineering/wise-engineering-interns... [5] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UEAMfLPZZhE&list=PLeKd45zvjc... [6] https://github.com/ossu/computer-science

You have a good instinct there.

Go work for as long as you think it's rewarding, and maybe in a few years you might want to go to university and then you can easily work part time as a freelancer. You'll be one of the few students who don't have to worry about money.

Anyway, do whatever motivates you the most right now!

If you're interested in working in Berlin, send me message, I might be able to give you some recommendations and/or contacts depending on what you want to do.

Hi, definitely interested! I couldn't find any contact information on your HN account.

You can do both.

I'm almost the same age as you.

I work full time with university (both remote and in separate timezone). There are partial remote options for CS which didn't exist before pandemic. You may only need to attend for semester and in-between exams in person and rest you can run it on your own pace.

I don't spend much time on university since there is no mandatory lecture or attendance. I know a lot of the course work already so I can do fine on submissions, exams, etc without having to attend remote lectures and watching videos.

It can be tough especially with maths and there is no campus lifestyle.

Daily meeting is with people in 40s instead of 18-20 year olds but I love that, some may not.

I only need the degree and some formal framework so I'm not super picky about the university ranking. Most options available are not "elite" so that's something to consider.

They are also paid out of pocket unlike germany where university is free. It can be expensive but since I work, I don't have to worry about it.

You need to watch out for accreditation. There are few authorities in each countries with specific rules with regards to whether the degree will be recognized if done part time or partially remote.

You can also get an equivalence certificate for immigration purposes.

The trade offs made sense for me. It may not for you or someone else. I'm happy with my current position.

Feel free to email me (in the profile) if you want to discuss or learn more. Throwaway for privacy reasons.

If you choose not to go to college, I encourage you to write a lot. Communication is a thing you practice a lot in college, possibly without even noticing.

An additional pro of university is that it can teach you things that you might never learn working, and it let's you "test" your interests without having to work in a specific field.

This is invaluable as time will start slipping in front of you faster and faster, and soon you won't have time anymore to experiment and try new things.

As a general advice, I'd tell you to give college a try, and apply to something that is only tangentially close to coding. Keep working on your startup and keep improving your CS skills as you have been doing, and in College try new things. Whether you want to be a coder or an entrepreneur, you'll require many different skills. A diverse study plan that includes a bit of different subjects (economics, law and alikes) can be very useful.

Think of what you have achieved in only 17 years, and then try to picture where you'll be in another 20. And what the world will look like in 20 years. Your most valuable asset is and will be your brain, so the most you can develop it, the better.

Disclaimer: I'm a University professor

Just to be sure, do you mean Waterloo University? If so, this is in Ontario, Canada, not the US. You could always go to Waterloo or another reputable school for a master's degree, if you'd like to specialize in something you find yourself liking while in post-secondary.

I was just listing Waterloo University as an example as that is the one Joma Tech went to: https://www.youtube.com/c/jomaoppa

If you're not interested in learning about CS in Uni-level, how about looking at other fields? I'm an economics bachelor myself, learning everything about s/w dev outside of college, but I find applying what I've learned to ML and business to be really fun and, well, don't regret it at all.

If you have any interest in other fields, such as communication, I.R., psychology, or economics, they'd be helpful I think. And you can clear out those pesky migrate-with-bachelors visa requirements people have mentioned.

There are also correspondence college courses (traditional MOOC equivalent), but yeah, it's not really a substitute for undergraduate life.

First of all, congratulations! This is fantastic work at any age, let alone 17.

One piece of advice - you should do some research on US/Canadian immigration policies and how a college degree affects (or doesn’t affect) your ability to immigrate. This is something that may not be top of mind for you, but if your goal is to move to the US it’s a very important factor to consider.

You could also think about apprenticeships. They're gaining in popularity and prestige across many countries now.

Big players such as Google offer software engineering apprenticeships targeted at people interested in tech but without formal CS degrees. They're a great way to learn, do real work and rotate around different teams.

You're probably right that a college is not the fastest or cheapest way for you to learn but the world works in funny ways. You might find a degree opens more doors than it should.

That said there are ways to get those qualifications at your own pace and much cheaper. Find a way to speed run a degree. It'll be worth it.

> Find a way to speed run a degree. It'll be worth it.

Yeah there are many options. One thing you can do if you have any other advanced qualification and work experience is directly enroll in an online master's program. Some universities allow it. Some will take passing certain exams at the same level as bachelor but those exams do not require you to spend 4 years specifically. You can take them anytime depending on knowledge.

This way, you can speed run through an advanced degree in 2 years remotely while working full time. OMSCS has good reputation and there are other solid programs.

At last, you could also do part time university targetted at adults which provide more leeway in attendance or group activities.

> You might find a degree opens more doors than it should.

You might, but it (typically) comes so late in life is it really worth it? I worked while my friends went to college. They're now starting to see these doors open. I'm ready to retire.

> Find a way to speed run a degree. It'll be worth it.

That will help over a traditional track, but unless you're ready to speed run a degree at like the age of 10, you're still going to be way behind. Due to the time value of money, the most valuable working years are in your teens (or even before, although the law can often make that a challenge).

Back in the day my theory of college education was: figure out what you’re good at so you don’t have to work very hard and spend the maximum amount of time partying on the government’s dime.

If what you’re good at is a marketable skill (mine wasn’t) then all the better.

Also, probably not the best advice.

Maybe "duales Studium" could be some kind of middle ground?

I can only second that. Sounds exactly what OP is looking for.

Coded throughout my teenage years, didn’t go to college and that was one of the best decisions of my life.

A lot of very hard things of life were pressed upon me a lot faster than if I had stayed in the candy world of education, like: “who am I? What do I really want to do besides making money?” And yes, indeed getting visas can be 10x harder, but with the right skills and lawyers you can make it work. And honestly, if you’re going to do something for 3-5 years of your life, just to get a piece of paper to go somewhere, that’s a significant chunk of your life consumed… especially in an age where you can work anywhere on well paid exciting opportunities.

Bottom line is that: everybody is always going to give their biased opinion. Most people who have gone to school will say that school is great. Dropping out is not for everyone. Not everybody has equal mental and emotional strength. For some people, it might be dangerous, they may not know how to find themselves in the world at such a young age. But if you have confidence, courage, skills and trust your ability to grow up faster than avg, then I fully celebrate you my man!

I fully concur with everybody suggesting you to not skip a university education. As a basic example from this project, fundamentals of OT/CRDT which you need to deploy to make colab editing work correctly (you have used that, right?) are so much easier to grok after a bit of theory classes. Your future colleagues will thank you for it.

This is very impressive. While there may be some aspects of messaging, UI, etc. that could be improved upon, the overall features and thoroughness are impressive. This level of development would be impressive for a seasoned developer, and even more so for someone who is only 17 years old. It is truly amazing.

Hi Marcus!

Firstly, I like your project, and it's impressive for someone of your age. Like you, I also have started learning about Development through Minecraft Plugins, which is nice to see. :)

Since you are thinking about not going to College because of wanting to work, maybe a "Duales Studium" is a good idea. It's what I'm doing currently, and I can only recommend it to you. You will experience both "real" Work and Studying at the same time, while also earning some money, which may be the best of both worlds, for me at least and maybe for you too.

Nice job so far!

One thing that would help onboarding, I think, may be an initial/sample/example/default workspace with some illustrative sections and tasks. It's a bit too empty/minimal up front, but I see some potential/promise here for sure.

Again, nice work!

Thanks for the feedback! That is definitely something I am going to add. (a workspace setup like in the https://tablane.net preview)

Awesome job! I noticed two issues on your landing page which I didn't see mentioned yet.

The first link in the nav bar points to the frontpage but it's not shown as active and that isn't apparent from the link text either, so it seems like a broken link.

The "Open app" & "Get started" links break the browsers back button. These are the first links I'd click, and at this point I have no idea what I'm even signing in to so I'd want to go back and explore a bit before... but since the back button doesn't work, I'd just close the tab and forget about it :)

I would also throw a lock icon on the button to signal the fact that login is required.

Thanks! I created an issue for that bug: https://github.com/Tablane/tablane/issues/15

Very good work on your application, but are you not going to college at all?

> Now I am about to finish Highschool and originally I thought about applying to college and spending another 3-5 years there, but after the positive feedback I got on a three month internship I did at ContentPepper, and seeing how my own projects developed, I decided to look for open Developer positions, to work with a team of experienced developers so I can learn even faster.

I think you should go to college because with that degree you can enhance your portfolio even more so that you get better jobs. While your work speaks for itself, are you 100% sure about not going to college?

Don't listen to old folks, you're able to ship quality code production ready already, uni won't make you a better engineer comparing to a self taught path that you have already started and have made results with. The more you make money young the better it will compound through the years the earlier you can retire. Focus on making money, not degree. Keep this creative energy, bootstrap more projects, continue to bring value to the world... It will pay off. You're obviously talented, following uni will end up wasting your time which is highly valuable at that age.

There's more to life than money, and more to uni than job training.

OP is clearly skilled and will do well, uni for well-roundedness will make them an even better person with broader skills.

us old folks have a priceless property - experience. ignore this at your peril.

It’s more impressive that you spent 2 years as a 17-year-old.


I am always glad to see video games leading to creating your own project.

Tablane looks really good and I look forward to trying it.

I second the comment to not skip college, mainly for the friendships you can make and for the chance to explore other fields in the humanities like art, literature, languages, and music.

Rather than becoming an employee for others, I'd aim to start my own company. And looking at the set of your skills, which are better than a lot of people older than you, you could make that a reality.

Also, some honest advice: You should sell this. Don't give anything away for free!

My goal is to achive a business model like PostHog and Calcom, where the app is basically free for individuals and companies, but I charge money for enterprise features and support!

Any domain you are especially interested to work in? Robotics, finance, media, sports, health?

Moin Marcus,

as someone who had to make the same decision, I can strongly recommend you to take CS at TUM, the program is awesome (they just hosted the largest hackathon in Europe) and quite challenging. Let me know if you have any questions :)

This looks really good. Thank you for your hard work.

I would like this kind of tool to be integrated with a Mozilla Ubiquity style interface or Sublime Text command palette and integrations with Zapier, so we can actually build things with the tool.

I agree! Integrations with tools like Zappier, Activepieces, etc are definitely super userful and already planned:


If anyone likes the look of this but needs something bigger / more feature rich, look at monday.com - most of this is clearly inspired by the way monday works (not a bad thing, mind and an impressive start)

Nice work, Marcus. This is really impressive. Dig the polish on everything.

Really nice looking work! How did you build your landing page and your design? One of the major gaps in my skillset is design/css, so I'm always impressed by good looking sites like yours.

I design things by throwing a lot of elements I like from other places together.

Here are some examples: https://imgur.com/a/5EL2LJq

That's quite a simple and sensible answer! Nice work. I might need to assemble some reference material for myself like that.

A lot of people are saying it’s best to go to school when you’re young, that it’s easier because you don’t have a family and other responsibilities.

The same is true of starting a business.

Hi Marcus! This looks extremely interesting, would have loved to try it out, but trying to sign up / create an account always shows a "Something went wrong" message...

Could you open the Devtools and check the exact error?

I tried to signup with test@test.test with threw an error but test@test.net worked!

Yes, that was it. I had a non-common TLD in the email domain. com/net/org are no problem but it seems that many country TLDs and generic TLDs are not working. Thanks for pointing me in the right direction but can I suggest that you tweak the email validation algo, so that it allows basically anything as TLD. Otherwise you'll always end up missing some new or more exotic TLDs.

While you're at it, please also make sure you support "plus addressing", and let people change their email in the profile settings without having to email you...

Email address validation is not easy, you'd be surprised what weird things can be in valid email addresses ;-)

I'm now going to check it out in more detail.

Thanks for sharing this - and happy birthday from me as well.

Thank you!

I didn't notice email validation was such a huge problem. I created an issue: https://github.com/Tablane/tablane/issues/17

Hey, that's pretty neat! I'm a Redux maintainer, and it's always great to see people building things with Redux Toolkit / RTK Query. Congrats!

I went through all different redux version, by starting with writing every Reducer myself (I know now this is not recommended anymore), then switching to redux toolkit, and finally realized what I actually need is Server Side State with RTK Query!

Excellent work. Committing to working on something for 2 years and shipping is an incredible achievement at any age let alone 17. Keep at it and you'll go places!

Good luck!

Very impressive! You should definitely have some sort of paid tier! The demo on the homepage is great.

btw, minor bug, it's not possible to back out of the login page :p

Thanks, I am planning to use the posthog / calcom business model, by making an awesome product which is free to use. But charge money for enterprise features or support.

I created an issue for that bug: https://github.com/Tablane/tablane/issues/15

This is really impressive work. I’m the founder of posthog - James at you can guess it dot com. If you decide to get a dev job, and you think you’d learn a lot here, happy to chat!


I already applied 2 weeks ago, but was denied with the reason that you are currently looking for more experienced developers: https://github.com/PostHog/posthog.com/pull/4922

I'm giving it a try (using the cloud version) and can't find how to assign someone or set a status to a task. Is it limited to the private beta?

You have to add a People Column to the Board in the top right corner, in which you can assign someone.

The private beta is refering to the versions before v0.1, when there wasn't a publicly hosted version.

Thanks but I have no idea how to do that, maybe I'm not even in the "board view" for starter. Ok, found it, the small + icon. I would suggest to make it more obvious that this icon hides all the nice stuff

The onboarding is something I need to work on! I plan on having a basic example of some board right after you sign up.

I had more time to play with it and kinda like it. Do you have plans for image pasting in task description and maybe comments too?

Pasting images into the description is something I plan on doing! A problem there would be stoage costs. (a solution would be a google drive integration)

what do you mean by pasting comments into the task description?

Sorry I meant pasting images in description and in comments. Glad this is on your list!

Congratulations on sticking to it and delivering a useable product after 2 years of work! That's an impressive feat at your age.

Thanks, the main inspiration was to avoid paying 8$/month to a competitor and actually using it myself!

To get this far in two years is amazing - great work. Your marketing page is fab as well

Love your story, Marcus. Wish you all the best with your developer journey

This looks amazing, congrats! The license is really well thought too.

Can't wait for you to be spotted and hired by ClickUp ;-)

I would have already applied at ClickUp if they weren't hiring only 5+ year Experience Software Engineer

If you're good enough (and you are!), sometimes requirements like these aren't as set in stone as they may appear and rules can be bent/positions created.

It'd be worth pinging over an email to someone senior there if you haven't already with a link to your portfolio (and maybe this post) if you're particularly interested.

How would you recommend to find the email of a senior engineer at ClickUp?

This is very professional looking code, congratulations!

Nice job!

I stopped reading at "Tablane is a workspace that adapts to your needs. It's as minimal or as powerful as you need it to be."

This tells me nothing and triggers my "do not ever go there scam" sense.

The sentence was so generic it felt superfluous. It made me think of "Welcome to zombocom. You can do anything at zombocom."

Settings don't seem to work on mobile.

Yes, they are currently not mobile optimized. It's not a high priority because I think doing it once on a Desktop/Laptop is okay for now.

Congratulations on launch

it kills almost exactly like click up

it looks almost exactly like clickup

please stop advertising age (17).

> Show HN: I spent 2 years building Tablane as a 17-year-old

How did you remain 17 for 2 years?

They must be travelling at over 80% the speed of light

Birthday on the 29th of Feb?

Actually my birthday is tomorrow

Happy birthday!

Happy birthday for tomorrow!


Happy Birthday :)

Happy birthday!


Beat me to it.

Consider applying for YC's Spring batch! Applications are open till Feb 11.

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